Page 35 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 35
Westminster, MD Vo1.6 No.3 social life mix Page 6-7 INSIDE H~mecominB WInnerS, wemers rules. A crowd of alumni, par~ JENNA SWARTZ ents, and students shout furi- STAFFWRlTER ously. John Floyd stares at a heap- The crazy contest, just like ing paper plate of hog dogs. the Homecoming game, dis- It's halftime. He hasn't been plays school spirit like noth- playing football, no-he's ing else. The brain child of been preparing" to eat. Jason Norton and sponsored Scarfing down the six hotdogs by Alpha Sigma Phi, the hot- he shoves into his mouth, one dog eating helped raise right after the other, his eyes money for Canine are fierce with competition. Companions, a non-profit He's in the final round. organization that trains dogs Dipping each hotdog bun in a for people-with physical dis- cup of water for faster dtges- abilities. The dogs are trained tion, Floyd, along with 10 to guide the blind, fetch other serious eaters, competes Objects, and to even open for the coveted title of hotdog doors, making life a little easi- champ. Friends cheer them er for those who need assis- on and coaches stand behind tance with every day tasks. the eaters, meticulously 420 hotdogs and buns later, ~atching to make sure no one graciously donated from new dean catches the heat the facts," said a member of "If I know there's some- XDU who spoke on the condi- thing going on with students "I think, based on my new- tion of anonymity. "This event off campus that could involve When Beth Gerl, ness, that that brought some has happened for 12years and possible arrests, I think it's the McDaniel's new Vice uncertainty, which ts under- nothing bad has ever hap- right thing that the student President and Dean of Student standable but not accurate," pened. It hasn't been a prob- group's made aware of that," Affairs, arrived in Gerl said. "I don't want there -Iem and never will [be]." Gerl said. "I don't want to see Westminster, she could have to be opposition. I want there But Gerl said her concern students be in situations that never expected the firestorm to be collaboration and part- and subsequent contacting- of could be problematic for. that awaited her. nership." those associated with the them." In just over a month, Some of the vocal opposi- party came from learning According to the XDU rumors about possible policy tion arose from Cerl's per- about the event and that local member contacted for this changes linked to alcohol use ceived role in stopping the off- police were aware of it as well. story, Gerl informed them on touched off unprecedented campus Chi Delta Upsilon Though it could not be the Thursday before the party student resentment across (XDU) party originally sched- Independently verified how that if it occurred, authorities campus. uled for Sept. 16. the information got from one might be there to arrest atten- Student resentment boiled The party, reputed by rnul- source to another, the dees. Gerl said she also told Drinking games: a over into defamatory Internet tiple sources as sizable, was Westminster Police members that she did not how-to guide postlngs and a postponed called off after what some said Department, Carroll County want the party moved to Page 6 protest. was Gerl's instrumental role Sheriff's Office and Gerl said McDaniel. Other concerns Gerl said she hopes to in the cancellation. they knew about the party in about some of Gerl's actions in establish a positive, produc- "[Dean Gerl] acted without advance. (see "Decu" 011 page 2) Phi Sig sisters urider scrutiny The rumors have spread Sources have confirmed GEOFF PECKHAM around campus, but in reality that the sorority had more STAFF WR1TER few know what really hap- than the allowed number of Members of the Phi Sigma pened on the night of Sept. 27, people sleeping in a dorm in Sigma sorority have been when the Department of Blanche Ward Hall an the under administrative scrutiny Campus Safety was called to night in question. According recently due to concerns that Blanche Ward Hall for a possi- to the sources, the girls were the group may have violated ble hazing incident. part of the incoming pledge strict rules that govern the Because it is still yet to be class, and there may have pledging process. resolved, no involved been alcohol in the room, As a result, some students McDaniel staff are permitted though none of this could be believe the Greek organization to talk about the allegations .. cOnfi~::~y from the sorority has already lost its pledge Director of Campus Safety class, clubroom, and may even Mike Webster could not even or the pledge class would e be kicked off campus, acknowledge t name of the ::~~~tfr:;c~~s~atiĀ°~n~~~~! Homecoming collage inside thoughts that, as of press time, organization t at was being Page 10 are untrue. investigated. (see "Sorority" Oll page 2)
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