Page 143 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
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FEATURES APRIL 5, 2007 - Page 5 Excitement for Press Day Helen Thomas "Media and Politics" course, is sure to entertain as much as STAFF WRITER and eventually their discus- it wiU inform, the College "THE FIRST LADY OF THE PRESS" sions led to a class meeting, a Press Day a couple days later In spite of its small size, dinner at the president's attracts student journalists V~ McDaniel College will be the house, and a lecture open to from schools throughout the News reporter, columnist, author and distinguished focus of a large amount of the community. area to the Hill for one pur- attention as it welcomes pro- "1 have been a huge fan of pose: becoming better journal- member of the White House Press Corps fessional journalists to its cam- Helen's since I first saw her ists. Last year, over 80 stu- pus as part of two high-profile ask a tough question at a pres- dents from ten different events in the middle of April. idential news conference schools were in attendance, On Thursday, April 12, probably in the 1960s," Dalton with numbers this year look- renowned journalist Helen said. "Her brand of journalism ing even more promising. Thomas, often referred to as may seem too hard-edged or Pat O'Toole, co-president of the "first lady of the White confrontational for some, but the Society for Collegiate House," will be giving a she is simply doing what Journalists, is excited that the speech In the Forum. every political journalist is event is shaping up to be Beginning at 7:30 p.m., obligated to do: hold the pres- another success. Thomas wiU deliver an ident's feet to the fire, whether "Student feedback about address entitled "From JFK to it be Kennedy at the Bay of CPO is always so positive," George W: Holding Their Feet Pigs, Nixon at the Watergate O'Toole said. "Everyone in to the Fire _- Helen-style." or Bush 43 at the gates of attendance is there for a com- Hosted by the President's Baghdad." mon goal and always report Office and the departments of Thomas began covering the that they have learned a lot. English, Political Science, and White House in 1961, making We have a lot of people who Communications, the event her the most senior member of keep coming back year after will likely draw large crowds the White House press corps. year and await hearing details from the community in addi- At age 86, Thomas still pos- about it each spring." tion to the college. sesses the fiery demeanor O'Toole said that work- On Saturday, Apri114, only which has brought her signifi- shops will focus on layout two days later, McDaniel's cant recognition front her fel- design, features writing, chapter of the Society for low journalists. While some sports writing, photography, Collegiate Journalists will host White House correspondents and covering sensitive issues its 8th annual College Press may lose their vigor from one on college campuses, to name "Prom JPK to Day, also in the Forum. administration to the next, a few. Beginning at 10 a.m. and last- Thomas has consistently chal- As the advisor to the ing until 3:30 p.m., the event lenged presidents on a variety Society for Collegiate will include nine different of issues regardless of political Journalists, Dalton is also George W: workshops dedicated to giv- affiliations. heavily involved in College ing student journalists from She has become the charac- Press Day. Whereas students college campuses throughout ter in the room that the White come and go, Dalton has been the area the tools they need to House Press Secretary loves to planning the event since its Holding Their become better at their trade. hate, pangs of fear undoubt- debut seven years ago. edly arising each time her "This is a labor of love for treli~~ioi~~kJo~~=ts n~ una_urning hand raises into m ..." Dalton saJd. -.rre- thJngs area will be hosting the work- the air from the front row. please me more than to see Feet to the Fire, shops, and Kate Hampson, Most recently, Thomas has professional journalists and associate producer for turned her criticism against student joumalists from this Dateline NBC and a 2000 those in her own profession, region get together for a McDaniel alumna, will be authoring a book entitled whole day of interaction and Helen-style" delivering the keynote Watchdogs of Democracy": mutual admiration." address during lunch. The Waning Washington Press Take advantage of both of Terry Dalton, professor of Corps and How It Has Failed these opportunities to gain 7:30 p.m. English and the school's jour- the Public. Those attending information about journalism, nalism instructor, was integral the lecture are sure to hear no matter what your level of Thursday, April 12, 2007 in setting up both of these some eloquently worded, interest may be. Decker Center Porum events. Dalton had contacted pointed comments aimed at a Thomas with the hope that variety of groups. she would corne talk in his Whereas Thomas's lecture Free and open to the public. A stark Contrast from the years before hit the college campus in pre- message out about the weekly STACEY EYLER vious years. And that's not the events and submissions dead- STAFF WRITER only difference with Contrast lines. And more importantly, Sixty-two submissions, two this year. they were able to reach out to nights of selection, add in Did anyone happen to more student writers and artists. hours of work, and what do notice the lack of writing con- us to get a broader sampling ~ontrast you get? The final version of tests offering monetary "lt was really important to McDaniel College's very own rewards for the winning sub- literary magazine. missions? Those were done of what's on campus and to Serving as a creative outlet away with this year and were represent as many authors as Literary Magazine for the past back on their work. They cre- for writers and artists alike, replaced with weekly poetry possible while creating a mag- two and a half years, shared ated a magazine that they can Contrast Literary Magazine readings and workshops to azine that showcases the liter- similar sentiments. all be proud of. has been an annual campus get the students more ary arts at McDaniel College "Contrast offers different The official unveiling of this publication for more than 17 involved. in a professional and elegant opportunities to college stu- year's edition of the Contrast years. With co-editors Martin As for publicizing? way," said Rietmulder-Stone. dents," she said. "It allows Literary Magazine will be on "In past years, you never Featuring everything from Camper and Julia Rietmulder- heard about the magazine or photos to poems to creative them to get hands-on experi- Thursday, April 19 at 7 p.m. in Stone, seniors at the helm, this fiction and nonfiction, this ence, cultivate skill sets, and Harrison House. They will year's publication promises to didn't know how to get year's publication sounds like create portfolios. Contrast is a have refreshments, an open be bigger (literally) than pub- involved," said Camper. it will be a promising expres- place for writers to come poetry reading, and free lications in years past. "Then at the end of the year, together." copies of the magazine. "From a purely technical there would be this magazine sion of the students of And come together they So come on out and cele- perspective, we're going with that would just pop-up on McDaniel College. After all, did. With a focus on comrnu- brate the accomplishments of that is what Contrast is about. tables and in mailboxes." an 8 by 11 inch page format, That all changed this year. "It offers a chance to see ruty-building, the staff of the the students who have helped and it will be perfect-bound, what students have to say in student-run magazine created to make this year's Contrast Pacebook, Like a paperback book," said Through e-mails, flyers, campus- an artistic way," said Camper. an environment in which stu- Literary Magazine unlike any wide and Rietmulder-Stone. word-of-mouth, the maga- Dr. Kate Dobson, the facul- dents could come together to other. This is quite a change from share and gain useful feed- the smaller booklets that have zine's staff was able to get the ty advisor for Contrast
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