Page 145 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 145
FEATURES APRIL 5, 2007 - Page 7 Brace yourself for 'Spring Fling' madness For others, it involves laugh- show similar to Deal or No tug 0' joust, all inflatable. kinds of food, likely to be sim- BRIAN ENGLER ing at the drunkards wander- Deal with a total of $500 to be Along with these fun boun- ple finger foods. STAFFWRITER ing around. There are still oth- awarded. cy toys, there will be two As for Campus Safety and Sophomore Joe Guida ers who Simply enjoy the free For the past three years, it bands playing music. One the enforcement of alcohol remembers it as "the day the music and giveaways. has rained on this magical day band is known as Ewabo. rules, it has been rumored that paddy wagon came to Who is the wonderful per- of wonderment. However this They are a self-described steel as long as a student's bever- Rouzer." Freshman Nadine son behind this day that, for has not stopped Rose from orchestra band playing age is not obviously alcohol Heron heard it had "adult McDaniel students, is compa- making sure the students had Caribbean Calypso. The other and students aren't obviously sized inflatable bouncy toys." rable to Christmas in spring? fun. The plans for Spring band has yet to be deter- far too drunk, there shouldn't Freshman Pamela Knopp That person is Amanda Rose. Pllng, taking place April 21 mined, but it'll likely be a be any problems. knows only that it is a day of Leading up to this day, as from 2:00 PM until 7:00 PM, band that does covers, but has Administrators confirmed "festivities and fun." What is usual, is a week of events. As are to have it in Red Square some original songs as well. this. So, the old standby of red this day of merriment and told by Rose, the events will and the Quad. If it happens to Also, pretty much every Solo cups is likely out. arrests? Spring Fling of be interesting and diverse. rain again however, Rose says organization will have tables Basically, if you aren't blatant course! Monday will have a giveaway that the events will either be and lor booths set up around about it, you should be safe. Generally, any student of some kind; Tuesday will be put under tents or moved in the events. Many of them may So, there's what Spring that's been at McDaniel free airbrushed t-shirts: the gym, if it is available. have giveaways or things to Fling will be this year. Hope College for at least one year Wednesday will have a stu- Events for this Spring Fling buy on the cheap. you enjoy it and have a safe has memories of some kind dent talent night in the pub. include an obstacle course, In the way of food, there one! See you on the bouncy about Spring Fling. For some On Thursday there will be bouncy boxing. bull riding. a will be traditional Clar fare for toys! people, it brings about memo- karaoke in the pub. The final Jurassic adventure, and one those who want it, but Rose ries of drunken good times. night, Friday, has a game interesting addition, four way plans to have some different BSU Fashion Show- lights, camera, fashion showcased a number of differ- was very well organized. CHRISTINA HINKLE ent outfits made from every- The fashion show also STAFFWRITER day products, such as trash featured three fantastic dance On March 24, McDaniel's bags and diapers. performances, which incorpo- Black Student Union (BSU) Each of the models offered rated several styles of music hosted its sixth annual the crowd a very different per- and dance. The upbeat Fashion Show, Effingo Nova. sonality, which also helped soundtrack continued With a clever slogan, translat- mix things up. Through the throughout the evening. and ing into "New Fashion," the use of clothes. a runway walk, Amanda Gushard-Edwards show was sure to deliver and in some cases, a signature '09 said, "the music added so nothing less. move, the models were able to much to the show, it really The show started at around captivate the audience with seemed to get the models and seven o'clock and attracted a theii individuality. the audience involved." very diverse and energetic Director, Chris Reed '08 In between sets, there group. While many students said that this year's show was an energetic host, who were in attendance, the show tried to stray away from the was almost impossible to hear also encouraged the partidpa- strict urban feel it once had; because of the excitement of E2g,'),;~lii~~!I"!~:;'~ however the cast was able to the crowd. He em:ouraged deliver a very elegant, high- people reom the audJence to nity members. fashion wardrobe without dance on stage, and also dur- With 31 models, eight dif- completely losing the original ing intermission hosted a run- ferent themes, and a few sur- urban feel of the show. way competition for audience prises, the performance was Reed also said that members. This was a great able to showcase a wide vari- they encountered quite a few way to keep the audience ety of fashion trends. As a problems before the night of entertained while the models result of the show's unique the show, including uncooper- changed, and also provided a and daring outfits, there ative companies who were comedic side to the show. proved to be something for supposed to donate clothes, The models, dancers, everyone. Themes ranged but backed' out at the last cast and crew all did· a phe- from, "It's a Terror Thang," minute. Luckily, thanks to the nomenal job putting together which required all the models hard work of all the cast mem- this year's show, and there's to sport their favorite bers and the smooth delivery no question that next year's McDaniel apparel, to "Your of the show, there was no will be just as great. Trash, My Fashion," which question that performance Just like twins- students share stories This is off-hand slang, like be identical." separated." professor may mix up partici- EMILYSWEENEY 'you hit like a girl,' that gives Personalities have notable Despite not looking or and patton grades. STAFFWRITER people weird misconceptions. differences too. Ooeddel acting alike, some McDaniel Fluty, who has a fraternal If you were looking for Even people educated with says," My brother Rob is a students with twins have twin, says she switched twins at McDaniel, you'd look television through Sister Sister workaholic and is really really done the television jokes. instruments in middle school for people who look the same. and Disney Cannel shows and good at mathematics ... I, on Conley has an identical band with her Sibling, despite Some twins, though, don't movies might first think twins the other hand, am awful at twin on campus. She says it the fact they're not identical. have their siblings on campus at least look alike, if not have math and I could not stand to isn't as hard to separate them "I would blame a lot of or maybe the two don't look the same personalities. work on homework for five by sight now because of differ- things on her when 1 was alike. When people dress the Kate Coeddel ('10) says," I hours straight." ing hairstyles. Hair cuts/col- younger," Conley also 'con- same, or act alike, or are have a twin brother, and both Liz Conley ('10) and oring aside, they look alike fessed.' A lot of siblings have together a lot, others could say of us on many different occa- MichelJe Fluty ('09), also stu- and sound alike on the phone. probably attempted this, but 'they're just like twins.' sions have been asked dents with twin siblings, say Sounding alike let Conley she indicates it's easier to get whether or not their siblings have different trick her sister's boyfriend in away with the trick when, we are identi- school interests and habits, high schooL Conley says she even if you're seen, you can cal. ..after the and all three didn't have par- answered his call once as her pretend to be your Sibling. person asking ticular goals of going to school sister and eventually admitted Fluty says her and her twin has found out together. However, Conley"} wouJd love you too-if I have mostly stories that a lot that we are and Fluty both mention some- were your girlfriend." She and of siblings have. People 'just brother and sis- times having the same friends her sister could also switch like twins' are therefore 'just tee Every time I as their twins either now or classes because they took alike like siblings,' or 'like sisters' or have to explain before college. (once prompted by a 5tl;tgrade 'brothers: These terms are to them that it is Conley says, though, when teacher). heard often with McDaniel's p h Y sic a I I Y describing their separate Conley says that now being fraternities and sororities. But impossible for a spring breaks, "We get along in the same class and looking now, 'siblings' means being boy and a girl to really well when we've been alike is problematic because a alike or together a lot!
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