Page 121 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 121
COMMENTARY MARCH 8, 2007 - Page 11 Sadly, we are still not a color blind nation ulations to the coaches for pie are encouraging separa- Black Enough for D.C.?" The always the first thing we dis- SARAH BLACK making it to the champt- tion among individuals, for oppression of black people is tinguish about that person; COMMENTARYEDITOR onship, T heard they were something that was fought so over, yet whenever we pull we're set out to identify the I have a bone to pick with black-is that really neces- hard against," she said. "As a the race card, we are making it differences in people. society. No, this isn't a politi- sary? country, The United States seem as if blacks are still suf- Someone's color should not cal commentary, so you can't r feel that still acknowledg- encourages equality among fering. I would hope that they be an issue any longer. Period. complain about the Free Press ing the fact these people are a citizens which isn't being dis- are not, but the repeated Why can we praise people just being biased-hey, it's not our different color just perpetu- played through the acknowl- recognition that a person is for their successes alone? Why fault no one wants to stand up ates the cycle of racism in this edgment of race. Why should black is in a way causing an do we have to point out their for Bush! country. Our constant color define a person? Color unintentional oppression. Our skin color? It's the 21st centu- No, this bone Iwant to pick acknowledgement of their dif- should not be acknowledged SOcietyis so intent on pointing ry and we still can't call our- has to deal with the recent ference in color makes it seem unless it was a reason why an out the differences between selves as a nation, color blind. pulling of the race card to as if color is still an issue. And individual is receiving an people, that even in this day It's ridiculous and incredibly highlight the accomplish- it shouldn't be. Another exam- award." and age, we still haven't risen sad. ments of certain celebrities. pie is from this year's Golden Ican understand these real- above our prejudices. The particular race card I'm Globe Awards. The first thing izations occurring in the 70s, Our constant recogni- speaking of is the black one. I heard about Eddie Murphy 80s, and maybe the 90s... but tion of peoples' skin I'm all for recognizing peo- and Jennifer Hudson-before not now, not anymore. We're color is proof that pies' achievements, but I real- I heard that they had both in the 21st century; I don't racism is still an issue in Iy don't think that one of the won-was that they were think we need to make color this country. recognitions should be the fact black and had one awards. an issue anymore, for purpos- We are, without rea- that these people are black- Again ... why? es good or bad. However, son, continuing the cycle or any color at all. Take for Senior Laura Borchers Senior Terre Thomas believes of racism because we example this year's Super expresses her concerns: "We it is a good thing to recognize simply cannot look past Bowl and the team coaches, shouldn't recognize the color a black person's color. "It's someone's skin color. Lovie Smith and Tony Dungy. of an individuals' skin. By good because of all we've We are supposedly in a [think before Iheard congrat- acknowledging the race, peo- fought for," she said. On the land of equal opportuni- other hand, she admitted that ty but we seem to con- Correcnom In the February 23 edition of the McDaniel Free for people who don't discrim- tradict this idea by con- press, there was a mistake made in the article "Isaac offers cut- inate in the first place, "its slg- stantly recognizing that t~g career guidance," Though she did make positive con- ruficance might not be seen by someone has accom- tnbutions to the office, April Johnson made improvements to them." It's absolutely ridiculous plished a great deal, and oh my goodness, they're e office's webpege. when we allow a newspaper black too! A person's headline to read: "Is Obama skin color is almost Barack Obama- Not black enough? FREE PRESS STAFF Cocktales a big success their own stereotypes, them- ward at first, but we quickly BRIAN ENGLER selves, and most aspects of got over that. We had about Staff Sf AFF WRITER being a man. six meetings total in order to Terre Martin But like I said, there are Kayle Pranklln Ten people. Eight cocks. serious matters put everything together, to get stories. to know the others and gather discussed Rachel Brownlee '10 Sixteen All of this well. There are issues of sexu- as a properly sized cast. leads up to the performance, Dawn Aldrlch'10 ality, of our bodies, and of Considering the relatively Geoff Peckham '08 which is the male version of etternpted rape. The cast of small amount of meetings, the Monologues: Vagina the len Hanington '07 Features Editor Lindsay Graham '07 "Cocktales." our performance includes whole process went very, very Kathryn Young '08 Heather Gorsuch When I first heard about eight guys and two girls. well. A large part of this is due to From the outset, it was Con Simpson '08 Brian Englar '08 "Cocktales," I was very inter- decided by the participants, the efforts of Professor Kristin Lamb '09 ested, but had no idea what led by professor Greg Szulgit, Szulgit. He led us from the News Editor Rob Goeke '07 exactly it was going to be Melanie Chupein '09 Becky Snider '09 about. Would it be a satirical that this would not be some- beginning all the way through the performance. While there thing that makes fu.n of the Christine Boy ton '08 poke and prod at Vagina Vagina Monologues, nor were many times where we Commentary Editor Stacey Eyler '08 Monologues? Would it be a would it be a reaction against went off on tangents and serious set of stories, exactly Mario Valone Kristen Bender it. It would simply be our own joked around, he always kept as Sarah Black '07 Leslie Shirk '08 the same I just Vagina version of it. The girls got us focused on what needed to Monologues? didn't Rigoberto Gioguerimini '07 know. 50 I went to the interest involved because we felt it be accomplished. Sports Editor Chris Ferrick-Manley '09 meeting and decided to would be good to have the Overall, the experience that Ryan Chell '09 Jerome De Frances '07 become involved. women's point of view on the I had with "Cockteles" was Laura Hutton '{)9- Greg Pfeiffer '09 What it turned out to be same issues that we ourselves fun from beginning to end. I Emily Sweeney '09 was something similar and discussed. fully intend to continue my Page Oesign Christina Hinkle '09 yet different from Vagina The people in the cast wrote involvement with the show in Emily Biondo '09 Katelynn McGinley '10 Monologues. While maintain- most of the pieces. We had the future. I hope it continues Mike Habegger '08 Tori Butler '07 ing a serious bent, there are great times reading them to after I'm gone, then I can say MJ Alexander '09 several periods of humor, each other for the first time; "Hey, I was there when Advertising Managers involving guys making fun of sometimes it was a little awk- started!" it Photography Emily Funk '07 Evan Ticknor '10 David P. Gretsman '07 Mike Habegger '08 Copy Editor If you feel down Web Editor Pat O'Toole '07 Beth McLane '07 The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those ofThe McDanielFree Press-steff the faculty,or the admirdstratcrs of pick this up McDanielCollege. The pilper welcomes free-lancesent the freepres:;l1!lmcdanjel edu. The editors reserve the right to edit for clarity,length, and libeland to publish as space permits. Please include a name and p~one .num. By Torreka Jordan bcr for verification. Names will be Withheldonly by the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. "What others say of me matters The McDanielFree Press does not discriminate based on age, race. little; what I myself say and Regardless of what we do people religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, condition of handicap, or marital status, do matters much." are going to criticize our choices, Mail to: actions and beliefs. However, the TIleMcDaniel Free Press confidence you seek is found McDanielCollege,2 College Hill Elbert Hubbard Westminstflr,MD 211.17 American philosopher and writer with in you. (410) 751ยท8600 FAX: (410) 857-2729 E~M~il:freepress@mcdanieLedu
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