Page 148 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 148
APRIL 5, 2007 - Page 10 COMMENTARY Residence Life needs better Rouzer response A letter to the editor the power to charge. students doubt to mount an e~ecti~e to find a resolution - to inter- When problem neighbor- financially for that which it legal challenge - especially In view students, to increase hoods need an increased DAVID P. GREISMAN would never be able to charge that absolutely anyone can supervision, to effectively nip police presence, governments READER them with legally. Its policy is enter Rouzer without question the problem in the bud. don't charge residents for Nothing. set out on page 47 of the or obstruction at any time. For Residence Life, however, helping to keep them safe. "Seinfeld," the self-pro- Student Handbook: along with students from instead left the situation to a And McDaniel College pre- claimed show about nothing, "McDaniel College expects other dorms who do laundry policy that passes the buck of sumably doesn't charge stu- ended in 1998 with an episode resident students will take in Rouzer a.nd thus have keys responsibility away from the dents caught drinking off- in which Jerry, George, Elaine responsibility for damages to to the building, there is at least adults and onto the students campus for the cost of the offi- and Kramer were imprisoned public areas in their living one entrance that provides who the former are charged cer on the joint patrol with the for seeing a crime in progress space. Like most other col- non-residents with unfettered with guarding and guiding. Westminster Police and doing nothing. leges, the College does not access. Its approach, it seems, is to Department. Nearly a decade later, the raise room rental for aU stu- Again, though, odds are bully the students - many of YetRouzer residents should residents of Rouzer Hall face a dents to pay for damages but that it is Rouzer students whom are probably innocent have also felt compelled _ by similar sentence - fines and assess those members of a liv- doing the vandalizing. So of any wrongdoing but lgno- logic, not by school law _ to fees, rules and restrictions - ing area (floor, suite, wing, what is it that brought this sit- rant of the true perpetrators. set up something akin to a for a prolonged period of van- hall) when the responsible uation to its breaking point? Rather than working with neighborhood watch pro- dalism within their building. individual(s) cannot be deter- Problems with Rouzer what must be a good number gram. Few enjoy living in less- More than 200 students are mined. aren't new to this school year. of residents who are fed up than-ideal conditions, and the being punished for what were "It is the responsibility of aU Over the summer, the hall with the mess - both literal students could have asked for presumably the acts of the residents to exercise their underwent some serious reno- and figurative - there is an us help finding and handling few, dubious discipline for the influence in the student com- vations to repair years of vs. them mentality, an order to those few rotten eggs that misdeed of doing nothing. munity to prevent damage or abuse. Yet fall brought the give Residence Life the infor- caused this big stink. It's And with nearly $17,000 in require responsible individu- same faxes back into the hen- mation or else. uncertain if and how that help charges levied by the als to pay." house - a homogenous group The school also chose to would have come. Department of Residence Life Ithink Isaw this analogy on of 200 freshmen boys super- assign a Campus Safety officer Rouzer's residents didn't against the Rouzer residents, I the SATs: Residence Life is to vised by little more than four to patrol Rouzer Thursday necessarily fail themselves _ it recommend that the latter Rouzer Hall as America is to resident assistants. The build- through Saturday, from mid- was the system that should've should continue to do nothing rogue states. Harbor student ing's residence life coordina- night to 4 a.m. Aside from been there for them instead of -about the fines, not about the terrorists and the administra- tor resigned in early October, Campus Safety's limited pres- against. These students came crimes - until the former tion will bomb you to obliv- leaving yet another gap in ence being akin to fighting a to McDaniel to work on proj- shows a better way of doing ion. leadership. forest fire with a garden hose, ects, not to feel like they're Iiv- something. Odds are that the vandal- There has been ample Residence Life will bill Rouzer ing in them. On the surface, it would ism is in-house, but there's opportunity for the residents for the cost of hiring appear that Residence Life has more than enough reasonable Deparhnent of Residence Life the officer. American Idol review: FREE PRESS STAFF Sanjaya needs to go who found success before Malakar's physicality; his Co--Editors-m-Chief Staff GREG PFElFFER him. In none of his perform- constantly evolving hairstyle STAFF WRITER ~; Matkovic '07 TeneMartin ances has he showcased the may be enough to send him to Mike Habegger '08 Kayla Franklin America can't be wrong. 30 power of Chris Daughtry, the the final three. No one is hop- Rachel Brownl ee '10 million people wiII make the range of Reuben Stoddard, or ing for that more than radio Art Director DawrrAldrteh Tu right choice. The next the soulfulness of Taylor mogul Howard Stern, a fre- Emily Biondo '09 Geoff Peckham '08 American ldol will enjoy Hicks, three of the best males quent visitor of fen Harrington '07 astounding success, gain the show has ever produced. and Features 'Editor Lindsay Graham '07 unprecedented concert sales, "I think people have seen Sanjaya supporter. Stern has Kathryn Youn~ '08 Heather COts-ucit and go huge with a multi-plat- my voice but not necessarily been urging listeners to dial in Corl Simpson '08 Brian Engler '08 inum debut album. Isn't it the potential it could be," says for the singer each week, Kristin Lamb '09 true that our next megastar Sanjaya of himself. "I think I potentially bringing in mil- News: Editor Rob Goeke '07 will become a household have a certain charm." lions of mock votes. The so- Melanie Chupein '09 name, with a face that we Charm or no charm, it is called "Stern Effect" is possi- Becky Snider '09 can't escape no matter how obvious that Malakar just bly skewing a poll that should Commentary Editor Christine Boyton'08 hard we try? The next doesn't have it. He often sings not include Sanjaya in the first Mario Valone Stacey Eyler '08 Kristen Bender American Idol will be able to out of rune and bores audi- place, and could ultimately Sarah alack Til Leslie Shirk '08 sing in tune, right? Wrong. ences with his whispery style affect the results in an annoy- Rigoberto Gioguenmiru '07 For whatever reason, these that has him slaughtering ing and blatantly unfair way. Sports EdUor truths are somehow slipping song after song each week. It It is important to note that Ryan Chell '09 Chris Ferrkk-Manley'09 past the minds of Americans has left many wondering why if Simon leaves the show, so Laura Hutton '09 Jerome De Frances '07 Greg Pfeiffer ~09 who tune in every week to he continues to make the cut, will many viewers. His afore- crown the next singing sensa- knocking off better singers mentioned threat to leave Page Design :Emily Sweeney '09 tion. We have made it to the that deserve the spot he should not be taken lightly. He Emily Biondo '09 Christina Hinkle '09 top 12, which supposedly rep- unjustly holds. stresses time and time again Mike Habegger 108 Ketelyrm McGinley '10 resents the best of the best So what is the secret to that Idol is a singing compett- MJ Alexander '09 Tori Butler '07 America has to offer. The Sanjaya's dumbfounding sue- tion, and on those grounds, group has potential, no doubt, cess? Many theories have Sanjaya should go immediate- Photography Advertising Managers but only on the girl's side. risen to help explain why he ly. Even though its up to Evan TIcknor '10 Emily Funk '07 Quite frankly, this may be the still remains in the cornpeti- America, I want to see him off Mike Habegger 'OS Copy 'Editor worst group of boys the show tion. For example, his ethnlci- the show. And until that hap- Pat O'Toole '07 has ever seen in its six sea- ty has gained him the support pens, no amount of Blake Web Editor sons, lead by the worst male of his country's voters; he is lewis' beat boxing can change Beth Mcl.ane '07 singer to ever advance this far. the first contestant on Idol of mind. The Qpin!onsexpressed do not necessarily represent those of'Ihe "He's not going to win. I Indian descent. Interestingly, r--.........!'f£v~ McDaniel FreePress staff, the faculty,ce the adntiniStrators of won't be back if he does" says conspiracy may playa part in McDaniel College. Simon Cowell, the show's his continuity on the show. e ~aper welcomes ~ee-la~ sent the fteepress@mWaoiel.ed 10 notoriously harsh but correct, which edl:Ors reserve the rl~ht to edit for clarity,length, and libel' Mci judge. receives a million hits a day, publish ~sspace permits. Please include a name ' d ,an to for verification. Names will be withheld onl b t'i: lhon~ number Cowell is referring to urges viewers to choose Editors-in-Chief. Y Y Sanjaya Malakar, a 17-year old Sanjaya despite his faults. ~ M<:OanielFreePrcsS'does not discrimin t b d lSCretion(If the hailing from Federal Way, Dave Della Terza, the site's a WA. Needless to say, if some- editor, says "Idol is more religion,gender, Sexual.orientation, nationa !~ri~~ c~~~i~~~a7' 0 handicap, or marital $fatus. one epitomized the lackluste.r entertaining with him on. His Mail to' quality of the men in this sea- job on the show is to act as The McDaniel Free Press son's competition, Malakar is spOiler, and we want to pro- McDaniel COllege,2 COllegeHill it. While his youth is no long that role." Westrnint>ter,MD 21157 excuse, he clearly does not His followers, or self-pro- (410) 751-8600 FAX; (410) 857-2729 possess the ability of those claimed "Fanjayas," admire E-Mail:frf:!
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