Page 18 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 18
Vo1.6No.1 SEPTEMBER 14, 2006, Page 16 New Coach Ready to Focus on Field Hockey to be able to improve as a made. Thus, she did not make good fit." touch with friends for my LAURA HUTTON team," said sophomore Jamie any money that summer, When comparing space." SPORTS EDIT,oR Smith. however, she discovered McDaniel's team to other Miranda also has a fantas- "We don't have to "1definitely think that split- something she could do for schools she has coached, tically detailed long-term share you?" posed the field ting the coaching job was a the rest of her life. Miranda notes that this is "the memory and can perfectly hockey team when they were good move," adds sophomore Miranda was always into best team I have ever remember events. For exam- informed that their new Michelle Fluty. science willie in school. Being coached" on a college level. ple, when she met her coach, Melissa Miranda, Growing up with one an athlete drew her to this This is due to the team's dedi- boyfriend in 1998 she was would be coaching only them. younger and one older broth- because she wanted to under- cation to their success. "This wearing red Umbro shorts, a In previous years, coach er, Miranda grew accustomed stand the way the body acts team is the most dedicated tank, and had the best tan Muffle Bliss ran both the field to their competitive nature. during intense sport training. team I have ever been a part She can use this memory hockey and lacrosse pro- At a young age, her father These interests led Miranda to of. They have incredible work to store a countless number of grams. Now, each team will taught her how to crab. Longwood University in ethic." plays. Smith explains, "She have the full dedication of one Miranda said she "loved the Virginia where she majored in "We have a lot of enthu- has brought a lot of new drills coach. thrill of the catch." This thrill phys. ed. with a concentration siasm and heart on OUI team and new plays to the team This change was exciting was due to her competitive in exercise and health sci- and when we all bring it to the that keep everyone focused for Miranda as well. "I can nature, especially because she ences. Her college coach also game we work great togeth- and working hard." concentrate on one sport, a big did not use a basket. convinced her to pick up er," agrees Smith. Miranda's competitive- advantage." She was offered Coach Miranda, has been lacrosse for the first time. ./" Miranda loves to exercise ness and desire for hard work everything she wanted here, a playing field hockey since she She graduated in 1999 and and lead a healthy lifestyle, motivate her team to win. "If head coach position of a single was 14 years old. She started found herself coaching when- but in her free time, she can be you are not driven to win then sport and some athletic in her hometown, Virginia ever she could, including her the biggest couch potato. She you wouldn't coach," she administration work. Once Beach, a place that Miranda vacation time. So, at the age is a huge fan of the WB, espe- adds. she is out of season, Miranda refers to as a "field hockey hot of 26, Miranda decided to cially One Tree Hill and refers Fluty shares her excite- wants to be able to spend bed of the south." become a coach full time. to herself as a "teeny bopper ment, "She really has a vision more time in administration When she wa... 15. she had McDaniel. i.. h fust head at heart." and we are all looking for- and eventually move up to her first coaching job. coaching job. The past four She also spends free ward to working with her this assistant AD. Miranda coached a summer years, Miranda was an assis- moments catching up with season Teammates agree, "Ncow league for 6 and 7 year olds. tant coach for Eastern friends. Many of her friends Miranda is looking for- that we don't have to share She recalled that after practice Mennonite University and have kids and are very busy. ward to a strong season from our coach I feel that we have the coaches would take all the Washington and Lee. She is Thus, Miranda makes a point these dedicated players and more of an opportunity to kids out for slurpees and excited about this new job and of calling them. She adds that. plans to "coach as long as I work harder in the off season spend the money they just explained "McDaniel is a "she is too good at keeping can stand it. It's a passion." Refreshed" Womens Soccer Ready to Win MEGAN HlLDEBRAND 109, I have never seen a fe~t like I would mesh well goal is to make it to the Come out and support our SPORTSEDllDR group of women work so hard with everyone on the team." Conference Championships, girls' team at the next home in tr~ining,~' comm~nted cb- . Each year the women ;h~ch acco~ding to Parks, game on September 18 at 4 Green Terror women's soc- captain ~~mleJanow,ch." play ~mportant games, but ,will be attamable if we con- against Marymount. Good cer is back, and ready to win. Team coherence, as there IS always the one game ttnue to have a positive out- luck to the women's soccer With head coach Tom Mattson put it, is very tmpor- everyone wants to win. look and work well together." team! Gosselin and assistant coach- tant to the soccer team Janowich would like to beat The teams in the Centennial es, Julie Boden, Ryan because that was a problem Washington College, a team Conference are: Franklin and Defibaugh and Trevor Brown, for the team last year. This ~ey lost to in double over- Marshall, Gettysburg, Johns the team has been working year the team has chemistry time, but this year [anowich Hopkins, Swarthmore, Bryn hard since August to prepare and is dose on and off the said, "The team is ready for Mawr, Haverford for the season. The team field, helping them play better that game." Other teams that Muhlenberg, Dickinson' ended last season with seven together. Team chemistry is are on the list to beat are Washington, and Urslnus. ' wins, ten losses and one tied one reason why freshman Haverford and Muhlenberg. game, which was not the ideal Becky Parks joined the team, One team record for the team. This year " I the team has, "a new and refreshed dedication, and most importantly a clean slate," stated senior and co- captain, Meegan Mattson. This year's team has three seniors, Meagan Mattson, Jamie Janowich and Michelle Mullen, who wi!! lead the team as co-captains. "1 think our strong leader- isB:~s~ co~_rk.=S;;..~I!III". ship will get us far," said ~~:~aa; posed of four juniors, four sophomores and four freshmen. Even though there are only sixteen women on the team they are hard work-
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