Page 19 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 19
Wesbninster, MD iltlhl'''''''''' Vol.6 No.2 Press Asks: ~ontrast "How do you feel about Facebook's News Feed?" 5 Szulgit shines ELLERY WYNN STAFF WRITER There is a new teacher in the biology department. one who can get even the most squeamish student to be stand near, let alone be interested, in a scorpion or a container of slugs. Dr. Greg Szulgtt is a that professor, and he is passionate about his work and life in general. Szulgit received his undergraduate degree in biology from Boston University and went on to get his Ph.D. in Marine Biology from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California in San Diego. He came to McDaniel after teaching for five years at Hiram COllege in Ohio, where he won the Outstanding Faculty Award in 2004. Szulgit came to McDaniel because he enjoyed everyone he met, and he liked Westminster and its location near other Szu.lgtt has had a interest- ing jobs. He paid for graduate school by First Year Seminar class. "Eureka! Revolutionary Moments in Science," paints professor Greg working as the technical' advisor for the TV Szulgit's car during the beginning of the semester. show "The New Adventures of Flipper." _________________________ (see "Swlgit"011 page 4) Commuter parking poses problems> again Baruold, the search for avail- college?" "I don't think that it's fair STACEY EYLER able parking in McDaniel Since the beginning of the when there are out-of-state STAFF WRlTER school year, commuter stu- cars or residents' cars parked College'S commuter lots has As Alex Barnold arrives on become a problem, with full dent parking has continually in the commuter lots," said campus for classes, she navi- lots - sometimes occupied by been infringed upon by resi- Jimmy Thompson, a sopho- gates her car toward the cars with out-of-state license dent students who are also more. "We have to use our dozen parking spots located plates ~ creating frustration. looking to be as close to the cars much more than resi- in the commuter and faculty "1 seriously believe com- heart of campus as possible. dents, and we should be able lot behind Baker Memorial muters have it the hardest But with approximately 70 to park closer to the school. It Chapel, only to see that each with driving and parking on percent of upper-class stu- isn't fair when we are not able space has been taken. Her next campus," said Bamold. a sen- dents bringing their vehicles to." movement forward is a figura- ior at McDaniel College. "If on campus, this semester's Although the amount of tive step backward: finding it's cold, rai.ny, snowy, or 414 commuters must contend commuting students outnum- the next-closest place for her windy, who in the world with residents' cars, vans and bers the amount of spots rele- Return to chips and to walk to school from. wants to be bothered to walk a trucks that occasionally reside gated solely for their use, fries glory For many of the hundreds distance when there should be in places where they do not Director of Campus Safety belong. spots available closer to the (see "Parking" Page 6 of commuter students like 011 pnge 3) For two years, freshman class will swell makeup and physical infra- lege scene," he said. graduate enrollment had good use of these facilities." RACHEL BROWNLEE structure. _ In 2003, the president reached 1779 students. Hiring new professors to "lr's actually possible to be appointed the Strategic Instead of increasing the keep class sizes low meets the STAFF WRITER too small," said Ethan Seidel, Planning Committee - made burden on the McDaniel's desires of the existing faculty Over the next two years, the vice president up of administration, facilities faculty, and administration, said of admirusrra- the and faculty sea of freshman at McDaniel non and finance. "As the stu- and student members - to growth will allow the school Thomas Falkner, college College's annual orientation dent body has grown, we've review and revise the college's to renovate and construct provost. will be swelling as the college observed increased diversity .strategic plan. buildings and to hire more "Faculty believe that small- welcomes an increasing num- {and] social interaction. As part of the plan, professors to accommodate er classes provide a better ber of studertts. "While still remaining McDaniel was to increase its the rising number of students. learning experience than larg- As part of Mcfranlel's five- small, it helps to have more nice to have more and er classes, and we want the "It's year strategic plan, college people with whom to student body by 200 from its up-to-date classroom and lab- college to maintain the right 1600 students in 2003, mean- administration members hope exchange ideas and share while maintaining the col- oratory facilities," Seidel said. balance between student for the undergraduate popula- experiences. The increased lege's status as the median- /fA new fitness center, new enrollment and faculty size to tion to reach as many as 1800 vibrancy of the student body sized school in the Centennial and more varied athletic facil- accomplish this," Falkner students by the end of 2008, has been very noticeable to Conference, Seidel said. ities. We need to have enough said. growth that may benefit the long time observers of the col- By early September, under- students in order to make (see "Enrollment" on pnge 3) college's student life, faculty
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