Page 149 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 149
COMMENTARY APRIL 5, 2007 - Page 11 gh cost of Commencement parents arc footing the bill. College graduation. only comes once .. .Jet's not be cheap!" Scott, r heal' you loud and dear. By the end of May, our dependency on our parents will be pretty much maxed aut. Sure, SOme of us . frequently stopping by old bouse. for a free meat a certain few will even be liv- ing in the basement, But for most of us. we Will have rea Are you ready to lose that V-Card? jobs, our own epertmeots, and new responsibilities. much ... " or sometimes even, yom partner. This means that Todd Knepper, a 2006 grad- KATHRYN YOUNG "Wow," from the people who you can trust your partner on uate, who is .. FEATIJRESEDITOR have miraculously had a good both the emotional and physl- Swiped, deflowered, first time. cal leveL full Urn. job own way for cashed in, and lost - why is it The mixed reviews from Second, you're reason to his parents "Think of it aliitiPl that when we discuss virgini- friends can add to certain mis- have sex must come from you, ping well on a four year Ions ty, we talk about it as if it is conceptions. And these mis- not from others around you. tab.c.It's the last thing you'll something we misplaced and conceptions make the decision And finally, the act of sex itself have to pay for, don't want back? to have sex even harder. should be something tha t YOll about U," w0rr:Y Any female, or male, plans BUT you may not lose your are at ease with physically, [ say, let'$ stop whrrung on how they will lose their virginity the way you had psychologically, emotionally, about what "we=tou- par- virginity, But all the planning always dreamt. And that is and spiritually. ents) have to' pay; and just in the world cannot decide OK, because after all, not When you're a virgin, sex milk it for what it's worth whether you are ready. So everyone can find the perfect seems so intense, but when it the rest of the year. fOT how do you know if you real- guy, sunset, and insertion. happens, it's like "That's it." For those of you that are ly want to have sex? The thing to remember is This isn't saying that sex isn't paying your own way; Icern- Many don't lose their vir- that you must be completely a big deal but you will have mend you for riot only fund- ginity the way they planned. comfortable with the situation many chances to make up for But at the same time, it is a and that you're doing it safely. the crappy first time or crappy ingyour education, bub fer relief to be pardoned from the It's fine to have a game plan, boyfriend. graduating with Honors a moment that maybe wasn't but with every 'Plan A' there At the same time, even well and give you permisstc the first time you had it all is a 'Plan B.' though it is easier to say no to to nag all you want. planned out. We have to get over talking sex when you're a virgin, not Whether you are a virgin or about sex as if we are setting being one doesn't mean you not, sex can be an ..son...:.eing ourselves up for emotional can't turn down sex. There can decision. And no matter how disappointment. With any- be a significant amount of much advice you receive, ulti- thing, if it's the wrong situa- pressure to have sex. mately, losing your virginity is tion you could feel that way, Sex-columnist Amber a decision you must make on but if you're ready, you most Madison says, "Being one of your own. likely won't feel disappoint- the few virgins in your group Making the decision to ment. of friends can feel like being have sex, especially for a vir- Deciding if you are ready the girl who always doesn't gin, can be extremely difficult; for sex depends on a variety of get the joke." But you have to because in all actuality you factors. First, before anything remember, that doing it for have no idea what it will be else can fall into place, you someone else isn't quite the like. You hear "It hurt so must feel comfortable with same as doing it for yourself! Recycling decline maybe fault C~~~Tr~Lg~R it that recycling was being McDaruel IS recychng a mere thrown away with th.e rest of 9%. the garbage-a possible rea- Some people place blame McDaniel's recycling efforts son for some students' treat- for poor recycling efforts on have declined over the last 20 ment of the recycling bins as the students. years, due to bins being filled normal trash receptacles. According to some casual with non-recyclable material. Student Matt Haushalter; says research done by Fralinger, According to students and this is the reason most do not most dorm recycling bins are administrators, McDaniel's recycle. being filled with normal recycling program needs a However, some administra- garbage. When she walked makeover. Recycling bins are tors dispel that myth, insisting around campus she found being filled with garbage that what can be recycled is that, "Not one (recycling toter) resulting in a decrease in per- indeed recycled. was free of trash." This means centage of materials able to be "Recycling that isn't con- that students are throwing recycled. taminated gets recycled," said their garbage in with the recy- "McDaniel is one of the Mel Whelan, building services ding, ruining the recycling least green campuses, and that coordinator. process. is a problem," explains stu- Outside Rouzer, on According to the student dent recycling advocate Laura Monday March 26, there were handbook, the campus has red Fralinger. black bags for regular garbage containers throughout cam- According to Fralinger, and white bags filled with pus for aluminum, green bins recycling containers are being recycling. The items were in departmental offices and Used to throwaway normal clearly separated. computer centers for paper, garbage. She took several pho- Yet despite these efforts, and gray toters for aluminum, tographs of recycling bins Whelan confirms that recy- plastic, tin and glass in resi- filled with ~arbage, material cling efforts have been trend- deuce halls. that isn't recyclable. This con- Ing for the worst over the past "Most colleges are accepting firmed what she expected all 17 years. According to the responsibility of changing along, that students were con- Whelan, when the school their ways to reduce their taminating the recycling con- started recycling in 1990, the impact (on the environment), tainers, she said. school was recycling roughly however I feel McDaniel is far For a while now, word had 20% of its materials. Now, behind," Fralinger said.
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