Page 23 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 23
FEATURES SEPTEMBER 28, 2006- Page 5 What do you think of the Facebook Newsfeed? "I love facebook! I like being "I don't like the newsfeed. I "I don't really care about "1 don't care but it is a little able to meet new people and feel like I'm being watched. the changes. You can weird that I can see what it's a lot easier than MySpace Some things should be kept always just minimize someone said on someone's since I'm technologically private." them." wall at one time." incapable." ,Can long distance love ever prevail? CORl SIMPSON relationships are definitely seeing their child in a long dis- hard being apart, if you truly distance situation. If it isn't _=::_:F_::EA",T_::UR.:.;E;;;;S",E _",D1",ID:.:R:...._ __ ~~:e~~ing it takes time to get tance relationship. Having love someone, it is worth the =--~g,~~~At~~1~_~~1e-irl[J,t spa.,... .Uo- ...individua'", ti.rne waif. . According to the Center for "A month ago I could just to make new friends, involve Greg adds, "If you Like can't handle it, don't torture the Study of Long Distance call her up and we could get themselves more on campus, being with someone when yourself. Most importantly, Relationships, 14 million together pretty much any time and focus more on their school they're here, you have an obli- gain trust and hold onto it. Americans are currently in we wanted," explains Pfeiffer. work. gation to at least try and trans- You'll have nothing without long distance relationships. "Now T just get really lonely "My parents sometimes fer that feeling over to a long it." Dubbed the "LOR," this grow- when I think about how far worry that things will change mg trend effects more and away she is. She is my best between us because we are far Refill Save B.g Prmt Happy more college students too. friend, and has been for a apart," Christy said. "It helps "Among college students, while, so it's weird to try to fill when they see us 25% report being in an LOR at the time I would usually be together. ..when we hug for any given time and 78% report spending with her." the first Limein so long." SAVE UP TO having had an LOR at some As hard as it may seem, A key factor in maintaining point during their time in col- there is hope for long distance a healthy LDR is keeping the 50% lege. Among first year college relationships. lines of communication open. students, estimates suggest The Center for the Study of With technology advances like that as many as 50% of stu- Long Distance Relationships cell phones, instant messag- BY REFilliNG dents report an LOR." claims, "Despite what many ing, web cameras and .YOUR LASER/INK The LOR challenges many people believe, LORs do not Bloggtng, couples are able to CARTRIDGES, McDaniel students, and they break tip at any greater rate communicate around the say they are finding creative than more traditional, geo- clock, no matter where they ways to cope. With those ways graphically dose, couples." are. to cope comes hope that their The quality of the relation- Greg and Christy have both the • relationships will survive. ship is not hindered either: found that the best way to Cartridge World- Senior Christy "Couples in LDRs report tden- communicate with their sig- Chillson. is currently in a long tical levels of relationship sat- nificant others is over distance relationship with her tsfaction, intimacy, trust, and phone. Hearing the other per- fiance, Matt. Matt recently commitment," according to son's voice proves to be really . joined the Army and is sta- the researd1. comforting tioned in Colorado now, but in Although it has been found Christy and her boyfriend You not only save money by having your ink October, he will go to Iraq. that couples in LDRs tend to reassure each other that it will "It is hard for me because worry much more about infi- all work out in the end. They cartridge refilled· you also help save the we spent every single day delity surprisingly, the num- both agree that although it is together for three years before bers do not show that couples to,~ ....f!J". environment and the quality IS great! he joined the Army. I miss him ~e:~~~a~reth:S,:ei~ik:!~_ Saving you money, Saving you time, ~~t~~~::~s~i~i~em:~~ graphically dose rela- Saving the environment. me at my house every night. It tionships. _ took a while to adjust to the "I don't worry change," Christy said. . about [infideli- Creg Pfeiffer, Sophomore, IS ty] much. recently learning about long he is , .. ",.. --- 13 Westminster Shopping Center distance relationships first guys most of the t
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