Page 122 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 122
MARCH 8, 2007 - Page 12 COMMENTARY I am writing to "Ge<>rll'" Bush desetvespraise,ool bashing" by Chelsea PhiUips. Although I, tOQ,~Quld write a page-long I;ant, I· do not have the "luxury o(tin;t~ to expend on anon-income related task" either. The McDaniel· tree ~;~$ exactly as the ruuneproclaims. it free. Esee from bias, free om "the Iibotals"tellinbOti at to believe. What IC:lQ Careless? Unfortunately, STDs spare no one fied bumps on your genitals, you should be prepared and KATHRYN YOUNG you can still have an STD. In knowledgeable about STDs. FEATURES EDITOR fact, the scariest thing about After all, things you don't Maybe you only hook up STDs is that the majority of plan can happen anyway. with good-looking clean peo- people who spread or have IT you are going to have sex ple. Maybe you're smart and them don't even know it. it is safest to do it with a long- proudly part of The Honors However, even if you know term monogamous boyfriend Program. Maybe you have the how to protect yourself from or girlfriend. Even in long- cutest boyfriend who is the getting an STD, there is term relationships things can spitting image of always the possibility that you go wrong. "McDreamy." could get one anyway. McDaniel student says, Well, sadly enough, no mat- A McDaniel student dealing "My boyfriend who I have ter how clean your chosen with herpes says, "Even if you been with for about two years person is, how amazing your are educated, you can't imag- didn't know that cold sores GPA is, or whether your ine that it will ever happen to were herpes and that even boyfriend belongs on TV, it you. I knew all that informa- when he found out that it was doesn't change the fact that tion and I still didn't protect he didn't know that it can be half of all people will have myself; when it comes to STDs transmitted orally to the geni- some sort of SID in their life- you have to be well informed tals." time. and use that information not In short, there are many It is extremely tempting to just know it." STDs and many people have pass by this column because Luckily many STDs are cur- them. And because females who wants to hear about able after they are detected, are twice as susceptible to t~~!!~d~~~!ll:i;.:i;:ItJg;~~ .. :.ii.o"".J--,:;;; STDs, again. You know that and in the case of herpes, it ST.Ds rather thon l'J\en, the., you won't be affected by can be lessened through treat- only true safe sex is masturba- them. However, STDs can ment. No one advertises when tion. You must be extremely happen to anyone and the they have an STD, especially if careful. It's a new semester, and you know what that majority of college students, it can't be cured but because of U you are sexually active who think they know about that thousands of people are there is no guarantee that you means-Irs time for Volume 7 of the McDaniel Free STDs, only know that they contracting an SID everyday. are completely void of getting Press. don't want them. The best advice if you are and spreading an STD. Do you know which STOs someone living with an incur- However, you can greatly Come out to meetings each Monday at 7:30 PM in are curable and which aren't? able SID is to stay positive reduce your risk by protecting the Writing Center. There, you will meet the lovel)l Or did you know that some and love yourself. It will slow yourself and your partner in and lively Free Press staff. If you like STDs can make you infertile? you down, but if you become these various ways: Probably not, but you're fine intimate with someone, you (l)Have your partner wear a photography, we want you. If you like to because you and your partner must disclose your condition. condom (even during oral have been tested. You will face rejection but sex), however it is important write, we want you. Ifyou have WeU unless you have been soon if you can overcome it, to realize that a condom does- tested for all STDs, and gone others will begin to look past n't make sex 100 percent safe. story ideas, we want you. eight weeks without any sexu- the STD. (2)Get tested regularly. "Join the few, the proud, the fear- a1 contact; have gotten tested The easiest way, of course, (3)Keep a mental note of your for hepatitis B, Chlamydia, to protect yourself from STDs sexual partners. gonorrhea, HJ.V, and syphilis; is to remain abstinent. But eas- (4)Ask about your partner's less, the McDaniel Free Press." and have no exterior unidenti- ter said than done, either way sexual history. '- ~ _...". ......_ A year O~e~~v!~e~ch~t~~i~~~b~Y~o~~~~?w~Wi!?~g~~ny B D~g~ciR~~~NT pinnacle of succes~ (for time of a film, The De~arted. accomplish. We don't all have for SO m~n/ ::r;a~:~a t~ U Peyton a Super Bowl nng, for For these two men, It took a the strength to maintain our that's wh / . . ~ We're still very early on into Marty an Oscar). T~is made while to get on ~op. BU,tright ambition when failure comes now, in ho"pes;a~:::~t ~~: 2007, and we've already seen for endless conversations and now, for them, life hasn ,tbeen our way. It's easy to give up, person will read it and decide two feel-good stories come to debate over whether these sweeter. Because they re so or to lose focus, or to Succumb to go for it Wh U. ,. fruition in the form of two men would ever be recog- good, and because it had to pressure. It can be human . b a . I· atever It' IS, a individuals in the public f!ye. nized for their achievements. taken so long, their Jack of that nature to j~st say :'it's too :a'te ~~ :~.boy), that ulti- Two men who.are at the top 9f Both are highly touted pro- specific type of success was a hard," and move on without ei d :, I ich has. always their game, yet the top prize fessio:ftals in their respective major conversation piece, only reaching what it was YQu·set ex:.:es"YOU' g~:get It. No their careers had to offer had fields. Both are very popular applying more pressure. For out to achieve. I~s.. eluded them until recently. and prevalent in the public those who have followed their But it can also be human Here's to still early In 2007. Peyton Manning is a Super eye. Both have come close careers, watching them sue- nature to keep that goal in those in th: ore s~ccess, for Bowl champion. That's cool. many times to the ultimate ceed was sweet in its' own your Sight, and stone-cold those w p~blic eye, and Martin Scorsese won the Best prize before, only to come up right. beat it. Peyton did it. Mar . ho aren t. Here s to Director Oscar. That's even empty-handed. Manning had Here's the point: these men did it. Now we find new pe~ ~~~racce~ted to graduate cooler. Anyone who pays a postseason record of 3-6 continued to work hard, pie to put pressure on. Why the Orioleswr- t~ the Cubs or attention to the professional before the 2006 season, wher despite certain failures and hasn't Eli Won anything yet? Series (es wtruung the World football world or the film his Indianapolis Colts became pressure, and can now truly How come Leo can't win an ,you never know). industry would know that as champions after beating the enjoy what they have rightful- Oscar? That's human ~ature !i::: s to all of us who have good as these two are (and Chicago Bears. Scorsese had Iyearned. There's something too. gs we want to accomplish, when it comes to what they been nominated six previous to be admired about that. It's been a year of rewards because guess what, hard do, they are among the best) times before finally winning We all have goals we wish to for me too. I'm finally study_ ~~~kr:~lly can payoff in the
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