Page 86 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 86
FEBRUARY,1O,.2006-Page-ln - COMMENTARY Welcome Back From Europe to the Hill for having said this in the Well, YOU ARE CORRECT! world." Djerdj, himself has SARAH WOLF newspaper. Isay we clear this Deep breaths, okay! Wow, J traveled a lot and finds that STAFF WRITER up the European way). almost lost it there. Sorry. every country has something welcome back EVERY- I am getting off topic Comparing the Budapest unique and special to it. BODY! Or for some: "WEL- again. Why doesn't anybody campus to our campus here, (Wonderfully put, Djerdj. I COME to the pretty McDaniel ever warn me? Oh, oh, of he enjoys that we are like a lit- think it's fime for a slow clap). campus." Ihope you all had a course, because nobody is tle community and all live Hoping to have a great great break and Jan-Term, for here while Iam typing this. together. and not students American college experience, those of LIS who took a Jan- , No, seriously spread aU over a huge city. He gaining knowledge in new Term. Are you all feeling that some already now ... somebody put a collar says, "It's like a city within a fields he is interested in, peachy? You know, energized had the pleasure of meeting around my neck and control city." Except, Djerdj it's not. Djerdj wants to let you all to take on the second semester Djerdj Matkovtc. me. Attention Span- BIG More like a town, maybe. know: "Be nice to Serbians." (I load? He is a 2nd semester jun- ISSUEr 1 will talk about that As Djerdj is' also a asked him what he wanted to WelL some of you out ior majoring in some time. PROMISE! Budapest McDaniel student, I say to all of you guys and this there have friends back. A Communications, originally Getting back to Djerdj. He wondered, what wou ld he say is what he said. A little selfish, group of students just from Serbia, and as he says likes it here. He thought the to motivate students from huh? r thought he'd say some- returned, after, r am sure, hav- about himself, "a heavy campus would be more isolat- here to go overseas? "You thing a little more like: "Don't ing spent a crazy, fun semester drinker." (Actually, he was ed from Westminster (does he would meet new people from drink and drive."). in Budapest, and without kidding. However, as a jour- have an idea, eh?). He a lot of different cultures," If you want more informa- knowing they brought me a nalist, 1need to stick to accura- believed it would be sort of Djerdj says, "It is a different tion about the Budapest cam- little present. One of my cy and truth. Now, Djerdj, like in a forest and the campus learning experience because pus read Djerdj's article in this friends from Budapest decid- who quickly understood the would magically appear on a you would learn history and newspaper issue or just talk to ed to come here to study at kinds of things you can do in hill. Where do you think we culture on the spot. It will him. He is very nice and he this campus. I am most certain this country, wants to sue me are, Djerdj? Maryland? YES? expand YOUT view of the speaks English. A Legacy of Struggle and A Call to Action ticn, or socio-economic status. the promises of the opposition to apartheid rule in January 30, 2006. My hope is T~ BUTLER Mrs. King believed in an Declaration of Independence South Africa. Mrs. King that we as young people will ST WRITER America that would provide and the United States founded the Center for not let her death be in vein. It Behind every great adequate education and Constitution. Nonviolent Social Change in is time that we rise up and be man, there is a good woman health care for its children. She Mrs. King dedicated Atlanta Georgia in order to the voice of those who cannot and Dr. Martin L. ICing.Jr. was believed in an America that her life to continuing the lega- achieve Dr. King's goal of a speak out for themselves. This certainly blessed to have his would see the need to combat cy of her husband's dream. beloved community where at! is not the time to be apathetic wife, Caretta Scott King. Mrs. AIDS/HIV in its brother coun- Mrs. King marched for the peoplewould be "judged not but to rise up and continue to King devoted her life to fight- tries of Africa. She believed in rights of the poor only four by the color of their skin but fight for freedom, equality, ing for freedom, equality, and an America that would com- days after the assassination of by the content of their charac- and justice for all. Coretta justice for all. Like Dr. King. bat poverty in its own country. her husband. She fought to ter." Scott King once said that Mrs. King believed in an She believed in an America make Dr. Martin Luther King, Mrs. King's character "Struggle is a never ending America that would embrace that would recognize the work Jr.'s birthday a national holi- exuded strength, courage, and process. Freedom is never dtverstty no matter race, of her husband. She believed day. In the 1980s she parttct- wisdom. We as a nation truly really won you earn it and win creed, color, sexual orienta- in America that would uphold pated ill sit-in protests in lost one of our most prized on it in every generation." r MACPHERSON STRUT FRONT SUSPENSION + AMIFM/CD WITH 6 SPEAKERS + SmE ROCKER PANELS + 38 MPGHWyt = YOUR NEW CAR A88ROWR 17,3SDtt , 8 . : @TOYOTA I moving forward ~ MODEl 1812 EXClUDING TAX,TAGS AND I[ENSE
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