Page 126 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 126
Vol. 7No. 3 MARCH 8, 2007, Page 16 Plenty of interest to launch women's rugby team Hopkins ... -==-.."--.,,.---.,.......,...--,....._ team, a rugby ball LAURA HUTTON "When r got the e-mail about the Looking for competitive SPORTS EDITOR said they would before." Many activity, but lacking time to have enough peo- team I knew right away I wanted to members also devote to a varsity sport drew A club team that recently ple for a "8- h. lack the neces- freshman Sabrina Klinger into left the Hill is making a come- Squad with sub- join.... Iexpect to ave a lot of sary equfprnent. the rugby club team. She is back. The women's rugby stitutes." fun .Iearning a new sport and meet- To play, soccer new to the sport and "most club, formed by Krista excited to just learn how to Hopkins, will be joining other Fitzw~~~or;t;:~~ ing new people." - KaitlynGid~ ~::::: ;::ft~~: play." spring sports teams on the playing rugby allowed because She said, "I know it is a fields beginning this semester. when the club started spring a great experience," she said. the toe spikes are painful), very competitive and aggres- Hopkins, a junior, trans- 2004, the second semester of Although she will not have high soccer socks, a jersey, sive sport and I am ready for ferred to McDaniel this year. her freshman year. Having time to really participate in rugby shorts (thicker cotton): the challenge of learning the She played rugby in high had never played the sport the developing team due to and a mouth guard are need- rules." She also looks forward school and contemplated before Fitzwater commented, time constraints and gradua- ed. Some players use "serum to building "a friendship and starting a team while she was "I had finished soccer season tion, Fitzwater is glad that a caps" to protect their ears, sportsmanship relationship at community college. Upon and was itching for some new club is organizing. they are most often used by with the other girls on the arriving at McDaniel, physical activity. I was also Sophomore, Kaitlyn advanced and professional team." Hopkins was determined to really interested in learning a Giddings was instantly drawn players. Hopkins hopes that the start a dub team. new sport. Plus, rugby is one in. "When I got the e-mail Even though she has 38 team will become strong and On February 12, Hopkins of the few excuses females about the team I knew right girls, Hopkins is more than focused this year. Next year sent out a campus wide email have to get really rough and away I wanted to join. I have happy to acquire more play- she wants to have a full year to determine the student's tough and it's far more intense friends at other schools that ers. "The cut-off will probably rugby-team and begin playing level of interest and 38 people than football." play and say how much fun it be rnid-April.. after all the games once t~ spring season expressed a desire to play. As Fitzwater recalls the only is. Iexpect to have a lot of fun intra practices for learning the starts. long as they remain with the game the team played, was a learning a new sport and fundamentals are over. If Klinger said, "1believe thls scrimmage meeting new people." somebody tries to come in year will be a learning experi- against Mount The team however, is not after that; they're Welcome to ence for-all of us and then in Saint Mary's quite ready to start playing try, but we're not necessarily the future years it will become University. "It games. Hopkins' goal for this going to be able to do a whole a well developed competitive ~ pretty season is to give her players "a lot of extra teaching." team." intense since good basis in understanding She is also very open to For now, Hopkins and her they're a really the game." She said, "I doubt those who have no experi- team wait for the snow to melt well estab- we'll be able to play any real ence: "All 1 ask is that they're and the fields to dry so they lished dub games as such a new team receptive to a new sport and at can begin practices. Hopkins team, but it was since we have so many mem- least try everything," said jokingly adds, "Mud is fun, a lot of fun and bers that have never even seen Hopkins. but not that fun." Men's and women's _golf swing into action take the championship away Butler, LaVoie, Meier and sen- ference championship." LAURA HUTTON from McDaniel, says coach ior Gary Labreck, has to pro-- ons the players will have to SPORTS EDITOR There is a more parity in pick it up, play their best and Moyer. But the team is vide leadership and show the the conference this year then try their hardest in the spring During the 2004-2005 and focused on practicing this younger players the way. there was a few years ago. to improve their game in each 2005-2006 seasons, the men spring as if it was the last "I feel as though I should Gettysburg has been tournament. and women took home both round of the championship. show more leadership to the Mclfaiuel's top competition "We need to play our best Centennial Conference "The spring season is under classrnen," says Lavoie. for the championship year-in to win a sixth straight champi- Championship trophies. The where we will have to work "Show them that we have a and year-out, but in 2007 onship," says coach Diehl. men hope to make it a trinity the hardest in order to be very good chance at going to Muhlenberg is better, as well "And peak at the right time whereas the women are going ready for [the] conference nationals this year." as Franklin & Marshall. These [conferences]." for their sixth consecutive [championships]," says junior The Terror men will kick three schools have the oppor- The Lady Terror will tee-off year. Zach LaVoie. off the spring season and their tunity to take the trophy away their spring schedule hosting "Our goal is to always try The men are coming off a road to a third conference from McDaniel for the first a tournament at Links at to win the Centennial successful fall schedule, show- championship with a tourna- time in five years. Gettysburg at the end of the Conference Championships," ing improvement in each of ment in Gettysburg, PA, host- For the Lady Terr~r to month. says men's Head Coach Scott the many tournaments they ed by Gettysburg College, on repeat as conference champi- Moyer. "[This], in tum, will played, says junior Gerry March 27 - two weeks after allow us to represent the Butler. LaVoie and freshman their Spring Break trip in school and the conference in Alex Campbell earned Myrtle Beach, sc. the NCAA National Medalist Honors in two tour- The women enter their Championship." naments. Butler also finished spring season seeking to This is the first time that the in the top 20 in the final retain the conference title that the winner of the conference three tournaments in the fall. McDaniel has held for the past championship this year will "Hopefully [LaVoie and five years. The team is differ- receive an automatic berth Campbell] can continue their ent than it was two years ago, into the NCAA Division III winning ways," says Moyer, but as the season progresses Golf Championship about the Terror men heading there is improvement with Tournament in Indianapolis, into the spring season. each tournament. IN. The Terror graduated three "Our goal every year is to The road to a third. cham- seniors last year, including the get better, as a team and as pionship is going to be tough conference player of the year- individuals," says women's because Gettysburg and Steve Perrone. So this year's Head Coach Mike Diehl. "We Franklin & Marshall want to group of upperclassmen, ultimately strive for the con-
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