Page 142 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 142
APRIL 5, 2007 - Page 4 NEWS Hazing hotline targets greeks, sports teams is simply an unanswered cam- mines that a hazmg tip is A student, who utilized the irrelevant to someone whose AMANDA KLEIN pus line with a voicemail valid, for Greek organizations, hotline in November, felt that Calling, can make the world of STAFFWRITER recording. Students, parents, the group's charter is tern- it was her duty to report a difference," said Rose. The McDaniel CoUege stu- faculty, and staff are encour- porariIy suspended in order to sport team's ritual, which she Some students dis- dent handbook defines hazing aged to call this number to hold a judicial hearing. A13for perceived as hazing. agree with the concept of the as, "... any action taken or sit- anonymously report incidents sports teams, Rose refers the "A friend and I noticed that hotline. uation created, intentionally, that are perceived as hazing. tip to Dean Beth Gerl and the freshmen on the swim "I think that our school whether on or off College Amanda Rose, the assistant James Smith, director of ath- team were carrying ducks should be focusing its time, premises, to produce mental director of college activities, Ietics. around everywhere, so we effort, and money on finding or physical discomfort, hopes the hotline can open a Rose believes that Greeks reported it," said the source. more positive social outlets for embarrassment, harassment, line of communication are particularly scrutinized at "Afterwards, I spoke with a students on campus, instead or ridicule." between students and admin- McDaniel College for hazing, freshmen and she informed of cracking down on social In recent years, the preva- istration. but they are not the only me that they were no longer traditions that have been here lence of hazing among Greek "The hope is that we can groups on campus that are allowed to carry their ducks for years," says junior organizations has resulted in minimize hazing, and make guilty of this practice. out in the open." Autumn Hilsinger. the revoking of several frater- sure that students have an "It was meant to be a haz- During the fall semester, the "I think its pretty stupid," niry and sorority charters. In avenue to be able to be heard," ing hotline," says Rose. "Its hazing hotllne received four to says non-Greek student Mike order to prevent hazing with- says Rose. not meant to target the Greeks. five valid calls. "We've gotten Sperlak. "I don't think hazing in the remaining recognized Rose is the only person with Hazing is very prevalent calls that have led to investi- should be stopped unless it Greek organizations and access to the voicemail,andis among our athletic teams. gations,"saysRose."Thehot-getsoutofhand.It's just fun sports teams, measures have the only person to hear the This is a way to hopefully line has definitely served its and games." been taken in an attempt to anonymous messages. After bridge the gap between purpose, and I think it will Although some may be eliminate hazing once and for receiving a hazing tip on the Greeks and everyone else. " continue to serve its purpose." skeptical of the reasoning all. hotline, Rose determines the Sorority member Andrea The hotline also received behind the creation of the hot- At the beginning of the validity of the message, and Mandato agrees. three to four invalid calls, line, it has so far helped to 2006-2007 school year, a "haz- moves forward accordingly. "1 think that one positive which were determined to be minimize hazing incidents on Ing hotline" was created in In Significant cases, Rose will thing about the hotline is that prank calls or simply lacked campus, and will hopefully order to encourage students to involve Campus Safety, but it raises the awareness that detail. Rose emphasized the continue to do so in the future. anonymously report any inci- will not reveal even to them hazing is not solely a Greek importance of induding as dents of hazing among on- the exact content of the mes- thing," says Mandato. "Sports much detail as possible in the campus groups. The hotline, sage that was left on the haz- teams do it and dubs do it hazing hotline messages. which operates 24 hours a day, ing hotline. When Rose deter- too." "What might be considered TMNT- Lean, green fighting machines of thing that I was. Namely, not in a 300 way. It was almost BRIAN ENGLER the good guys beating up on ment with the whole film was STAFF WRITER believable, but not quite. One the lack of Shredder. Sure, his the bad guys. So, that's pretty thing that was odd, but didn't daughter was there and pro- Last week, I took a brief trip much what happened. There take away from my enjoying vided an interesting twist of into the land of my childhood. was some of the teenage angst the movie was the proportion no real importance towards I dusted off memories of four amongst the Turtles, but it felt of the people in the movie. the end of the movie, but it of the most influential charac- appropriate. Some people were almost nor- wasn't the same. ters of my youth and went to One change that Twas a lit- mally pmportioned and oth- In summary, this movie see the new Teenage Mutant tle surprised that I liked was ers looked as if they barely definitely lived up to my Ninja Turtles movie. the conversion from people in had room for their spine at memories of those crazy pizza TMNT, as it is currently suits to animation. The anima- their waist, but had wonderful eating ninja turtles. 1 recom- known, was surprisingly tion was very impressive, pees. mend it fully to anyone who entertaining. [ went in expect- with very good voice acting. The plot seemed to me to be wants to see it, either for nos- ing an abuse of the loveable The Turtles sounded just like I similar in many aspects to 13 talgia or curiosity. Or, if you pizza eating ninjas, but didn't remembered them. Splinter, Ghosts, only in reverse. This happen to be reading this and find that. Instead, what 1 Casey Jones, and April sound- led to a sort of fantasy feel to have a kid. Take them and found was more or less an ed a bit different, but it fit in. the film as a whole, which help start a new following for adaptation of the Turtles to the One of the benefits of the wasn't quite what I was look- the Turtles. Viva la Turtles! children of today. animation was that it became ing for from the Turtles, but I Fortunately, kids of today possible to make the movie let it slide. seem to be into the same sort seem more comic bookish, but The only real disappoint- WMCR Game Night a success Halo Defined others across campus, all can't really be explained" says should be advised; if you're What is Halo? It fallS' GREG PFEIFFER without leaving the dorm Garrett Eagan, who played for going to talk. a big game, you under the genre of PPS;Ot STAFF WRITER room. Some play for fun, oth- the winning Team Merkhouse. had better playa big game as Fir&t~Person -Shce ter Double kill. Running riot ers to humiliate their friends, He said that the game is well. Basically, players possess Betrayed. On their own these and some to stay away from "addictive, not exactly to the In addition to Halo, anoth- futuristic weapons phrases may seem odd to work for class. Time well point of hurting academics, er smaller section was devot- II, all the many, but to a dedicated wasted, indeed. but once you start, you get ed to Guitar Hero, a music "ngto el" group of people, they are all The tournament itself gave sucked in." game that allows players to the, by too familiar. These words any student a chance to pit Eagan's team, who sported strap on a plastic guitar and come from the popular Xbox their skills against other play- black t-shirts with their logo jam along with their favorite title Halo, a game that has ers, only with a bit more on the back, won $50 for beat- tunes on-screen. This game is gained a huge following since incentive: cash. The event took ing out the other four-men for ev.eryone; those with no its release in 2001. Its sequel, place in Ensor Lounge, and it squads. The teams in 2nd and musical talent need not shy Halo 2, has become even more was a garners dream. Two 3rd place received "mystery" away, and it supplied an alter- popular among garners of aU large projection televisions prizes. According to Eagan, native for those who were not ages, establishing itself on col- displayed the game in breath- his group overcame the team immersed in the Halo action. lege campuses as a great way taking fashion, while music with the best player on cam- It doesn't seem that this to pass the time. This was evi- courtesy the WMCR pumped pus, otherwise known as phenomenon will go away dent as the WMCR sponsored in the background. To keep "Cancer" inside the game. anytime soon: with the release a game night for students in things fair, a large barrier was "He's the best here," says of Halo 3 looming right Ensor Lounge, with Halo 2 placed between the players on Eagan, "but he really didn't around the corner, it's a safe leading the way as the main both sides to eliminate screen- have a supporting cast." bet that playtime will stay attraction. 'watching (see sidebar). This attitude perfectly sum- constant in dorm rooms aU Like every other college, Onlookers watched as players marizes the competitiveness over campus. Hopefully students at McDaniel have battled it out, reveling in the that goes into these contests. McDaniel will sponsor more created an online community hip surroundings that fulfilled Whether players are fighting tournaments in the future and to play Halo. At any time of the student's ongoing thirst for money or bragging rights, give these students more there is always a bit of brava- the day, a student can log into for entertainment. opportunities to shine on the battlefield. the network and play against "Halo is something that do involved. Newcomers
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