Page 29 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
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COMMENTARY SEPTEMBER 28, 2006 - Page 11 Annual condom throw at 'Choices': no go last year's performance. "Some suggestions were keep things G-rated." the condom ban had a nega- KRISTIN LAMB "They cut it [condom vetoed by the cast because the Towle's said the concern tive effect on the production. STAFF WRITER chairs are brand new, and the was' not in making the show "Maybe in years past con- throwing] out because people Peer mentors and mem- were offended the year before, cast was afraid of what stu- cleaner but about maintaining doms were used for shock bers of the Choices cast and but the point of it is to shock dents would do with them its message. value, but there is still a stig- .crew, are extremely disap- the hell out of them and get [the condoms] during the "A couple of years ago we ma about buying condoms," pointed with the prohibition their attention," she said. show," Towle said. talked to the cast about keep- said Tom Shortridge, who of condom throwing at the While both the administra- Due to the lack of a physi- ing the benefit of Choices," played a rapist with an STD Choices theatre show during tion and involved students cal presence of condoms, the she said. "It became too outra- who did not lise proection. this fall's McDaniel College said that alternatives to cast and crew made a giant geous, and the cast was asked "Throwing them out in the freshmen orientation. throwing condoms into the condom that was lowered to tone it down. It became crowd relieves some of that Traditionally, at the begin- audience were discussed, from the ceiling at the begin- more about pushing the enve- pressure. It makes condoms ning of the play, members of Rodney said peer mentors and ning of the show. lope and seeing how far we okay to talk about." the Choices cast and crew run resident assistants' opinions "It still had tile same effect can go. It was losing its educa- Despite the controversy, through the audience tossing and feelings were "blatantly as throwing out condoms to tional value." Stokely praised Choices. "I had heard when r came condoms to the freshmen to ignored" when the decision the audience; I didn't even Alexander said she under- [to McDaniel that] a great deal promote safe sex. was made to not distribute notice a difference from last stood why the administration This fall, however, members condoms during the produc- year," said MJ Alexander, a and some students might feel of controversy surrounded of the flrst-vear team - includ- tion. member of the Peer Mentor uncomfortable. Choices, but it was great," she ing new Assistant Dean of "Originally we were going Advisory Board. "The reason they cut out the said. "T was so impressed by First Year Students Sarah to have bowls of condoms lay- Those opposed to the ban condom throwing is that they tile energy students brought Stokely and Associate Dean of ing around; we really strug- said the real issue is not the didn't want the first impres- to that production, [and] the Student Affairs Liz Towle - gled with how to make it physical throwing of con- sion of McDaniel College to be energy the students derived banned this tradition from work," said KC Delp, .a doms, but rather the coverage 'Free Condoms,' " she said. from it was fantastic." Choices to avoid the possibili- Chotces cast member. and promotion of safe sex But some cast members said ty of offending students. Administration members among McDaniel students. "The issue is not the con- said alternatives to "[Members of the adminis- doms, the issue is throwing condoms were discussed, tration} are just thinking the them at people," Stokely said. such as taping them to the freshmen will abstain, and Kim Rodney, a Peer Mentor, seats in the theatre and leav- that is not the case at all," said the administration's deci- ing them in baskets for stu- Rodney said. "We might have sion came out of reactions to dents to pick up themsel ves. saved one or two people from being offended, but we may FREE PRESS STAFF become pregnant or infected. to someone have caused Co-Editors-in-Chief Staff Which is more impor- tant?" Katie Young '08 Terre Martin Mike Habegger '08 Pat O'Toole '07 Some students said Ken Buerger '09 prohibiting condoms Art Director Ramel Brownlee YlO seems like just the Emily Biondo '09 Dawn Aldrich '10 next step in a sys- Geoff Peckham 'OB tematic clean up Features Editor lindsay Graham '07 of the show. "I think Alyse Hollomon '08 Heather Gorsuch Choices is get~ Cori Simpson '08 Taylor Hebden '08 Melanie Chupein '09 ting cleaner News Editor Lauren Laker '10 every year," said Rori David P. Greisman '07 Rachel. Hooper '10 Rockman, a peer Jen Harrington '07 Commentary Editor Jess Bello '10 mentor. "Each year the admin- has put more and istration Jane Libert '08 Brian Engler 'OB more pressure on the crew to Sarah Black '07 Kristin Larnb-Ds Tyler Carr Sports Editor Shannon Willis Cheney is cold-hearted Ryan Chell '09 Rob Goeke '07 Laura Button '09 Ashleigh Smith Becky Snider America. Or, at the very least, and pained while talking Page Design Christine Boynton '08 ROB GOEKE he does not care about them as about the war and those fight- Emily Biondo '09 Stacey Eyler 'DB STAFFWRlTER much as he should. ing it as Iget when Italk about Beth McLane '07 Krtsten Bender In the six years he has been According to, it. Mike Habegger '08 Ellery Wynn Vice President, Dick Cheney as of September 23, there have But it is a gut feeling most- Kiki Stellakis '10 has become known for his been 2,687 American military ly based on observation. I Photography/lllustrations Rachel Sanchez abrasive and often rough deaths in the Iraq war that watch Mr. Cheney on televi- Evan Ticknor '10 [enna Schwarz '07 demeanor. In one sense, he have been confirmed by the sion and Isee no change in his MJ Alexander '09 plays a hard ytng to George Department of Defense, with posture or tone from when he Mike Habegger '08 Advertising Manager W. Bush's soft, emotionally many more wounded. talks about the troops to when Emily Biondo '09 Emily Funk '07 open yang. Though this number pales he talks about the economy. Mr. Cheney speaks in an in comparison to American This criticism may be Int'l Page Editor Copy Editor even tone that fits well into deaths even on D-Day, it is unfounded. It could be that Djerdj Matkovic '07 Pat O'Toole '07 the message of "staying the still a disheartening figure. Cheney is naturally cold, nat- course" and "fighting terror- Whatever way you look at it, urally numb, but 1doubt it. Web Editor ists." His disposition is often 2,687 is a painful number and In my opinion, this is a effective because his tough- my heart wrenches at the fact problem. For all the transgres- The!~o~~~::~ donotnecessarily represe~t~oseof'The ness can act to reassure those that so many brave men and sions Mr. Bush may be McDaniel Free Press staff, the faculty, or the administrators of who fear another 9/11 is sim- women have died. accused of, at least he appears McDaniel College The paper welcomes free-lance sent the frN:prn§s@mcda~ieJ edll."The ply a day away. With every news report I to wear his heart on his sleeve. editors reserve the right to edit for clarity, length, and libel and to However, though he hlay see of troops dying, I want to The same can clearly not be come off as a tough guy that cry. It pains me to hear or read said for Mr. Cheney. ro~b~~:7f:sa:i~~~J!:~~il;~::i~~~~eO:~a;:edls=7o~U;~: some would want to go to war of these deaths. However, I can only hope that the Editors·in-Chief. with, [ believe there are seri- when r hear Mr. Cheney speak feeling in the Vice President's The McDaniel Free Press does not discriminate based on a~, race, ous flaws in the way Mr. about the troops and their heart is different than the one religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, condition of Cheney conducts himself. families, his even tone doesn't he shows. 1 hope he is pained handicap, or marital status. Simply put, in hearing the waver or change. as much as I am every time a Mall to: TheMcDanielFree Press Vice President speak on many Maybe it is my own bias or story crosses the wire about McDanielCollege,2 College Hill occasions, I believe that he just a deep, subconscious need troops dying. Westminster,MD 21157 does not truly care about the to be comforted, but 1 would Because 1 don't want to be (410) 751-8600 FAX: (410) 857-2729 well-being of the many rnili- like to feel that those running right. E-Mail: tary personnel fighting [or the country are as passionate
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