Page 30 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 30
·Jan-Tenn abroad opportunities continue to grow small, we have an amazing tration camps from World War KEN BUERGER array of study-abroad courses II, including Auschwitz- STAFF WRITER available." Birkenau as well as traveling With six new or revived One of these new cou rses into lsrael to study the coun- study abroad opportunities, takes students to China with try's history. This year, the McDaniel College Jan Professor Ira Domser. Hungary was added to this Term program is getting a Students will have the oppor- trip "primarily for the pur- facelift. New trips to China, tunity to visit the Great Wall, pose of connecting with London, Italy, New York City, cruise on the Li River and tour Mcfraniel's companion cam- Budapest and Guatemala Hong Kong. pus in Budapest," says have been added to the Dr. Peter Bradley will Goldman. already vast selection of off- attempt to bring a group of For a more hands-on study campus study tours for 2007. students to London" this tour, students can sign up for "Our new Jan Term pro- January after last year's trip Dr. Amy McNichol's trip to grams are a great opportunity was cancelled because' of the Guatemala. Here, students for students to learn the histo- terrorist attacks. This year's will participate in a Habitat ry and physical environment trip has no apparent conflicts. for Humanity project, build- of a country outside of a class- while visiting the Pitts River ing houses in Quetzaltenango, room," says Study' Abroad Museum and the British Guatemala for poverty-strick- China: Art and Culture: Ira Domser x2592, $2,500 Director Rose Falkner. Library, students will inten- en families. The popularity of these pro- sively study the philosophies Finally,our sister campus in grams reflect Falkner's state- of John Locke, Charles Darwin Budapest is offering a ments. The number of stu- and Sir Isaac Newton. European economics class as dents traveling abroad for This year's trip to Israel another opportunity for stu- their Jan Term more than dou- faces a similar dilemma. The dents to experience a different bled over the last year, from 46 current political situation in culture. students in 2005 to '102 in 2006. the Middle East may force "Jan Terms abroad are great Back in 2002, a mere 18 stu- Professor Emmanuel for anyone that is either dents made the journey. Goldman to change plans. unable to afford or unwilling This increase in enrollment "'Given the recent war to commit to spending an resulted in the call for more between Lebanon and Israel, entire semester or year in a opportunities to study abroad. we wi!! monitor the security different country>' says These new programs are in situation and judge whether Falkner. addition to trips to Cameroon, we will travel in the northern Slowly but surely, the study Belize, Poland, Hungary, (Galilee) region as extensively abroad Jan Terms are becom- Israel, San Salvador and as Jest January," says ing more popular among stu- Mexico. Goldman. "Historically, the dents. A survey of alumni "Jan Term really is our sig- Galilee is a quiet sector." revealed that the study abroad nature program," says If all goes to plan, Goldman program offered at [an Term Falkner. "For a campus this hopes to visit various concen- was the highlight of ell their Poland, Israel and Hungary: Landscapes ofMemory,RoutesI\D~M UAH1S Dr. Manny Goldman. $3,000. of Hope: Below are the projected costs and contact information for all of the trips: London: Enlightenment Philosophy: Dr. Peter Bradley, x2565. Price TBA Italy Through the Lens: Sue Bloom x2597, $2,805 New York Theatre Immersion: Elizabeth van den Berg, x2591. $900 Volunteer in Guatemala: Dr. Amy McNichols, x2461. Price TBA Culture and Politics in Cameroon: Zephia Bryant, x2791. $2,625 Fishing and Diving in Belize: Prof. Herb Smith, x2413 Tropical Marine Biology: Dr. Samuel Alspach, 2403. Price TBA. ~Of;~~~~~::i~~~~!g~:~~~~~St~ea;:~~c:~f their beds as .car~~:~<1~~ Students lined up outside the registrars office hOlog~aphy Inp to Italy. WIth pillows and blen- Viva Mexico: Dr. Thomas Deveny, x2465. $1,884. kets] and kept count of their placement. The ~me ew 35 people would get to go, yet more than 4S hopefuls waited. y
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