Page 24 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 24
SEPTEMBER28, 2006 - Page 6 FEATURES Summer movies: will be even better in winter renting or buying if Ever since I heard Dan Brown's book. I thought Tom SARAH BLACK you didn't get a chance the eerie, graceful Hank's performance was what was COMMENTA[{Y CO-EDITOR to see them at the the- music during the end- ·required for the part; he plays a simple Summer's over and we're back in - ater: "Pirates of the ing credits of "The character, so his role was simple. To school with our noses in our Caribbean: Dead Village," 1 had been me, this movie is one of the best sus- books ... OK, so maybe the first half of Man's Chest;" "Lady excitedly awaiting the pense movies I have seen in a long that statement is true. in the Water;" and release of M. Night time. The end of summer can also mean "The Da Vinci Code." Shyamalen's next film. So even though we're back in for some the end at "free time" to do With the ending of "Lady in the Water," school, please, T urge you, before you whatever it is one wishes to do. For the first installment of while a bit different, get swamped with too much work, go me, 'some of this free time was for "Pirates" came the still delivers as an out and rent/buy these movies and good ol' summertime'mcvie watching. highly anticipated sec- excellent suspense hold on to summer for just a bit longer. And so, Ihave narrowed my list down ond chapter of this thriller. Paul to the top three that 1 think are worth swash-buckling trilo- Giamatti's ability cer- gy. A hypnotized octo- tainly shines in this pus, the guest appear- film. And while ance of a dead captain, and the return "Lady" didn't have the unforeseen of an all-star cast led by Johnny Depp twist at the end, there is still a little all made for a highly satisfying sequel hook, which made me shake my head (not to mention this movie packs in at Night's uncanny brilliance. double the action compared to the Senior Lenea Rader said that the first). However, senior Ellen Inverso commercials misled her, believing it. enjoyed the movie for a different rea- was going to be a scary movie, but in son. "I liked what a lot of people com- the end, was pleased with the film. "I plain about ...the cliffhanger," she said. thought it was a different type of "You know something good is coming movie than anybody's done," she said. next. I also loved the makeup. It was "1 thought it was neat how he [Night] very realistic, all things considered." included himself in the movie; Iliked Personally, I could have done without that he was a character." the inclusion of the "cracken." And The final movie that I think is worth just to leave you with a hint: there's a your money is "The Da Vinci Code." bit of a shake up in the relationship Aside from all the hoop-Ia that was between Elizabeth and William, due to built up by the media, Ron Howard Sparrow made an excelIent movie that honored JT:'Bringin'sexy ba-ck' Shifts from abroad we say goodbye? LAURA HUTfON Shoulda known better when you came SPORTS EDITOR around. That you were gonna make me When the first single off Justin cry." Timberlake's sophomore album, - Near the end of the song, the beat "Sexyback," was released I was not changes from a slow and sad tone to a impressed. It did not sound like the hip hop beat. Timberlake continues, Justin Timberlake [had been listening to for SO many years. :;~~~.?'ou cheated girl, my heart bleed- .was 'nu!!g...lin ......flIa"d_$pJitQn Despite my initial reaction, I contin- The third track, Sexy Ladies, has a ued to listen to the song and it grew on similar treatment. It changes so drasti- me and the rest of the country as it cally that it is easy to assume the next became one of the biggest songs of the song has begun. Especially because at summer. the end of track three "My love," the title Upon the release of Timberlake's of the fourth song and Timberlake's cur- highly anticipated second album, rent single, is repeated over and over: Futuregex/Lovefounds on September These variations keep the listener on 12, it became clear that "Sexybeck" was their toes. They are unaware of many not the only song that introduced a dif- song changes. Thus, the album just ferent sound. flows. It does not have the constant The majority of the songs on this new abruptness qf other' CD's. CD are upbeat and dancy, nothing new Timberlake takes this album to the for Timberlake. However, in this new next level, and wrote each song. He is album he uses slower beats and fast also certain to remember his dedication paced tempos in 'the same song. to Justified, his 2002 solo debut. By In the Cry-Me-a-Rtver-esque "What working again with Timbaland, he Goes Around. "; Timberlake berates secures himself topnotch producing. and croons, "is the Timbaland's influence is evident on down? Is this how track seven, "Chop Me Up," where he and Three 6 Mafia add their power to one of my favorite tracks on the album. I am eager to see what Timberlake has in store next. He has made incredi- ble transformations over all the years he has spent in the spotlight. Not surpris- ing since Timberlake's musk has been drawing a huge fan base since his Mickey Mouse Club days. This former *NSYNC member has definitely grown up and has proved once again the con- trol he has with his solo career. As soon as the first track begins, Timberlake draws listeners in and keeps them glued to the speakers through. the album's entirety. His sweet mind stick- ing lyrics, nonstop beats, and musical magnificence never end. Timberlake really is bringing "Sexyllack." • Justin Timberlake continues to be a sensation.
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