Page 25 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 25
FEATURES SEPTEMEBER 28, 2006 - Page 7 a common reason for some jENNASCHWARZ student dissatisfaction. STAFF WRITER Patrick Lyons explains, "They It's a dark and lonely world almost ran out of all the food when the one thing students options 1 wanted. They didn't feel they can count on is taken even have chicken one night from them: the choice of chips and I thought-What the crap?" with their fries at the Pub. What the crap, indeed. What Recently, the chips/fries is the meaning of all this Pub option, along with other long change? time favorites, like the televi- Shawnee Mosley offers one sion, have unfortunately dis- explanation for the disappear- appeared for the time being. ance of the chips and fries Since the start of school and choice. "No one ever gets the these changes, Pub go-ers fruit- maybe if more people have been outwardly disap- actually ate the fruit, they'd pointed. Above all, students bring the other choices back. have been trying to cope with We don't make the decisions, this shift affecting many we work for Sodexho. We're everyday diets. just following orders. But As Sarah Shank puts it, "1 we're happy to serve all the want both the curly fries and nice kids here." 00rit05. Is·that too much to Many students wait and ask?" The combination of wonder if the pub will ever chips and fries is sorely return to its former chips and missed by many who agree fries glory. Only time will tell. that it is, indeed, not too much Though one thing seems cer- to ask at all Students and fac- dietary needs are not being thing to make there and prob- some justification for student tain: no matter the changes, ulty visit the pub at all times met, or worse, disregarded. ably the healthiest, and I was optimism about return of the people still flock to the Pub for of day, for fourth meal suste- Though the Pub offers a dif- addicted to it. So long chips and fries. Besides, even its food, chips or no. nance and of course, a variety ferent salad each day, for veg- tuna ... " he adds sadly. a dark, lonely world needs a of fried comforts. When stu- etarians and healthier eaters, This past summer, the pub little hope. that the chicken dents rely and depend on an some have complained about announced would no longer be pub The friendly faces of the tenders Glenda, like workers eatery so heavily- for break- the veggie burgers, pointing part of the fourth meal option, Kathy, and fast, lunch, dinner, and late out that cheese is extra on news that caused quite a com- Shawnee are night dinners too, changes like these burgers but not on the this are difficult to swallow. regular ones. motion on campus. However, can 5 tan t s , The chips and fries change has Kaelynn Miller feels that the chicken tenders were (and but caused talk of issues that stu- this difference in price "is are still) loved so much that times stu- dents feel passionate enough truly absurd." Miller also they were kept on the fourth dents get to speak out about. Lindsey asks, "What happened to all meal menu due to immediate frustrated by Fairchild protests, "I pay a lot the specials, huh?" While student concern about their the fact that they of money to go here, 1 want Miller wonders ovlit Ihr:. d~ath my choices:' This is a senti- of the variety of specials, Jason =~~~ac~ft,~e~dl?-~~~~rl~t:~ey ment echoed by campus wide Norton laments about the shouting, "Chicken tenders are very hungry. This Pub lovers. rock! I'm happy they stayed!" is dearly not the Many students feel their The return of the tenders gives pub's fault, but it was jr:m~~~~~ purse into his head no one can take it away from him. An investment in knowl- edge always pays the . 6jJicnic best interest." Your education will open doors for future generations and allow them to partake of your hard earned wisdom. These M'anging days it is obvious that a gbod education ,,:,i~1cost money, but with it, you will never suffer from mstgruficant funds. Start your year off right by going to the bank of knowledge ... your classes. - Toreka Jordan 5lock Friday, October 6 Got a nice crib or hot 2 & 7 PM $S I $4 ride? Wanna see it in the Free Press? Give Katie a call at ext. 3001
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