Page 39 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 39
FEATURES OCTOBER1.2,2006- Page 5 'Free the squirrels' a nutty misnomer "I feel like nothing should squirrels or one big popula- universities like Texas A&M released from their traps. MELANIE CHUPEIN be done to the squirrels that tion," said senior Anna and has been very successful "This is unfair to those of us STAFF WRITER would cause physical or emo- Kulow. as a learning experience," who want to learn this The squirrels on campus tional stress," said senior Ted "Traps are being kept open Kulow says. method of studying animal have practically taken over. Hamer. for only an hour or two at a As for the rumor that squir- populations so that we may They freely roam everywhere, "They are a staple on cam- time, when students are avail- reis have been dying, she use it in the future for wildlife hiding in trees, scurrying pus; everyone enjoys watch- able to mark and release them assures, "One squirrel was conservation," Kulownotes. across the street, and scamper- Ing them run and play." With as soon as possible," Dr. Iglich found ill in a trap and was "My goal as is most conser- ing across the quad. All of this regards to the group, Hamer explains. "We need to have a taken to a wildlife specialist vationists is to prevent ani- changed recently when six admits, "The Facebook group certain number trapped to for medical treatment. The mals from' becoming extinct. traps were placed around I started is half joke and half make the estimation tech- squirrel did die, but the spe- But in order to gather essential campus, in plain view of the serious. I really don't think nique work" c:ialistdetermined that the ani- information on animals so that squirrels as well as the any harm should come to the Lindsey Grieb, another con- mal was likely ill before enter- this goal can be reached, it is McDaniel community. squirrels unless completely servation biology student, ing the trap." sometimes necessary to per- People's initial response to justified, but honestly I'm not insists, "The squirrels are not Additionally, there has been form these studies." all the traps is that this is cru- that heatedly against the traps being harmed, and they're talk about the squirrels being "Doing a population count is elty to animals. Seeing an if the class is learning some- getting a free meal. As long as attacked by hawks. not easy because we have a innocent squirrel confined to a thing important from the the people taking care of the "There was an incident TON of squirrels 01\ campus," cage has sparked passionate experiment and taking all traps make sure to check them where a bird tried to attack a Menng confesses. "We also opposition. measures to ensure the squir- regularly, there should not be trapped squirrel," Grieb are dealing with a problem "It is a terrible travesty to rels are not being harmed any any problems:" shares. "I personally chased that conservation biologists the human race, and this prac- more than is absolutely neces- "Everyone in the class is the bird away and released the deal with all the time, which tice is contradictory to the sary committed to the squirrels' squirrel, unharmed. That are well-meaning members of institution," said student Scott This entire ordeal boils down safetyandhealth,"LizMering issue was addressed and the the public trying to help the Madara. "I wept for days u: to m\scommunication and adds. "We are a conservation cages were moved to more animals. It is hard to try to biology class so most of us are covered locations where birds educate people that our pri- strongly committed to envi- could not get to them." mary concern is the well being ronmental and conservation "Squirrels on campus are of the animals. This is a prob- principles." being attacked all the time and lem that has just come up in The class needs to mark a eaten by these hawks," Dr. the last few weeks and we are total of twenty squirrels in lgllch explains. "1 have seen currently trying to figure out order to obtain accurate data them do this; it is part of the how to manage to continue for this study. They have natural process which helps the project." already reached the halfway prevent the populations from For now, the study has been point. The class spray-paints overpopulating." put on hold so the class has a small part of the squirrel as a The logic behind placing the time to discuss what is hap- means of tracking it. traps in such obvious loca- pening. Otherwise, it would be neces- tions has backfired. "Conservation Biologists the despair, thinking of those misinterpretation. sary to trap even more squir- Dr. Igllch reasons that the have to learn how to trap, ppor squirrels and squirrel Dr. Esther Iglich's rels. In addition to a bit of cages have been set where mark and estimate population family. The Constitution pro- Conservation Biology class spray-paint, three squirrels they are on purpose S9 the ~tu.- number, and home t~60ries vid~s for a basic protection of has set the traps in order to are. wearing iradio collars ~ d~nts:~a~j.etter ~e~:~.e·I'-Sicju,k- for animals,' Dr. I&.~ stress- rights, and seeing how squir- conduct a study that spans order to better follow thenl, rets once they are trapped, es. "Our efforts~'"a~ being rels are divine, squirrels over a period of a few weeks. which according to Dr. Igttch, mark them, and then quickly undermined by this group should be protected:' "The purpose of catching is another important tech- release them. The idea is to be [who tampers with the This protest to the treat- the squirrels is to mark and ruque that has to be learned. as cautious and minimalist as traps]." It is important to ment of the squirrels has even release them so that we may McDaniel College is not the possible. The problem with understand that the squirrels seeped onto Facebook, where determine their home range- only school to be conducting this strategy is that everyone are not being harmed and the group, "Free the their 'territory'-and see how this study. else on campus also takes once a few more squirrels are Squirrels!" has been devel- far, whether McDaniel has "This exact project has been notice. As a result, many of marked, the cages will be oped. extent at other the squirrels have been lrnproptu soccer game in red square: stu- Jackie Kahler defends against an opposing dents enjoy a warm day on the hill. player at an October girls' soccer game at McDaniel College.
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