Page 131 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 131
FEATURES FEBRUARY 23, 2007 - Page 5 One room deserves anonymity Flat screen television, Bose NOBODY JONES surround sound, and incense SfAFF WRITER that continually bums when There is room on the two residents are home McDaniel's campus that contribute to the rooms "hey- deserves anonymity. come-light-up-and-fall-back" The sights and smells of this attititude. room have defied Campus How can two residents Safety odds for years, and have enjoy so much latitude within months, the rooms' res- and not get caught? idents will graduate and prob- By day, the residents of this ably boast that they smoked pot haven have perfect class more weed than Cheech and attendance and impressive Chong and never got caught. grades. Their pot haze and Their room is their mecca. glazed eyes remain undetect- Fifteen lava lamps offer a ed. By night, well it is always variety of undulating colors, 5 p.m. somewhere, the bongs and posters of Bob Marley and gurgle and pipes flame - and pot leaves glow under black the residents find their muse- lights soon after the sun sets. or consolation. More than 20 plants (not Many of you have been daisies) grow year-round and there. Many of you have provide highs to more than 20 vowed "what happens in this students a week. room stays in this room." The beds and desks provid- And so, challenging the truthIS_ ed by the administration were odds that the room and its res- Check ~ut this great photo that describes little and protects much. Two relatively unsuspecting lava lamps on a desk donated td a club room or late idents will remain off Campus Looks like a c?mputer d~sk. .Maybe they use the computer to do work. Maybe they use it to surf internet porn. They night bonfires on the golf Safety's radar - this room on probably use It to get acid tn~s whlle.watchmg Wmdows Media Player crank out Aphex Twin. Aren't photographs course long ago, hut the room McDaniel's campus deserves ?reat' They anc.hor.the story m a reality sometimes distant from ~e text. What are you reading? What are you think- welcomes guests with three recognition, and anonymity. mg a~ut? l~ thls a Joke?Go to the bathroom, you know this caption is too much excitement for you to handle. The futons and 22 pillows. y edi tors go back into the newsroom? Compiled by Horatio Inshallah "Habegger and Matkovic "The two editors decided "It was a moral issue, not a "These two men were cham- "Habegger and Markovic knew must have been convinced to return to the news- political issue. if the editor's pions, through and through. they had to find out who was hadn't gone back into the They knew what it takes to responsible for the death of the that something was amiss room because of an newspaper. Who killed it? And with the space-time continu- imminent sense of their newsroom to finish the win. Putting out the newspa- why? Time moves slowly when urn of that area, a result of own self-destruction. paper, the next generation of per is as important as put- you're staring down the burrell the paranormal phenome- Instead of leaving the McDaniel students would be ting out Sonny Liston. The of a gun. In my opinion, non residing there. The fasci- distorted reality of news at risk of believing disinfor- moment they walked back Habegger may still be alive, nation of discovering an rnation. What kind of world into that room will go down somewhere in the bowels of alternate reality without sci- reporting behind, they do we want to leave to our in history as one of the most Rouzer Hall, trying desperately entific rules pulled the two knowingly continued children? Matkovic and courageous events of all to escape his inevitable death. back into a room that ulti- down a path towards cer- Habegger knew the answer, time. They faced their fears, You can't dodge bullets, but you in slow motion. can move The matelYI provided nothing tain devestation. This and their dedication to sepa- accomplished the unpossi- Frre Press may dissappear, but more than a final resting behavior suggests only rating truth from myth may ble, and ended up dooming the truth remains stable, place for their ultimate pur- have saved an entire genera- themselves forever in unmoving, and the only way suit of perfect knowledge." one ailment--permanent tion from extinction." effort to save all of us." you can confront the truth-. acute psychosis." death-cis with guns blazing."
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