Page 28 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 28
SEPTEMBER 28, 2006 - Page 10 COMMENTARY Vote, but get to know the candidates first trinate us on were .paid for Governor against incum- MIKE HABEGGER the impor- "She told us how it was all about touch. was because bent Bob Ehrlich, who is CO-EDITOR IN CrnEF they expect- tance of our apparently "Changing Elections are won by get- job as es, or what Jason and I like to call, voter ed the pri- Maryland for the Better." You ting people to vote. They "Knocker & molestation. Apparently, it takes seven mary race to decide if that is true, and then don't need to know why they Dropper." 'touches' to get someone to vote." be closer get out to the polls on are voting, or for what, they She told than the gen- November 7th, and make it just need to vote. us how it eral election. true. On September 12th, it was was all about touches, or what We witnessed a lot. Every Kweisi Mfurue proved a for- Pi Gamma Mu, the social primary day in Maryland. My Jason and I like to call, voter house we visited was inhabit- midable opponent, garnering science honor society, is host- roommate, Jason Stambaugh molestation. Apparently, it ed by the lovely Jews in 38 % of the vote, to Cardin's ing a candidate meet and greet (,06), and Ihad the privilege of takes seven "touches" to get Pikesville, some of the most 47%. Cardin's opponent in the on Monday, October 9th, from helping to elect Ben Cardin as someone to vote. Imagine politically participatory citi- general election is Lt. Gov. approximately 7:00 to 9:00 the Democratic candidate for this: You ring the doorbell at a zens in America. Most have Michael Steele, who has a p.m., in Decker Auditorium. the "holy grail" of elections, a house, making sure that the overgrown gardens, lead ing good name, and is regarded as Among the candidates attend- vacant Senate seat. TV in the living room is us to conclude that Ben a good talker, but not much ing are Vincent DiPietro, "We canvassed Ben Cardin's turned on. As the resident Cardin's base is very photo- ,else. Ben Cardin has 40 years Michael Zimmer, Julia Gouge, base," said Stambaugh. answers the door, you are also synthetic. of political experience, nearly and Dennis Beard for county "Basically, our sale mission calling them on the phone (1), After canvassing about four 20 of those years representing commissioner; Gary Bauer, was to get the Jews in holding up a sign (2), putting neighborhoods, and visiting Maryland's 3rd district in the Patricia Gadberry, and Dave Pikesville to the polls, because a door-hanger on their door 190 houses each, we went 10 US Congress. Roush for the board of educa- that was Ben Cardin's home (3), coordinating a truck to the Fort Garrison Elementary "Ben Cardin, he stands for tion; Tanya Shewell and Frank territory." drive by the house that also School, a polling station in pragmatism ... ," said Rammes tor delegate; Andrew Yes, it was mandatory vol- has a sign on it (4), insuring Pikesville, and were certified Stambaugh (this is perhaps Duck for congress; an unteer work for a class, and that a Ben Cardin ad is on the as a "Challenger and wishful thinking ... ). "... and O'Malley "presence;" and yes, we got paid over a hun- TV (5), saying 'Ben Cardin,' Watcher." They had problems for solutions that seek not to either Ben Cardin or a surro- dred dollars, but we learned a (6), and wearing a T-Shirt (7), with counting the votes using polarize the electorate, but to gate speaker. All members of [at. Jason and Ithink that we and you have your seven the new electronic system, so do the heavy lifting for prob- the college community are are now ready to run a presi- touches. It's probably a better we were prisoners of the cam- lems facing America today." strongly encouraged to attend. dential campaign based solely idea to spread these touches paign until about 10 p.m., Even though Cardin literal- P.S., you can vote for Ben on the experience we gained. out over a period of seven when we finally were able to ly bought my vote, alas, I am Cardin if you aren't Jewish. We drove to the Parkville weeks, but right there, a voter drive home and get to Buffalo not a resident of Maryland. I Jason Stambaugh contributed to staging area, arriving at 7 AM has enough exposure to a can- Wild Wings. have bigger fish to fry at home the reporting of this article. to hear Sarah Greenberg, didate to have the potential to Our precinct coordinator, with Rick Santorum. director of canvassing, indoc- vote for him / her. Jake, said that the reason we Martin O'Malley is running Quit with CCHD budget. SARAH GROSH The success rate of STAFF WRITER McDaniel's smoking cessation Stand outside Hill long program is difficult to estab- enough and you'll notice two lish, as students often neglect things: one, you're probably to follow up with Smith not the only one late for class; House after receiving their and two, a good number of gum or patch. This is unfortu- McDaniel students are out nate as following a structured getting their nicotine fix. program and checking in reg- r should know; I'm usual- ularly can significantly ly one of them. . improve your chances of quit- Any smoker knows that ting. With this in mind, quitting isn't easy, but there Carroll County Health are things that can make it Department (CCHO) offers a easier. Responding to an seven week program where increase in the level of college your progress is watched a lit- students smoking, smoking ~le m.ore closely. (Participants cessation programs have in this program also receive a begun offering grants for col- voucher for free patches or Pour House Cafe Music leges to start their own pro- gum.) grams. It's hard to beat a program McDaniel is one such col- that helps you save money October lege, having received a $4,000 and your health at the same grant from the Carroll County Health Department. Smith time. If you've been thinking ab~ut quitting, its time to get Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesd Thursday Friday House offers patches, gum, sen~us and not let this oppor- a and other aids 'to any student rurnry pass by. (I'll be sure to 2 3 4 5 6 trying to quit smoking com- let you know much success pletely free of charge. That's a Dave Michael Andrew Karyn Oliver Heather Uoyd TBO huge incentive, as a $50 box of I'm having, but you'll proba- bly already know if you have Cipriani Friedman Grimm patches or even a $30 box of a 9:10 in Hill Hall.) lla-l-p 7:30- 7:30- 7:30-9:30P (of Ilyaimy) gum usually falls outside the 9:30P 9:300 student's Tomy 7:30-9:30p Wright 7:30-9:30 8 9 10 11 12 13 Tim Tim Jadon Safe Harbor Paul !wancio TBO Jenkins Jenkins Good lla-l-p 7:30- 7:30- 7:30-9:30p 7:30-9:30p 9:30p 9:30p Straight on Red 7:30-9:30
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