Page 139 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 139
SEARCH FOR NEW BASKETBALL COACH CONTINUES Vol. 7 No.4 Students enjoy Right battles back CRUNClIY Spring Fling spring break all against Left C;l..S madness over the world Page 12 Page 7 Page 8-9 INSIDE Male students falling behind females York Tunes article entitled" At standardized tests but are der gap as an issue which calls PAT O'TOOLE Colleges, Women Are Leaving somehow missing the mark in for resolution. According to COPY EDITOR Men in the Dust" illustrated the classroom. Dr. Gretchen McKay, director In an age when many pre- this very point, reporting that This phenomenon has hit of the Honors Program, dis- vious visions of equality are for every five women who close to home, too, as the a11- cussion of the issue has been finally being realized, one earn their bachelor's degree, male GPA at McDaniel has restricted mostly to an hour- group which never before only three men accomplish s"=:adily fallen short of the all- long session held two years needed special attention may this feat. Now the significant female CPA in recent years. ago at a retreat for deans and soon become the focus of aca- minority at American colleges Since at least 2000, the all- directors. The consensus at demic policies and cam- and universities (men make female has hovered that time, McKay said, was GPA TMNT reviewed paigns. But this imbalance has up only 42 percent of under- around 3.2 compared to the that the issue is due to the fact Page 14 little or no root in discrimina- graduates), studies have males' meager 2.8. Females that while females are forced tion or external forces; there is shown that men study less also outrank males four to one to acknowledge that careers no quick solution to this prob- and socialize more than in the Honors Program while and higher degrees are not lem because, uniquely females. males outnumber females guaranteed following gradua- enough, the group is perpetu- As is reflected in those stud- three to one on the academic tion, males have fallen into a ating its own subjugation .. ies, males' underachievement deficiency list (students who trend of complacency which A pandemic is sweeping is less of a systemic issue and have fallen below a 2.0 cumu- causes them to see their aca- America's colleges and uni- more of a conscious choice to lative GPA). demic performance as being versities: males are outper- not take advantage of natural While these statistics may unrelated to future success. In formed by females at unprece- abilities. After all, males con- be alarming, the institution as a world where females still dented rates. A July 2006 New slstently outscore females on of yet does not view the gen- (see "Gender" on page 3) world spinning, my body ROB GOEKE began to shake and J started to STAFF WRITER vomit. After about 3-4 hours On a recent Thursday night, of this I fell asleep and woke a female student at McDaniel up feeling fine, no hangover arrived at a local Westminster or anything. [This] led me to bar for a night of expected believe [whatever caused this] fun. Things, however, did not was not food poising or alco- go as planned. hol." "I did not d rink enough to This student's case is part of make me drunk but I felt a troubling trend of students sedated and relaxed at the possibly ingesting date rape bar," she said. "As the night drugs in recent weeks. To went on 1 was having difficul- date, at least three separate ty holding on to my cup of cases have been reported to water and keeping my head McDaniel's Department of up." Campus Safety. Also, an Her condition only wors- Media coverage of ened when she returned to alleged case of the use of date rape drugs on a Westminster Iraq tells an incom- campus. woman at a local bar has been plete picture "when I got home I passed reported to local authorities. "I was a victim of a sick Page 13 out for about an hour," she KateChilson gazes at the Step Pyramid. See continued. "[I] woke up to the (see "vvamuvg" 011 page 3) Kerr speaks to students Greeks evaluated the fact that Kerr's writing has earth and planetary sciences," consulting firm specializing it, MELANIE CHUPEIN awards from the said Kevin Harrison, profes- AMANDA KLEIN fraternities and sororities. STAFF wnrrns "Our goal was to have a NEWS EDITOR American Meteorological sor of environmental policy to evaluate Dr. Richard A. Kerr, an Society, the National and science at McDaniel. In an attempt to improve third party community the of Greek f Greek life, McDaniel College expert on the earth and plane- ~::;~!::~on th: A~ee~li~~~ COnf:s~~~,i~;!~r!e~~;ein K~~ brought in a team of profes- McDaniel as a whole," said tary sciences, spoke to the col- Geological Institute and the habit of expressing our opin- sional consultants to evaluate Creek Life Coord ina ton lege communi~ 28 ~n Geological Society of America. ions in public forum." the Greek eomrmrruty during Amanda Rose. "How everY1 Wednesday, Marc m In fact at a more intimate the week of March 19. Two One sees it-the good and the De~~:ra~~'~~~~~m~as packed ~r;h:a~:~~~g~~:~te~~i!~O~ lunch gathering in Academic consultants Tom Ielke and bad. And be able '0 give oJ reccmrnendaticnscf what is with students and faculty. A America in 1995 and earned Hall, Kerr captivated students Karen Katz, visited McDaniel being done well and what is few classes had been canceled- the American Geophysical by answering their questions on March 20, and conducted extensive research through not." Nearly every seat was filled Union's highest accolade to a abotl~~~~~~:~/~~~e~ia illjlll- March 22. The pair, based out Ielke and Katz conducted ~~~t:~;~~e;p~:~~c~ ~~s~:~ jOUfl~~i::~ is one of the most ew"n','ndll'nAg';.reri~a'sview of global of Miami, Florida, is extensive interviews an influential and insightful sci- employed by T. [elke attempted '0 get a broad per tin!~~!~ea~~~~idty heralded ence writers in the field of (see "Kerr" on page 2) Solutions, an independent (see "Greeks" ou page 3)
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