Page 140 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 140
APRIL5, 2007- Page 2 NEWS Global warming expert speaks to students (from "Kerr" on page 1) ing globnl warming really made a Bush administration and our t A G14nce:Rt "The media have been cen- difference? refusal to sign the Kyoto . tral in raising public aware- "It's put a fire under the Protocol. ness and the awareness of whole subject and it looks like "They [the Bush adminis- politicians and policy makers. it's really taking off this time tration} are entitled. It's their The media have been in the in part because the media administration and it's cer- middle between the scientists have finally come over to the tainly been a big factor over and the public. Whatever the idea of global warming being here," said Kerr. "It makes a scientists have to say about real and that it can't be argued tremendous difference which global warming has gone away by contrivance," Kerr way your leadership is through the media," Kerr said. explained. "We'll see what going." "The media have been pivotal comes of it." Kerr also discussed that the in passing on news about Throughout the lunch gath- United States' reluctance to act what's going on with the plan- ering and his lecture, Kerr also quickly has been due to a pre- et." revealed that the United States occupation with the depletion How have Al Gore and his is far behind European of the ozone. campaign affected public opinion nations, who have begun to "People worry more about of global warmillg? take the initiative to address ozone than global warming August, Kerr joked about not "He's been important to this the issue of global warming. even though ozone has been traveling much in his job "Global warming is here. whole thing. His documen- "We're lagging," said Kerr. taken care of effectively,"Kerr because most of the people he It's real. It's serious," said tary has been vital in changing "The Europeans in general said. writes about do field work. Kerr. the national mind set," said and Britain in particular are Another factor that "I still haven't felt an earth- Students had mixed feel- Kerr. "People already knew well ahead of us in not just accounts for America's reluc- quake even though I've been ings about Kerr. "He did it as about global warming but it talking about global warmiI],g tance to focus on global warm- writing about them all these a favor to McDaniel College. wasn't an every day, obvious but trying to do something ing is the oil situation. years," admitted Kerr. He is a writer not a publiC cultural reference. He's about it." "The price of gasoline speaker and he told us that at brought it to the breakfast Kerr added that the United eclipsed stories about the cli- Between his discussion the beginning of the presenta- table and there aren't a whole States has failed to start get- mate crisis," Kerr said. with students and faculty and tion," said senior Muriel lot of ways you can do that." ting serious .about global Despite writing for Science his lecture, Kerr aimed to Cruickshank. "Subconsciously to AI we're comparingJum engram one thing in the minds Has all of the media surround- warming due to the current for nearly 30 years as of this of his audience. Gore and that's not fair." The lighter side of the campus safety blotter parked the Durango in the lot with "Guess." really doing anything. He got least he got action from some- ROB GOEKE STAFFWRfTER outside and went into one of Of course, "Guess" wasn't wasted and was probably one that night. the buildings to investigate. really the student's last name. cavorting with some of the Finally, things are starting (Editor's note: Rob Goeke's com- As they were walking down r mean, if you're in a situation fine females of Whiteford to slow down in Rouzer. ram mentary higilligllts some of the the steps, they spotted a CTe- like this, you have to come up Hall, but probably tried to talk greatly pained. It used to be I inane calls to which campus safe- ative student, clearly training with something creative, like a about feelings or fashion or wouldn't even have to come ty responds.) for a tryout with Manchester false name, to try to save your something girls just don't like up with jokes to make this col- r don't know about you, but United, kicking the Durango hide. I like to call myself to hear about and was kicked umn funny; these boys would the thought of a Steven ~~o~~~~o;~dt~~hi~~en:~~~;to ~:S~:~'Of schlepptng back ~~;"~~jic;,~frrhr::;~'i'gww~~: Gerrard free kick in the game ius~~r o~~rs told the student of soccer lights a hot and to stop but he began to run Richard Claydombe or leRoy to his room a defeated man a~out IS two guys breaking steamy fire in my loins. So away. Once the officers caught Panek could work. Or the left to look at Victoria Secret windows. At least one broke a please forgive my excitement up with the student, they nat- -ever-popular George Bush. catalogs, this fello~ made it to light cover and lied about it, when I noticed an interesting urally asked for his student Moving on, usually you get the lobby of Whiteford an~ with a lacrosse ball no less. incident that occurred on the ro. The student refused and cited for alcohol violations for passed out. Perhaps the funru- T issue a challenge to you night of March 8. told the officers their first doing something drunken and est part of the story was that it boys of Rouzer: you only have In response to some booty name. When the officers idiotic. However, a poor fel- took the Campus Safety offi- a month left. Don't let it go to shakin' in Garden opined for the student's last low got cited at 4:30 in the cer "three vigorous rubs" to waste by being good citizens. Apartments, the boys in green name, the student responded morning on March 24 for not awaken the fellow. Hey, at ~ Drug-rd.ate<.
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