Page 124 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 124
MARCH 8, 2007 - Page 14 NEWS Three students win cash for Art from Heart the Heart" contest and Co- ferent parts of the body, and painting" of the human heart, "It feels great to contribute AMANDA KLEIN STAFF WRITER Chair of the Auction our reliance on pharmaceuti- including various colors this work of art that we put Committee. "Kendel and Bob cals to keep them functioning. schemes and patterns that time and effort into to a good On February 9th, three Ehrlich were there, and they Lee's work is about personal were influenced by each indi- cause," said Watson. "It was McDaniel students submitted loved it." growth from a naive view of vidual artist's style. great that we won, but the big- a collaborative piece to the McDaniel College president love and relationships to a "I do mixed media work ger picture is what this work "Art for the Heart" contest, a Joan Coley was the first to ini- more realistic understanding and sculpture, and Lee and can contribute to others." competition designed to raise tially introduce the contest to of adult relationships." Ali are painters, so we wanted President Coley believes money for the American Heart the McDaniel community. The" Art for. the Heart" con- to combine our genres to that this type of philanthropic Association. "I have been involved in test was judged by five mem- make sort of a three-dimen- work plays a major role in the That very day, they found many philanthropic causes, bers of the local art communi- sional painting," says Watson. McDaniel student community. out that they captured first and I have attended the Heart ty, including local artist, Jay The 23rd Annual Baltimore "1 must say that I find our place. The three artists, senior Ball," said Coley. "The person Scholsberg Cohen, and Heart Ball was held in the students very willing to reach Alexandra Gargon, senior who was running the silent Josephine Aerosmith of the Renaissance Harborplace out to the larger community in Chloe Watson, and junior Lee auction knew I was a college Craig Flenner Gallery. Hotel in Baltimore's Inner many ways," said president Oliver, won a $150 prize. In president. The art contest was Gargon, Watson, and Harbor. Over 600 guests were Coley. "They don't need to be addition to winning a cash her idea." Oliver, all Art majors, had in attendance and the Heart asked. They do it as part of prize, their sculptural paint- President Coley brought the never worked with one anoth- Ball raised a staggering their coursework or as part of ing was auctioned off at the contest to the attention of er on a piece before, and were $570,000 for the American Art a Greek organization or as Heart Ball, a charity event that Professor Steve Pearson, who quite pleased with the results Association. According to the part of a club. Being involved was held in Baltimore on then chose Gargan, Watson, of their collaboration. American Art Association in the larger community is an Saturday, February 24th. and Oliver to create a piece to "It felt completely normal website, "Event proceeds are objective we should all strive The office of the Greater submit. working together, because the distributed for community to meet." Washington Region of the "Ichose Lee, Ali, and Chloe studio is kind of like a family," educational programs, As for the future, Professor American Heart Association based on their own work that said Gargon. "We had a great research, post doctorate fel- Pearson plans to involve art fell in love with the piece, and they do in their Advanced dynamic when working lowships and grants-in-aid students and art dub mem- bought it for $23 to put on dis- Studio classes, and the con- together, not just as artists, but that lead to medical advances bers in different kinds of char- play in their office. nection their art has to various as friends." that ultimately benefit the ity work. The piece was the belle of aspects of the concept of the "We all have vastly differ- wellness of our community." "As opportunities to be the ball, and sparked the inter- heart," said Pearson. "Ali has ent mediums, but we are all Although the artists' small involved in charitable est of Maryland's former gov- used images and variations of on the same page when we cash prize was a nice bonus, fundraisers arise, I will contin- the Sacred Heart from work together," said Oliver. "I the three artists felt extremely ue to try to encourage our art e~~ecause of the size of the Catholicism to symbolize the would say we all influence. rewarded by the experience students to employ their tal- piece, everyone was immedi- contrast of the heart as emo- each other's work heavily." I and the opportunity to make a ents for the betterment of their ately drawn to it," said Gail tion and the heart as machine. The winning piece can be. contribution to such a signifi- world," said Pearson. Kandel, creator of the "Art for Chloe's work focuses on dif- described as a "sculptural cant cause. Vagina rant not original Advice for Rouzer stairs, or learn ~stics). MARlO VALONE Sometimes it takes~ (http.llwww.cblpi.Q.lIipro- production you have not COMMENTARY ED!TOR than a personal effort to take A letter to tire editor grams/vday·c!mt even experienced. Over tw-enty thousand dol- care a severe problem. of We would pow like: to lars have been spent on repair- There are times where group WIth regard to Chelsea quote. Ms. Phillips' descnp- SinCerely, ing damages done in Rouzer actions need to be taken. If Phillips' Letter to the Editor tion of The Vagina MkheUe Alexander, t;eah Hall. Being a freshman male, I such is the case, there are nee- (February 23, 2007), we Monologues: "Leeks like Beck). Kristina Belich, Bmica have been placed in Rouzer essary steps to correct the situ- would like to cite the follow- today's college. women are 'Boutiliet. Becky Carpenter, Hall. I feel like there should be ation: ing quote from The Oare content totrivialjzin~ their Elise. Clark, Jessica Curtis, a twelve-step program for a. Using a neighborhood Boothe: Lute Polley Institute: self-worth to mere intimate Ilri< Danforth, Laura Davis, Rouzerites. J feel so strongly, watch program as your tern- "We're talking about The anatomy (instead of celebrat< Becky Davis, Laura Des<:her, Vagina Monologues-a ing their true esse ts like, oh I Donna Evergates, Christine in fact, that I have made a plate, start a hall watch pro- gram, where residence patrol twelve step program in only "play" based on interviews don't know, creativity, enee- Frieman. Rachel Goonan, Ten five easy steps: the hall themselves. that feminist playwright Eve gy, Intellect, or spirit, per- Hemet, Nadine Ht!fOu, Ensler clenns to have COn- haps?) Also,apparently Christina Hinkle, Siri HIltz, 1. Admit that you live in b. If the neighborhood ducted with over two bun- social devian(:y. sexual per- I with their aeallvity, and ...... original thoughIo door, Pabreezed their door steps described above, there is energy, InIeIIect. and spirit It and handle, etc.). a greater chance of success. So, sJorifies soda! devian cOndemn • ing, put your energy towards ished. Even if the threats were something more productive just that, threats, we should all (lifting heavy things, run the still be scared. No new tattoo businesses on main street Many McDaniel College decision made by the City new decision it seems that the "A f th ' , B~T~lJr~RER students had.s~ong reactions Coun~l ha~ certainly pu~ a City Council thinks tattoo par- itwo~do~a~:a~::f ~r~:n~t about the declsI~n. dent ill theIr hope of havmg lars are ... well ...bad for busi- think that a tattoo ~l r will On the night of Monday, "It's .censorship to not allow ~e same success ~s thos.e styl- In?:ed that is just what attract the outra e~usl a dan- February 12, the Weshninster a certam type of company or Ish shops found m Baltimore. thIS deOSIon by the Council is gerou ty th g y. Oty Council made the deci- corporation on Main Street," This is certainly the 0ppos.ite doing, making bad business. City s CO~~cil e ~es~ter sion to ban new tattoo parlors said Seni~r Jason Fratt? . effect of what t~e commuruty As Fratto said, "Main Street about," ointed ~u worned and specialty shops from The City of Westminster IS leaders are hop1Og for.. has a 6% vacancy and denying BeSides, Pmost t "Brown. opening in downtown right on the doorstep of Perhaps you have ~oticed the type of store allowed on now-a-da s as see .tattoos Westminster. In fear that tat- McDaniel College, much to the vacant shops popp1Og up Main Street is counter produc- thO y stand.lOg for too parlors might draw the the satisfaction of community all along Main Street and part tive." some 10g fun, expenmental, wrong kind of crowd, the leaders, even though, accord- of Pennsylvania Avenue. With It may be that the younger ~ ~a\to e~press themselves. Council unanimously made ing to Amanda Brown "it's the increasing vacancy surely college students see tattoos as dot de .bI~er, gangster,. or the decision to ban new shops just as easy to go to Baltimore the c?mmuni~ leaders and something different from the e:!i~.~lct It can be assocIat- from opening on the basis that (to it's stores)". Leaders of ~e the .CIty Counel would want members of the City Council, shops such as these were not community have been trymg to Improve the chances of or that the fear of attractin the type of business for the to draw the college shtdents to drawing new and y~ung~r the wrong crowd prompte~ city's historic Main Street. their businesses, though the customers. However, With this the council's decision.
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