Page 141 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 141
NEWS A~RlL 5, 2007-Page 3 Male students lack motivation, fall behind (from "Gender" on page 1) "The portrayal of masculin- monly reported by discour- "The consequences of the piloted by Dr. Peter Bradley, make about 70 cents on the ity has always been rewarded aged professors. global society are trending assistant professor of philoso- dollar compared to their male for men, and doing well aca- At the same time, it is away from this complacent phy. McKay observed coworkers, female students demically is not one of those important to note the bidirec- privilege of male birthright," Bradley's classes during the are forced to face the reality of things that exudes masculini- tional nature of the gender said Dr. Herbert Smith, pro- pedagogy and noticed that the inequity in the workplace. Dr. ty or is considered mascu- gap. While many males ate fessor of political science and males were more far more Henry Reiff, dean of student line ... ," Harlow said. "Sports probably unmotivated and international studies. receptive to the teaching academic life, and other are very masculine; doing degenerating, females are The immediate questions method. administrators still see that as well in school is nerdy. excelling in ways that they are if and how the college "I'm interested to see if the case. Femininity is not displayed never have before, a fact that should deal with the issue. there is any gender work to "Women are a little more through sports, so the things no one is complaining about. "I don't think it makes see how this affects men and driven; they don't feel that that women are rewarded for Dr. Brian Wladkowski, associ- sense to cry and moan about women differently," McKay things are just going to work don't all come out of that." ate professor of chemistry and it, nor do I think it makes said. "We have to find a way out for them, that everything The logical conclusion that a 1988 graduate of the college, sense to say, 'Well it's a nation- to engage males and convince is going to be handed to them the gender gap stems from is able to offer a historical per- al phenomenon, so that's just them that (college education) on a silver platter," Reiff said. pre-existing ideals of compla- spective of the causes of the way it is,'" Reiff said. "I is important for their future." "I think there is a little bit cency and misdirection which women's increased success. think there's a middle ground For now, men are still the more of a feeling of entitle- are finally reaching hazardous "Women here, relative to where we try to identify dominant force in the work ment with male students." levels has some basis in back then, seem to be much things that we can change and place, but it remains to be seen Reiff also thinks that males observable evidence. more focused on careers and the things that we cannot." what could happen if the are more likely to come to col- Professors in many disciplines future goals independent of Some faculty members are downward slope of academic lege for the sole purpose of report that male students are marriage, and that alone may in fact considering methods to deficiency continues. playing a sport or engaging in generally less engaged and be the driving factor that's combat apathy in both gen- "If there seem to be more social activities while females more apathetic than their causing this CPA gender gap," ders, an effort which may serious consequences, will have more of an academic female counterparts, outward Wladkowski said. have more of an impact on that start to be something focus. According to Dr. behaviors which reflect inter- Yet while the success of males. In the art history which men start to internalize Roxanna Harlow, associate nal motivation. instances of women is being celebrated department, McKay is consid- themselves?" Harlow won- professor of sociology, it all males slouching. sitting in the due to historic and current ering the use of a pedagogy ders. "Will that be something comes down to what society back of the classroom, and inequality in the work force, which employs role-playing that is more sell-correcting?" defines as being appropriate even sleeping instead of lis- the gender gap may quickly games in order to engage stu- Or is intervention needed? for each gender. tening to lectures are all com- turn into a real issue for males. dents more fully, a method Only time will tell. Date rape drug cases on the rise in the area (from "Warning" on page 1) this: "In addition, drugs and cases." a drink and who has access to Greaves noted that stu- individual," the student said. alcohol are often used in order Since the investigations are it will cut down on someone dents could visit a few web- "I was protective over my to minimize the resistance and ongoing, Webster was unable adding something to a drink. sites to find more information. drink. Victims are just that, memory of the victim of a sex- to say anything more on the Throwing a drink away that is The address for Rape Crisis in victims. You cannot really pre- ual assault." record. suspect or even uncertain is a Carroll County is pare or prevent yourself from In an e-mail sent March 6, Given these events, efforts wise practice." w w w.r a p e c ri s is c c.o r g , becoming one because it is Director of Campus Safety are being made to increase Webster, in the original e- Students can also visit unexpected." Mike Webster informed stu- awareness of this issue. Craig mail to students, offered more and D· P tho DOpe ~... of the incidents and G.feaves. _ unanity ac.iviattg~ www..ra.inn.orgfor,"ore Abuse and Incest National asked (or students to be cau- Educator 'With Rape Crisis "Open all containers your- mation. infor- Network calls it on their web- tious when going to parties Intervention Service of Carroll self. Don't accept drinks that "The services of Rape Crisis site (, Drug and locaJ bars. County, stated in an e-mail are given to you. Don't drink are available to anyone in the Facilitated Assault, is defined "[DoCS] was informed of that increased caution is nec- from punch bowls or other community including as "[w]hen drugs or alcohol the incidents," said Webster in essary. large, common, open contain- McDaniel students," said are used to compromise an an interview, "and we report- "Prudent use of alcohol is ers. Have a non-drinking Greaves. "Additionally there individual's ability to consent ed them to the Westminster another important precau- friend with you. Stay with are counseling services avail- to sexual activity." RAINN Police Department. They are tion," advised Greaves. your friends and watch out for able at the college for stu- continues their definition with currently investigating these "Being aware of the source of each other." dents." Use it- you don't lose it Greeks reviewed were able to use their remain- "We want to be fair to the (from "Greeks" 011 pnge 1) that Rose hopes will help to MELANIE ~EIN ing funds on campus to dear students. It is, their money. spective of the Greek commu- institute new policies to gov- ! NEWSEDJ up any balances due on their We want to do what other ntry at McDanieL Not only ern Greek life. With the arrival stude(ltaccount. The other schools are doing," said did they speak with each of suggestions from the con- option wes tc have the money Schmidt. Greek organization individu- sultants, Rose plans to devel- placed, on a Barnes & -Noble Unfortunately graduating, ally, but they also spoke with op a Greek judicial policy, as five immediately .. a gift card. seniors won't benefit from th faculty, Board of Trustees' well as delineate a dear set of 'will be: followed, "Students shouldn't-have to change, but underclassmen members, non-Greek stu- expectations for Greek organi- ,.All funds will feel like they have to spend should make themselves dents, alumnae, and even zations that reside at ransfer to the next year $300 if you' don't need to," aware of the new policy. More members of unrecognized McDaniel, both local and hrough ,the .Iaet semester of said sophomore [en Noel. information can be found in Greek organizations. national. our senior year. Any balance "This new policy takes pres- brochures in the Bursar's Students found their meet- Another goal is to increase on the card at that time will be sure off." office and look for a campus tngs with Jelke to be a positive the number of students forfeif.'ed,"according to the Asfor the vendlng account, wide email that will discuss experience, and many left involved in the Greek com- rSursar, Susan Schmidt. the rule will remain the same. the new policy, with optimistic feelings for munlty, a figure that has been The decision was made by All money will carry over "I think that my parents the future of Creek life on the steadily decreasing for the a gooup of people that Indud- from year to year. will be more willing to give campus. lis- past decade. In the fall of 2006, 12% of me money now because they The MW policy was the ~!~::re:;~~~~:~~~~a;r know 1won't keep what's tens to him, I think it would McDaniel College students "If the administration ed Mary 10 Colbert, 'Director result Of an analysis of what other schools weee doing wtth ldt,"'said helpful," says were members of either a rec- Noel. be really 1Vlce President of student debit accounts. Stephen Fordyce, member of ogruzed fraternity or sorority. Administration and Finance, Phi Delta Theta. "He's only This amount is a 3% drop Kimberly Seeley, Director of here to do good things. He from the fall of 2002, and a 4% Financial Planning and isn't here to ruin Greek life; drop from the fall of 1997. taudget!Assistant ,Tre.."s:urer, he's here to make it better." In addition, Rose hopes to Susan Schmidt, Bursar,and "It was good that he was unify the organizations into a . Arthur wtsner, Director of unbiased because it seemed strong Greek community . Financial Services/Treasurer. like he was really listening to "One goal is to build Greek The old policy allowed the our side and was interested in unity amongst groups that are transferring of money from helping the situation," says currently here," said Rose. '1 Phi Sigma Sigma member just want the groups to be able Tara McKinney. to respect each other, regard- Jelke and Katz's findings less of the letters on their will be compiled into a report chest."
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