Page 22 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 22
SEPTEMBER 28, 2006 - Page 4 FEATURES Szulgit's car painted cOllt'd from page 1 Using his marine biology about revolutionary moments expertise, he advised the in science. He takes a unique show's creators and writers approach to teaching and even about such specific situations had his first-year seminar stu- as character placement and dents paint his car. They had even occasionally got to add to cover it with images repre- his friend's names into the senting what they had studied show. Szulgit also was a con- in the class. There were pic- sultant for an underwater div- hires of cloned sheep, people's ing show, called" Aquanauts", ides of world views, the on Animal Planet He had Copernican model, quotes several on-screen interviews from Descartes, and many in the show and was even other things, although it is still asked to become an actual not complete. When asked Aquanaut, but declined. why he had his students do this he replied, "my car was Szulgtr also consulted for the boring," and that it was a movie Hulk. The movie's great bonding experience. director, Ang Lee, needed to Szulgtt hopes to teach a know how, scientifically; Hulk January Term in the near could stretch to twice his nor- future. He would also like to mal size without ripping his teach a class that melds skin. So Lee's technical direc- together science and religion, tor called Szulgit. To help or science and art, or all three. answer the question, Szulgit In the small amount of refereed to his research on sea spare time that he has, when cucumbers, which stretch he's not teaching or involved expertise to without ripping their skin and with student dubs, he likes to the project, then return to normal. Szulgit play and listen to folk music, painting the shared this information with do art projects, and travel. He hood of Lee's technical director and in likes to play folk music and is Szulgit'scar. the beginning of the movie "good on the spoons", but can (Right) A there is shot of David Banner also play instruments like the driver-side studying sea cucumbers. washboard, stand up bass, view of the finished Although this made it into the and the boudhran, an Irish project, movie Szulgtt said the rest of drum. Lately Szulgit has detailing the science in launched another creative revoJution- the move was" awful". endeavor- a comic strip, ary Szulgit left Hollywood which he started with draw- moments in behind and gladly settled in as tngs he included in letters to a college professor. At his girlfriend. fl.,fcDaniel, SzuIgit teaches a From comic strips to paint- variety of classes including ed cars, crazy past jobs to his Introduction to Biology, current passion for his work at Invertebrate Biology, and McDaniel, Greg Szulgit is cap- Eureka, a first-year seminar turing students' attention. Stillson shares sports news spending two years after Information Office. This, he LINDSEY GRAHAM graduating from Oneonta at says, makes it "a lot eas~r STAFF WRITER Gettysburg College as an when you already .kn~,w w 0 Lookout athletes, there is a intern before moving on to you are working WIth. new Sports Information Millersville University in Stillson is looking for- Director at McDaniel College. Millersville, Pa. His time at ward to the 2006-2007 year He goes by the name of Luke Millersville University was Stillson and hails from State brief but it did allow him to where he can get to work with the different coaches of the 20 University of New York step into the Sports -Oneonta. Infonnation Director role on sports teams on this campus. He also is looking forward to Stillson graduated from ...What a "green the upstate New York college an interim basis. But it was meeting student athletes, say- only a transition position. ing that "Being at the games in the spring of 2003, receiving "There was no indica- a degree in English as well as tion where the school was and interacting with the stu- dent-athletes is the best part terror" really is? education. These two majors going," Stillson explaining his of the job. do not necessarily lead one to the Sports Information decision to leave Millersville. He also hopes during "I decided to pursue other According to, a green terror is a "colorful department at NCAA colleges options." his time at McDaniel that he is able to make sure student-ath- freshwater fish in the cichlid family. The fish originate on the but it was Stillson's love for Once he arrived on this Pacific side of South America in the coastal waters from the statistics and writing that got campus this summer, he had letes can get more recognition by the local media for their Tumbes River in Peru to the Esmeraldas River in Ecuador. II him there. some time to gradually get accomplishments on the play- "1 enjoyed statistical acclimated to the new people ing field as well as in the class- This fish is known as being very aggressive. work and writing," Stillson he was working with and the room. begins "so I just put those new job but he also had to Stillson has a lot new It'S not just a green fish - it also has orange and blue in it. things together." step in and do some things ideas about sports at For most of his time as right off the bat, like moving McDaniel College and he McDaniel's mascot is a green terror and there is a reason why an undergraduate, Stillson into the new Sports looks forward to working we received this name. According to President Joan Coley, "In found his niche with the bas- Information Office in Gill towards to trying to imple- October 1923 we played Washington and Lee in football and ketball team working the Gymnasium, according to ment them. The athletic trounced them decisively. The opposing team called us terrors scoreboard operations and McDaniel Athletic Director department isjust as enthused because we were so formidable, and the name stuck. Others working the Public Address Jamie Smith. to working with him this year started using the name, and it appeared in print, and that system. This role lead him to One of the things about and in future years. became our identity." the Sports Information office, the job that interested Stillson "1 am looking for- where he worked fully during was that he was already famil- ward to [LUke] carrying on When asked what a green terror really is, President Coley his senior year. iar with the conference. He the things that Steve Peed said, "There is not a green terror. It is a concept. It is like the Stillson is no stranger was familiar with some of the established," Smith tells the crimson tide of Alabama an idea rather than a thing." to the Centennial Conference, people at other school's Sports Free Press.
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