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APRIL 5, 2007 - Page 12 COMMENTARY The Right-Wing "Rant"er Responds • • • A letter to the editor unbiased, and that it's writers Luce Policy Institute (quoted offended by the play does not have to deal with is economic are completely objective in in the Vagina rant not original, validate that NO ONE was policy. You can argue about CHELSEA PHILLIPS their coverage. March 8th letter to the editor) offended by it. Or do you pur- capitalism until you're blue in READER Wait a minute. How can is an organization committed port to speak on behalf of the face.And as an individual, The Author wants both claims be simultaneously to helping conservative stu- humanity at-large? The Author may assert any- Americans to get off their true? dents counter discrimination The third issue I'd like to thing (s)he'd like about our couches and do something If the existence of media on their campuses. CBLPI's take a look at is the Iraq War market economy. But before (The Author: 'J can't even read bias were universally website specifically states that and my alleged "fanatica] making bold claims about that number, March 8, 2007). acknowledged as Mr. Schein the organization's goal is, "to devotion to Dear Leader, what "any economist" would we're getting insists it is, there'd be no need equip [students] with the President George W. Bush." say or believe, (sjhe may want somewhere! for this discussion, now ideas, encouragement, and While the commentary con- to consult an economist, or at If you didn't get a chance to would there? But since media tools you need to promote cerning these two issues was least begin by taking a course check out the March 8th edi- bias is NOT universally your conservative ideas." One extensive, I would merely like on economic theory. That tion of the McDaniel Free accepted (NOTE: The Author), such too! is a brochure enti- to respond with three brief might change his/her Press, J highly recommend let's consider the basis of the tled, The Vagina Monologues comments. mind ... or at least moderate reading the four articles that bias argument. Exposed: A Student's Guide to (1) It's true I disagreed with his/her brash declarations. If respond to my February 23rd For the record-Merriam V-Day, This pamphlet offers many of Former President The Author has taken even the Letter to the Editor entitled, Webster's Dictionary defines background info on the play, Clinton's policies and person- most basic economic class George Bush deserves praise the word 'bias' as "an inclina- fact v. fallacy statements, and al actions. However, I never McDaniel offers-Intra to not bashing (a title selected by tion of temperament or out- activism ideas for students. lost respect for his position. Political Economy-(s)he the staff of The Free Press, look." Using that definition, In my critique of the The American Presidency is should know that there are NOT by this author-mind please consider the following Monologues I utilized much larger than any individ- economists who do not you). question: Is it theoretically (let CBLPI's talking points. With ual who occupies the Oval believe that all "people are But yes, you heard me cor- alone actually) possible for such a thoroughly researched Office. During their tenure, greedy and will set up rectly. I said FOUR responses journalists to be completely "tool" (specifically created for every President makes count- obstructionist policies that to my article! I guess not all impartial in their reportage? student use in evaluating the less decisions (some wise, deprive others (poor people Americans are stagnant and We are all human beings playl), it seems unnecessary to some otherwise). While I and third-world nations) of an indifferent ... You just have to after all-not robots. We think, re-invent the wheel by coming would never advocate "blind equal opportunity to succeed find the right buttons to push we feel, we believe. When we up with entirely "original devotion" to any individual, 1 in the market." to get them to jump out of write (especially when we thoughts." Could I have cited do believe that a certain level And finally, (possibly my their la-z-boys! write editorials!) we express the source of my ideas: sure. of respect should be afforded favorite topic to discuss; not to To quote Mr. Stinson, what our opinions-intentionally or But Letters to the Editor don't our leaders. If you don't like mention, the topic of my sen- a "great deal of courage to un inten tiona IIy-beca use really provide a place for foot- the way they are handling our seminar research), argue on behalf of your own that's human nature. For this notes. And more importantly, affairs, don't vote for them American Conservatism. beliefs" (Observations of a reason, it is impossible to com- my statements were derived (again) or come up with better Richard Reich can define the dirty, liberal student, March 8, pletely divorce our inclina- from talking points specifical- strategies yourself! Name-call- "left / right, liberal / conserva- 2007). I couldn't agree more. tions and outlooks from our ly created for my use. ing gets us nowhere (NOTE: tive dichotomy" however he'd And I applaud the students writing. And why would we Plagiarism is a bold accusa- "blubbering dimwit from like. He's entitled to his own who took the time to voice want to anyway? Whoever tion to level without fully Texas," "megalomaniac who opinion. BUT...who made Mr. their opinions! Instead of busi- gave 'bias' a connotatively understanding the context. usurped the Oval Office," Reich the authority on con- ness as usual in The Free negative didn't truly Although-I must say, I "Dear Leader," "Emperor temporary American political Press, the last three issues understand what it meant to appreciate the defamation of Bush," etc.). ideology?! Conservatives have given us an opportunity be biased. Bias isn't bad. It character. The more time my (2) You may be surprised to have been inadequately to witness students come simply means we don't all critics spend disparaging me, learn that the Pew Research defined as 'preservers of the alive, to offer impassioned view the world through the the less time spent defending Center has found that 40% of status quo' for far too long. defenses of their beliefs. Isn't same eyes. We come from their positions! Americans currently support For a movement as broad, it wonderful to see what a lit- diverse backgrounds and But now-considering the the Iraq War (53% of dive.rse, and long lasting as tle diversified opinion in a have diverse perspectives on play itself. Clearly all four Americans no longer approve, American Conservatism, such newspaper does to awaken life. Actions are perceived dif- commentaries consider the and apparently the remaining a bold generalization is public sentiment?! Maybe ferently by different people. Monologues "important 7% aren't sure what they brazenly ignorant. Today's some more of that ...and addi- Our worldviews dictate how (since} the VDay foundation think ... perhaps they're too Conservatives are an eclectic tional students will start writ- we witness and interact with raisels] awareness and funds busy catching up on the latest group of individuals. They ing "opinion pieces about the world around us. And in support of the fight against episode of American Idol). have many shared values, and things that matter to [them]." that's ok. We don't all have to violence against women." While 40% may not be a many diverse ideas. Which And after all, isn't that what agree on everything. Those of us who do not majority, it is still an awfully basically makes,them ...just a liberal arts education is But let's agree on this: peo- approve of the Vag Mon pro- large percentage of Americans like you and me. about anyway? Looking at sit- ple are not blank slates; as duction (and there are "plenty to ignore. And more impor- As The Author instructs, uations through various lens- such, they are incapable of of feminists and masculists tantly, since the President's "get off your couch and do es and then deciding what we completely disconnecting [who] have complained about current approval rating has something." Don't take your individually believe. themselves from their own Eve Enslers Vagina dropped to 29% (which is less freedom for granted. Whether Breakthroughs and innovative outlook. Also, media (be it Monologues" ---check out than 40%) there' are obviously you see yourself as a conser- strategies don't typically come spoken, print, or electronic) is for a some non-"Bush Cult" mem- vative, liberal, progressive, from hashing out old ideas created by people. Since, peo- list of all the schools nation- bers who still believe we can moderate, libertarian, social- with individuals who think ple create media and people wide participating in the V- make a positive difference in ist, communist, or whatever- exactly like you do. A lot can cannot remove their inclina- Day Exposed campaign) har- the Middle East (The New please take advantage of your be said for a little friendly tions from themsel ves, some bor no "deep resentment" York Times). enormous opportunity to debate every now and again! aspect of bias invariably toward the "entertainment (3) OF COURSE Americans change the world. If you read Continuing in a spirit of creeps into the reporting of phenomenon" and also disap- are allowed to change their something in The Free Press honest and open intellectual prove of violence toward min~s! But I do ~sk that they you disagree with-e-don't wait discussion, let's carefully con- Moving on ...a second women (and ment). don t try to re-write history in for Someone else to respond. sider the five main arguments important issue is The Vagina But ... while the the process. The fact of the Write a Letter to the Editor. If or allegations leveled against Monologues. Before address- Monologues may raise money matter is, President Bush did your professor makes a state- me and every "other ing the production itself, I for a positive cause, that does- NOT lead "Our proud nation ment you feel is unwarranted American conservative" in would like to clarify two criti- n't mean the production itself into [an] unpopular war in the don't remain silent. Speak last week's edition of The Free cisms leveled against my char- is positive. That's like arguing Middle East." The war may your mind. Press: Bias, The Vagina acter. that: IF torturing prisoners not be extremely popular now We may come from differ- Monologues, Iraq, Economics, First, while Ihave not paid provides pertinent informa- but (as I'm sure The Autho; ent ~ackgrounds, bring with and Conservatism. money to buy a ticket and tion that prevents future ter- knows) when the decision was us dIfferent perspectives and First-Media Bias. Mr. attend Eve Enslers produc- rorist attacks and saves the made to go to war in 2002, a support different worldv'iews. Schein contends that, "the tion, I have borrowed a copy lives of millions, THEN tor- vast majority of Americans But we are all Americans. And existence of a 'liberal bias' in of the script from a former cast ture should be allowed. Ends supported that course of as Americans, we are extraor- the media has been known for member and personally read don't justify Means. action. Additionally, the dinarily blest with the free- centuries" and thus any con- and considered its content. Now that is a point you President'·s war resolution ~om to articulat~ Our opin- tinued discussion of the topic Thus, before making unwar- may disagree with. But please passed the US House by near- IOnS-not everyone in the is unnecessary (Student's ranted accusations, journalis- allow me MY first amendment ly 70% and the US Senate by world possesses such enor- points 'misguided, mislead- tic integrity would recom- right to state my opinion, 77%!! (CNN Inside Politics). mousliberty. ing', March 8, 2007). mend authors check their without any fear of repercus- Clearly not an "unpopular" Conversely, The Author facts. sion. Also, Mr. Stinson, simply that you were not stating insists that The Free Press is Second, the Clare Boothe The next main issue we
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