Page 163 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 163
SAVED BY THE ARCH Lacrosse coach 60 Seconds asks: sees bright future What are you on days at track doing after gradu- Page 16 Back Page ation? Page 7 INSIDE Graduate killed in the line of duty and saddened by this tragedy Trauma Center in Baltimore lANE LmERT and will sorely miss Luke." and the driver was released STAFF WRITER On Wednesday, April 25 at later Wednesday. Officer Students and faculty who about 12:30 a.m., Hoffman, Hoffman died early Thursday knew Luke Hoffman are still who worked in Montgomery morning from injuries sus- reeling over the tragic death of County, made a stop for a sus- tained in the accident. a dear friend. The sociology pected DU1. The driver of the Dr. Lauren Dundes recalls major and 2005 McDaniel vehicle got out of his car and Luke's enthusiasm for police graduate was killed while on began running. Officer. work, a field he was interested Remember and duty April 25; he was an offi- Hoffman was struck by anoth- in pursuing from the start of the cer with Montgomery honor- senior salutes County Police Department. er police cruiser while chasing his McDaniel career. the suspect, according to pre- "When I heard the news [ "I remember Luke as a vious news reports in The pulled out his internship Pages 8-14 model student. I could always Baltimore Sun. form. He had worked for the one who was so wonderful at In an attempt to avoid hit- Maryland depend Police," on him. He was a State bright face in class-quick to ting him, the other officer Dundes said. "He often used law enforcement had his life laugh and always smiling." swerved and drove his cruiser words like 'wonderful oppor- and career cut short. I am glad said Dr. Deborah Lemke. "He into an embankment where he ruruty' and 'great experience: he got to study what he was well liked by students hit a tree. Both officers were I remember how enthusiastic loved." and faculty. We are shocked flown to Maryland Shock he was. It is so sad that some- (see "Hoffmall" Oil page 3) Terrorhires new basketball coach The McDaniel h_'
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