Page 123 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 123
C;OMMENTARY MARCH 8, 2007 - Page 13 The Author: II can't even read that number' Newsweek. When will this guy THE AUTHOR learn? The Outstanding Public Spiro Agnew has attacked ~8/792/669/S7 4/~06.291 Debt is $8,774,884,079,794.03. I the McDaniel Free Press. can't even read that number. Apparently, he has not yet And it increases by $1.77 bil- died, and has in fact been rein- thinks capitalism fails moved Check Max Weber's empowerment, Americans are lion every day (from carnated in the form of one of too far into my argument. Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of fed a steady dose of stagnant the Free Press readers. What [really mean is that Capitalism. At least I took the consumerist culture-TV. _clock!). It's a fact that my Unfortunately for him, The any economist will tell you time to read the book. It's Some people have to work to money now has less value Author cannot and will not that people are greedy and dreadfully boring, but Weber live, this is true, but they need because the government has apologize for the lack of sa- will set up obstructionist eco- exposes the fetish American not spend all their money on flooded the market with its called conservative coverage nomic policies that deprive Christians have with making cigarettes, alcohol, and video unchecked spending. Almost in the Free Press. others (poor people and third- money. games. $9 trillion is out on the mar- If something conservative world nations) of an equal In Britain, Protestantism So we choose, but we make ket-money that I now cannot happens on campus, then it opportunity to succeed in the meant a disdain for earning the wrong choices. We could have. might be in the newspaper. market. This is an obvious money. Methodism comes to take risks and move public The leviathan that is the But lecturing the media on failure of capitalism as it exists the US, and suddenly, we opinion, shape new market federal government distorts biased coverage gets us even today. have religion justifying the demands, but we won't. All the market, making it harder nowhere. It only infuriates Just check The Theory of pursuit of profit. Americans want to do is sit in for the poorest of the poor to those who purport to go about Moral Senfi",'enfs and you will And I must be clear, Karl front of their TVs and melt get jobs. their jobs objectively, encour- see that Adam Smith thinks Marx is not the man. In fact, I their brains to the tune of No one, not even Bill Gates aging them to attack those capitalism is natural, neces- never mentioned Marx in any American Idol and ESPN whom we all love to pick on, who make claims against sary, and moral-under the fashion. He's really boring to Sportscenter. Get off your can match the spending them. right conditions. The econom- read, though that might be couch and do something. power of the government. So All a newspaper can do is tc system we have today is Engels' fault, and he has bad Please, could you Americans the government spends, so the reflect the public sentiment, unfair to the poor and we are economics. The labor theory for once not apologize for the economy goes. and right now, no one likes too lazy to change it. Smith of value is a myth, but he is status quo? Every time you If he's gonna spend so Bush, people like safe sex, and would be ashamed. 100 percent correct in his buy those books at Barnes & much, the least Bush could do students understand the good Am Iprivileged? Of course. analysis that the working Noble, you perpetuate the .Is spearhead universal health- that can come from a radical My life is awesome. I love it. classes are exploited at the unequal cycles of economic care for his own people. But performance about vaginas. In my mind, I'm ridiculously benefit of the elite. Marx saw activity, solidifying the very no, 21,000 troops is far V'lore If that offends you, readers, privileged and Ifeel bad about inequalities and held rampant system that exploits you with- necessary. go change their minds, don't it. I feel so bad about it that I monopolistic capitalism out permission. Maybe they can kill anoth- contend that the Free Press is write opinion pieces about guilty. The [pjresident of the er 700,000 Iraqis-clearly biased. things that matter to me Ilook around today and I United States, George Walker that's improving their lives. And come on, who knows instead of slaving at a run-of- see a similar picture, except it Bush, is still in office. He's The war on terror is a joke. I'm how to spell "Iaissez-faire" the-mill job to make someone is far more complicated. increased the deficit. How? By not happy with how the gov- anyway. I'd like to call it lazy else rich. Middle-class America is held leading our proud nation into ernment is spending (un)fair economICs My implica- Who doesn't enjoy an prisoner by an executive unpopular wars in the Middle money. Are you? tion m the editorial pubhshed upper-middle class revolution branch in league with corpo- East. And he's threatening to Feb 8 that any economist every now and then? rate executives. Instead of do it again. Just check Observations o£-a-dirty;-liberal student A letter to the editor to lesbianism. If Ms. Phillips weapons that didn't exist, in humanitarian reasons. dience that Ms. Phillips advo- PATRICK STINSON has. a serious problem. ';'ith the process creating a civil war Which brings us to cates. READER lesbians, that's her OpInIOn, between Shi'a and Sunni mili- what is, by far, the most con- I will agree with Ms. but she may want to note that tias. So far, this all has result- cerning part of Ms. Phillips' Phillips on certain points. For Reading Ms. Phillips' we are no longer living in the ed in the deaths of over fifty- letter. She advocates blind one, honestly, guys, use the letter to the editor of February 1950s. But as she reveals at four thousand Iraqis. Three devotion to the President. damn spell-checker. My high- 23, 2007, I'm not sure whether the end of her screed, her real thousand Americans, of First of all, I'U bet you a mil- school newspaper looked to cheer or cry. On the one beef is "feminism." Why Ms. course, have also been killed. lion dollars that neither she more professional. hand, it takes a great deal of Phillips does not support the (Which of those two numbers nor any other American con- And two, she is quite courage to argue on behalf of equality of women and men, does the "liberal media" men- servenve held this view when right to critique the unfound- your own beliefs, and sub- especially since she seems to tion more often?) Ms. Phillips Bill Clinton was in power. ed claims of the last writer stantial effort to write such a be an educated and passionate has apparently not noticed Second, she seems to resent that "any economist" would lengthy article on the subject. voter, is beyond the com pre- this chaos, because she states the First Amendment itself, criticize capitalism. But when Considering the almost shock- hension of this feminist. that we are "spending money which is the only thing pro- she turns around and pro- ing indifference of Americans Nor do I understand to support those people far tecting her, me, and the duces unfounded claims her- today, I felt her passion as a why Ms. Phillips has such a away in Iraq." "Those pea- McDaniel Free Press staff from self, my respect for her is of breath of fresh air. deep resentment towards an ple" want us gone. We political imprisonment. course diminished. However, the letter entertainment phenomenon screwed up. Iwish we hadn't, "Only bitter Americans need For those who agree also highlighted some of the that has raised $30 million to but we have, and there is cur- these rights, so that they can with Ms. Phillips that worst aspects of modern stop violence against women, rently no plan in place to ste- flip-flop in their opinion of the President Bush has done well American politics ... a prudish more specifically offering bilize the situation. Because of President-from voting for for this country, I can only ask distaste of sexuality, question- thousands of dollars to the our interference, a theocracy is him one day, to flippantly call- this. Imagine, if you will, a able attention to facts and local women's shelter. emerging-most unfortunate ing him a foolish coward the Democratic president wield- logic, and most concerning of The only conclusion for all of "those girls" who next." Well, Ms. Phillips, per- ing the power that President all, fanatical devotion to Dear that I can draw is that her were in fact educated in haps this is because of Bush has claimed for the exec- Leader ... er, President George "Protestant work ethic" has Saddam Hussein's secular President Bush's repeated fail- utive branch to imprison and W.Bush. led her to.mindlessly lash out Iraq. More to the point, if ures. The American people re- torture his or her political ene- I'll address these one at any public discussion of deposing Saddam, a ruthless elected him (barely) because mies. at a time, to avoid replicating sexuality. Her "final nail in military dictator, was worth it, they trusted him to resolve the Perhaps by envision- her unfocused, meandering the coffin," an apparent snipe why haven't we deposed the situation in Iraq, so naturally ing this scenario, Ms. Phillips rant. Ms. Phillips is upset at sex education, loses much dozens of worse ruthless mili- his failure will be frowned will understand my outrage with the McDaniel Free Press of Its force when one examines tary dictators around the upon. Is Ms. Phillips actually and that of other American for covering Eve Ensler's The the relative success rates of globe? It certainly couldn't saying that the American pea- liberals at the steps Bush has Vagina Monologues, a bona abstinence-only sex education have anything to do with oil pie do not have the right to taken. She should also pray to fide event that packed Alumni and more comprehensive pro- or Iraq's key position in a change their minds about the whatever god she worships Hall to the gills. She claims grams-which, as she probe- strategic part of the world. President? What is he, God? that as long as we live in this that the Monologues show bly knows, do instruct that Ms. Phillips wisely The Emperor? Of course the country, the First Amendment "social deviancy, sexual per- abstinence is the safest strate- skirts around this question, McDaniel Free Press can will continue to protect our version, and male-bashing." gy. but fo.rthose of us who notice, advocate the impeachment of right to speak our minds Well, as a male, the Next, she focuses on it leaves a hole in her argu- the President for ordering an "without any fear of repercus- Monologues didn't offend me, Iraq. For those of us who have ment wide enough to fit a invasion of a sovereign nation sion, of course." and the only material I can been following the news, we WMD-Iaden elephant in violation of international think of that could be consid- know that the United States of through. No one except the law-it is an inherently rea- ered deviant or perverted America launched an invasion Bush Cult still believes that sonable position! Far more so would be the material relating of questionable legality to find America invaded Iraq for than the disgusting blind obe-
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