Page 69 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 69
FEATURES DECEMBER 8, 2005- Page 5 All Relationships Can Be Tricky Business ALYSE HOLLOMON Shirokobrod, ,----------------------, Clough an these relationships, ( think the fEATURES EDITOR ~nc,E:~C;S: "Hook-ups make for hilarious awkward !~o~I:'~u~ only meaningful one is with a commitment," senior said College is all about major. "It moments and funny stories to tell."- for the long Courtney Jordan an English meeting people; whether should not Brendan Hodge haul, they're major. "Friends with benefits you're at a college event such be interpret- worth it if and hookups may satisfy the as a football game or a movie ed as any- both parties immediate desire, but eventu- night in Decker, or at a party thing more than just physi- 15 a good Idea U1theory, both are in it with their whole ally someone will get hurt. It's people getting what they want cal." in the new apartments or a hearts." not worth it. Why not give the clubroom for one of the col- A hookup also often from each other with not However, there are best parts of yourself to some- lege organizations. involves randomness and the romantic strings attached and some students who would one you could be with for the Everywhere you go, you're consumption of too much the friendship still being in prefer being in committed rest of your life?" even though relationships, interacting with others. :!~~l~~~·atta~~~~~p~tl~f~hi~~ ~:c:i:ls~:rt~~j~~~S,;~~~:~~~ No one can tell you After a memorable they are in college and won't what relationship is best for college weekend most friends, many s~,~~~~l~~~·hOOkUpis ~~dr~~i~iSi~~;~ally doesn't be able to date. But, in most you personally. When it guys or girls, will get together cases, these people feei that comes to college, no one and talk about who they like a half eaten sandwich in Most students seemed even though they can't date, it should focus intently on rela- "hooked up with." the fridge," said senior Brandi to feel this same way; that doesn't mean that they can't tionships since there is so In her essay titled Heavner a even though friends with ben- socialize or go out. much else going on. But, since "Can You Handle the Business/Economics major. efits can be gratifying, it usu- The committed rela- Littlewood feels there are Commitment?: Three Types of "You don't know who ate it ally ends up hurting the tionship just means that they three categories of relation- College Relationships.:" stu- last, but you know that its 2 ~i:I:~~~iP and both people in only "hookup" or "benefit" ships, then you should fit into dent author Emily Littlewood a.m. and you're hungry." "1 feel that friends from one person instead of one of the three categories. So suggests that most relation- numerous. which relationship are you ships in college fall into these Lutz, S!~~~oO~o.~ajor,G:ev~l~ with benefits is probably the "Being committed in a most comfortable with, three categories: the random that "as long as both individu- worst way to go about a rela- relationship is easy as long as hookup, friends with benefits, hook up (which involves the als involved have the under- tionship because it usually both, people are equally into Or commitment? You least amount of commitment), standing that it is only a one winds up ruining the friend- each other," said sophomore decide .. friends with benefits, and rela- night stand and is nothing ship and one person get terri- Paul Boyd, a Communications Reporters Jill Stone and Jane tionships that reach commit- more, than it's (a hookup) fine. bly hurt," said sophomore major. Libert and advisor Lisa Breslin ment level. It's when one person expects a Katie Young. "OHt of all three of contributed to this article McDaniel students continuation of relations while The last category is randomly polled over the last the other does not that people commitments. In college, few weeks offer opinions that run into problems." most students don't go seek- Got a nice crib or hot mirror Littlewood's; they too The next category of ing committed relationships see relationships lining up relationships that Littlewood such as these because most neatly in the categories describes is a friends-with- want to be able to socialize ride? Wanna see it in Littlewood sets up. benefits relationship. Most and date other people. "A hookup is some- wouldn't define this as a rela- "Just from watching the Free Press? Give thing that just happens usual- tionship, but as someone you my friends who have made ly spur of the moment with go to when you need some- commitments, I'd say that just a pure sexual attraction," .thing. they are more work than Betli:a call at x8352 said sc'phomore Gene "Friends with benefits play," said junior Dixie • 'iiJ If You Feel Down, Pick This Up t~2;~~~\lt What lies behind us and what AS A STUDENT OR FACULTY .~~ lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within MEMBER OF MCDANIEL COllEGE, us. JOINING IS AS EASY AS A $5.00 * Free on-line banking _ Ralph Waldo Emerson DEPOSIT 10 A RRST ANANOAL *' Free checking With interest and no" American Poet FCU SAVINGS ACCOUNT. FIND minimum balance Free checks included with direct deposit QlIT WHY BElNG A MEMBER. OF A '* Visa ATM/Debit Cards fll Have you ever regretted what hap- CREDIT UNJON IS coou 11 Great rates on auto loansand Visa*' pened in the past? What about being credit cards overly concerned about the future? 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