Page 164 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 164
MAY 4, 2007 - Page 2 NEWS Allegations against sports teams lead to action (from "Hazing" 011 page 1) In an e-mail sent to the her parents about what had this, there haven't been any on campus at the Conference Games. The girls were Student-Athlete Advisory happened. When questioned other complaints issued and NCAA level," Gardner reminded in the initiation Committee representatives about the details of what was against Coach Smith or Coach said, adding, "The thing I'm flyer, "Each player should be and President Joan Develin discussed, Dean Gerl declined Eyler. However, a former most proud of, at least per- sure to bring an extra $10 to Coley by the girl's parents - to comment due to issues of player insists that last year formance wise, is that during Florida ... " and distributed to the college confidentiality. there were multiple com- my time as head coach our This money funded the pur- paper - it was made dear that Amanda Rose, assistant plaints filed against Coach athletes performed at or above chase of beer. One girl recalls the penalties given to the team director of College Activities, Smith from parents and play- their seed in the Centennial another girl being so terrified didn't fit the crime. said that she had no involve- ers and Jamie Smith and Dr. Conference Tournament more of being left alone with the "We feel these actions of the ment with athletics and when Fritz did nothing. often and at a higher rate than other girls at the condo that team, coaches, and the athletic asked again to comment on As for the wrestling team, any other CC school." she threw up. As one final department are being 'swept what went on with the softball action has been taken in Gardner says that Smith has means of humiliation, the new under the rug," the e-mail team, she responded, "I'm not regard to the coaching staff. been honest about his knowl- players had the word "vag" states. "Now that tHe investi- at liberty at to say." "We did make a change in edge of wrestling. and a picture .of a vagina gation is complete will you Head coach, Phil Smith, the head coaching with "Jamie Smith has admitted drawn on their arms written please explain to us how the who is currently in his third wrestling," Smith said. "It just to me, and to others, that he in permanent marker. McDaniel Softball 'Team' is season, had little to say. When felt like we needed a change of doesn't known anything The girl alleges that the pic- being allowed to continue asked how the softball team direction there." about wrestling. Yet he makes tures that were taken of initia- their season like nothing ever has been disciplined, he said, The head coach, Sam this particular decision with- tion were deleted by Coach happened?" "That's not (or me to say." Gardner, and the assistant out consulting anyone ... who Phil Smith at the airport, Allegedly, in addition to the When asked how much he coach Davey Blake, are still might be able to give him an insisting that they weren't that hazing of the new players, knew about initiation, Smith recognized as such on the informed opinion of my per- bad. there were a few incidents of said, "I'm not in the position McDaniel athletics website. formance as a coach," said "It wasn't fun. Ididn't even indecent exposure. According to say anything." Gardner doesn't have a full Gardner: "So I was fired based want to be in Florida because to the e-mail, one player rid- Jamie Smith, Athletic understanding of what is hap- on an uninformed opinion of of the way the team treated ing in a van with Coach Smith, Director at McDaniel for the pening with the wrestling pro- my wrestling-specific coach- certain people and the coach and other players, allegedly past seven years, commented gram. He recently met with ing skills and without a formal treated certain people," the mooned Coach Rick Eyler in on the disciplining of the soft- Smith. evaluative tool that lays out girl said. the van behind her. She then ball team. "On the 27th of March Ihad my deficiencies." One player, who no longer allegedly "flashed her boob to "We've done it through my annual end of the year Gardner regrets that he was plays for the team wishes to Coach Rick." elimination of games and sus- meeting with Mr. Smith. At fired without "empirical evi- set the record straight. The parents of the anony- pensions," Smith said. this meeting he surprised me dence," but he remains civil. "My parents and 1decid- mous source are disappointed When asked how much he by saying that he was going to "I love McDaniel, and I love ed, 'tradition' or not, hazing in the way that the hazing knew about initiation. Smith make a change in order to go my wrestlers. If I were holding and humiliating your team- incident has been handled. said, "I have a pretty good in another direction with the them back or knew of a better mates to boost your own ego, "We are even more con- understanding." program," Gardner said. "He candidate than me that was is wrong," she said. cerned now than we were Smith recognizes that haz- was unable at the time to pro- out there, who is willing and The former softball player before the investigation began ing is permeating college cam- vide me with any reason for able to lead this program, I'd says that the team has adopt- because we thought a more puses. • my dismissal. I asked him a have stepped down in a heart- ed a new slogan, "Green proactive response would "It [hazing] is something slew of questions to find out beat," Gardner said. "I find it Terror softball: we get what have been the result of a list of following national trends and what was behind his decision very difficult to believe there we want." items as serious as described it is something we need to be and he was unable to provide are many candidates out there "I love to play. This has above," the parents wrote in aware of and more proactive me with any answers at the who will do a significantly been my life since I was four. I the e-mail. "When students about," Smith said. "It's some- time, just that he felt he need- better job than we have been would have done anything for are issued a $25 parking ticket thing we need to be more in ed to make a change." doing. If Mr. Smith realizes this coach if he-had given me for parking on the grass and tune to." Gardner believes that dur- this and wants to talk about respect," she said. "It's about next to nothing is done in this Smith said that the softball ing his time at McDaniel he reinstating me I'd have no playing and having fun but situation, we feel something is coaching staff would be has been an effective coach. problem sitting down with still maintaining that desire to out of balance:' ' "reviewed at the end of the "During my tenure here him. I harbor no ill will win without being disrespect- Beth Gerl, Dean of Student year" just like any other coach we've been among the top towards him or this school." ed by players and coaches." Affairs, met with the girl and and he assured that aside from three or four successful teams ~ Drug-related 0 Medical-related , A Fin!'-relatcd Q; ....Irohol·re!
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