Page 70 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
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CENTER SPREAD DECEMBER 8, 2005- Page 6 CENTER SPREAD McDaniel's Top Three Procrastinators 8, 2005· Page 7 DECEMBER So Much to do 'Besides ((gention All ProCrasti"atof'S': MELANIE CHUPEIN that has not yet been hard to sit at my comput- ~Your preferred outfit (for all those pulled all· STAFFWRmR released on video is er and type papers." nighters) of Pajama's will now be showcased It's Godzilla. intoxicating and natural- Electronic devices at the upcoming Cram Bash! That', right, Wait, it's the Abominable ly takes precedent over like ipods, cell phones, CAPBoard's usual final, midnight breakfast is Snowman. No-it's pro- academics. and video game systems In addition, trips a camng to all of you who are notorious for crastination! to the pub are virtually prove to be excellent Procrastination is diversions. It is impor- staying up late finishing work, pressing a trend that troubles the procrastination pastimes . tant for students to keep snooze several times over, and rushing to lives of both students There is the big screen up to date with the ever- 1. JOHN DAVIS '08 3. KRISTEN BENNET. '07 class in the pr s. Sport your best, or.comfiest, and faculty. Prior to television that displays changing technology and "1 do my best work under pressure, which ulti- "I'm the procrastination princess." and maybe get a prtz~. Or, brtng a piCof you meeting the deadline for the most anticipated this endeavor tends to matley makes me the biggest procrastinator. I or a frien4in their be$I_lloo Gearf, a research paper or ful- sports games. A football consume a high number do everything at the very last minute." filling an obligation to game just is not the same of hours. Professors Put Off Their 'To Do' Lists Too return graded tests, there Procrastination always seems to be a on a miniscu Ie screen hazards What is to be KRIS BREEDEN about how much work we upon it now, teachers have al typewriter to the dining paper pass. "I would stagger crammed in a tiny dorm. learned from all of these room of the social hall I lived over to the professor's office been there too. have to do. Just the around more appealing activity of procrastina- is a Fine Art Form to take up time. corner there is the cafe tion? Procrastination STAFF WRITER It is a stories We ell have our horror Terence Journalism was professor in at Lafayette College, plop- and hand it in that morning, brave ping the books down around 8 maybe ten minutes before the Dalton Procrastination. about the time we Tlie list of hazards working right of procrastination is with its comfy couches probably will not be dis- word we all know too well. It stayed up all night and turned enough to share his college P.M. and the night until the deadline." Yeah, that sounds Budapest through appearing any time soon. theme, and procrastination is a seemingly our paper in three minutes unavoidable experiences. practically infinite. paper, due that day, was fin- about right. He then adds, "J COLLEEN LEARY which make drinking a Instead of fighting it, try curse that haunts students before the deadline, despite He is a procrastination culprit STAFF WRITER When asked about smoothie or sipping a and allow time for hang- everywhere. We simply find our teachers' warnings that and he admits it. ished." usually did quite well on these how friends directly con- 'better' things to do: read the we needed to begin working "Yes, I was a terrible Sound familiar? papers, but I certainly would There is always something better to do than tribute to procrastina- mocha that much more ing with friends, watch- away messages of everyone early. procrastinator in college." He Switch the manual never recommend my all- work! It's amazing how distracting the tion, freshman Cali enjoyable. ing movies, eating at the on our buddy list, watch "1 But we can take com- sets up a scene we know all typewriter to a laptop and you night routine to any of my world becomes where there is a paper to Celinski describes, Another hazard of pub, partying, AND aca- Love the 80's: 1986" for the fort in knowing that it does too well: "1 vividly remember have your typical COllegestu- journalism students today." like a true Spoken a stack of books, not just happen to us. third time, Of just sit with our dent of 2005. Mr. Dalton goes carrying write, a book to read, or a test to study for. "They're like a black hole procrastination is tech- demics. Well, maybe not roommate and complain Though they frown pages-of notes, and my manu- on to describe the infamous teacher. in that order. nology. Suddenly, things like cleaning your room with their own gravita- Every dorm room tional pull that sucks you and staring at the wall become top priorities. right in." is equipped with high- Tips on How to Here's what five students said they like to speed Internet access. Relating to the do when procrastinating: pressure from friends, Valuable minutes are Nof Procrastinate there are also movies. spent chatting on instant down on an assignment is to, messenger about every- 1. Listen to music and play on the Students gather in dorm thing and anything. CORI SIMPSON "Lock myself in my room with WRITER STAFF rooms entertain and a couple small distractions, internet -Katie Hawkins themselves with any Time is also exhausted Whether ):,our excuse is like quiet music, or a low vol- 2. Watch TV and IM people -Rose movie just as ong as it writing e rerafjs, shopping legitimate or not, procrastina- umed television show. 1£ it's downloading online, distracts them from tion is a habit that plagues too quiet, r find it harder to Eney work. music, keeping updated This space is dedicated to people in all aspects of life. concentrate." all the unnamed reporters 2. Sometimes the atmosphere One of the most successful 3. Work on cars and play video games Walking across with the news, and com- who procrastinated for so breeding grounds for procras- tive mode. "I bury myself in helps sway you into produc- pulsively checking one of tination lies on college cam- -Ryan Smet campus to Decker the latest addictions, long that they not only puses. This epidemic leads the library," explains Brittany slaughtered 4. Call people I don't even need to talk Auditorium on Friday facebook. they completely deadlines, students to late night cram- King, sophomore. helps to find missed nights where some of the ming sessions, causes students 3. "It usually Alicia Ciatto says, to -Nancy Sinnes latest films are screened "AIM is pretty killer. It's them. We still love you. to invade the computer lab someone in the class to share until all hours of the night, the studying with, that way I 5. Run track and go to the pub with is another way to lose incredibly distracting. I'd and often resorts in the con- feel a sense of obligation to track of time. of my the part friends -Kevin Bowman The allure of much rather talk to sumption of caffeine (the glo- complete said junior Brittany rious substance that helps you work," viewing a blockbuster friends online than get keep your eyes open far past Parrish. my work done, so it's the time they should've been 4. Junior Tori Buttler relies on What is the best excuse you've used for closed and in REM sleep) .. self-determination and a little After the long procrastina- outside motivation. "1 call my an extension, after putting off an assign- tion of esstgnments and proj- to mom for words of inspiration, and then Ipray," she explains. ects, it might be helpful hear how fellow college stu- A motivational quote that ment until the last minute? dents motivate themselves to helps keep her pushing get back on track. onwards when she feels stuck 1. Kim Spears, junior, finds is, "Life is a test of will power, that the easiest way to buckle never give up." Partnck Bonaduce ic Procrastination Survival Tales Abound "Oh that assignment will take tion to see who the worst pro- Special Thanks to an hour at most." But here J Occasions to check my friend's man who can procrastinate ail crastinator is. mailbox in Decker when she week, spend five hours on a MJ Alexander, am with two essays, an inter- "called in sick" to work, in term paper and get an A. But I've come to the simple con- I must admit that I am Holly Bolz, Kris possibly one of the worst pro- view write up, a self-portrait, order to finish a paper. why? Should the diligent stu- clusion that procrastination is and an article for the Free I've gone to sleep at 2 in Breeden, Kristin crastinators on campus, Press due by the morning. the morning while my room- dent who starts a project the my best friend. After every T spent late night working day it's assigned and finishes Everywhere you go on Lamb, and Melanie maybe the world. Outside the campus, you can spot some- mate worked through the it a week early be put up on a vow never again to procrasti- window to my right the sky is Chupein for select- slowly changing from black to one being punished by their night studying for an exam wan of fame? nate. The truth is however, that Instead we boast about the scheduled for 8 a.m. that same 1. "One time I let my 2. "Even though I am 3. "I always seem to 4. "My computer was ing the topic, gray. The uncomfortably stiff own procrastination. day. all-rughter we pulled, that one I need that procrastination Plans have been cancelled, A girl 1was sitting next to eyes well up with guilty of procrastina- find a way to get near the heater, and it assigning stories, chair, hum of halogen lights one Friday afternoon was typ- roommates have been kicked weekend we didn't leave our because I need that pressure of room (not even to go to the tempera- and below freezing a deadline So, if to work. tears and told my tion, and teachers things done, even if caught on fire." writing and ture of the Hoover Library ing in such a frantic hurry her out, parties have been cut bathroom), or the time you you're reading this article teacher my aunt died. sometimes offer an I'm running behind, deSigning the computer lab is the only thing hands seemed to blur. short, and meals have been wrote a paper that was due in on something important, I say while you should be working to finish work that skipped an hour. . Whether she believed extension, I haven't so I get annoyed that pages for this keeping me awake at 5 a.m. I "When's it due?" Iasked and could have been completed We all hear the stories. "SCREW THAT!!! Turn to the see it as my self-inflicted pun- with out taking her eyes .off me or not, I got an taken them up on it people always ask for issue's center ishment. I spend the entire the computer screen in front of weeks before ... all this trou- Sitting at a table in Clar (not next page and keep wasting want I don't because we interrupt each extension. " them to hold it against extensions." spread. week saying, "I'll research my her she replied, "Yesterday" ble, because we procrastinate. working) stories in a competi- time!" As students we idolize a other's 1have been asked on a few paper tomorrow," or perhaps me."
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