Page 65 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 65
Westmh1stcr, MO Vo\.4 No.6 PiffiS Scholarships 60 Seconds Short on Cash? Asks: Find out where to get What's the best financial aid. excuse you've used _______________ _:_ -===- for an extension? INSIDE Two Dorms to Go Co-ed in 2006 school's dean of admission"; DAVID P GREISMA~ and vice president STAff WRITER for enroll- mcru management, ..aid that Ladle.... and gentlemen, McDaniel is in the minority McD.1niel College will be inte- when it comes to ..tnglc-sex grating it.. residence halls to housing, the impetu s for a consist 0(... ladies and gentle- decision "based on making Peace Club men. sure we provide options simi- According to various lar to those offered to people administration rncrnbers, the applying to other institu planned, likely move to co-ed tlons." housing - which will occur in "A s prospective students the Fall 2006 semester - was arc comparing[ to college other opucns," precipitated by the upcoming Rouzer Hall renovations, a!'. O'Connell ..aid, "hou-tng Ii well as concern" with recruit- onc of the .,<;pt.'"'' they con ing and retaining students- cr. Mo ..t pro ..poets an' sur- (st't' "Co-,'.I" Ollllfl.~(,.1) Marty O'Connell, the Drinking Clubs Flourish naIl "R,U.M" and "(.hi (hi ROB GOf'.KI (..aruma" were paintl'd on the «() ..FUII(lJ(, hill ..ide _1S well. Thl'''''-' were On Ihl' day of the :rt'~l~la~n:~~t b~,,: ltcmecoming Pootbell gilml' ~~~~r::~~t thts year, the sun cascaded become popular to form and upon the hill ..ide ..urrounding join ilt McDanil'l throughout the football field and shewed the Fall semester: unrecog- the usual letters and logos ruzed Creek-like groups. pamtcd on the gril~<; of sorori- With the ascendencc tit ..., (raterni!ieo,. service of these types of groups at groupo. and the like. McDaniel recently "nd the But other letters, (se(' "Clllhs" 011pnKt' 2) unknown to many, like "BC," Snafus Strahd Student l',,; in Ilill Iiall. Wednl><;day, Science dils,>. ~orc important- but he i.. not able to go up Nov. 16, Ihat elevator broke ly, pt.'rh; w(.'rc complclc "My primary concern Brinegar said. "I just think radio program offers during midterm C;Cilo:;on,but by the following Tut''iday, but I" thilt whc.'n the pt.'Ople who these thing~ should Pc han- dll'd in a ("..ter f.1<,hion." j .. not the type Brint:'gar, who variety of music genres. the absences choice. Wl're not an irrt'- of person to compl.,in. w.,s arc confined to wheelchair!; "Thef'C W,lS .1prllblem get to class, wh"t can be can't sponsiblc See page 10 for story. a wheelchair ..till concl'rnt'd about mi ..sing donl' for them .." Brinegar ....'lid with the computl.'r board for for Ir"n<;portation, Brinl'gar two of his Spani ..h cla ..<;t.... , an that he is not confined, and the elevator," ...,id (,('orge take!; the elevator to his cla'>s- Eng1i<;hclass, .lnd his Political can get around on crutchl'!>, (!>t'£' "Repair" 1111 pfl,l?e 2) Students Garner Awards at European Union Frallo wa., ,mc of Iy 200 .,tudl'nl<; from 15 SCH:'OCC and mtcrnailonal "I met (l lot of interl.'<;t- KATIE MARTIN twelve McDaniel students ..,hools who were participat Studi("> ing people from all the school.. S~NIORWRITER who participi1ted in a Ihrl'e- ing in the. l'\'enl, ..aid Unlike Fratto, junior Jon invo.lved and enjoyed .repn'- Playing the roll.' of a day simulation of Europcan r1cfthcTlo .. Michael, .faculty SilVl'rmiln was not "bit:' topa!>" ..cntlng Rcpubh.c of Mi",'ste' of Justice from Union political procc!>"iC"held ,ldvi<;(lr for thcJ;lmuiillitln il ~Iution with,the ..tudcnt" Hungilry, SLiverman ..,lid, _ • in Washington, D.C. "1 am \'(.'ry proud of .,11 he wa!. \...orking with The students sp~nt Hungary, junior Jason Fratto The event provided an th~' work t~l.-..c ..tudent .. put "II wa'l hard when therl' .1bout two .months prepanng deliberated with students understanding of European into the proll.OCt.They conduct- art' so many different beliefs ~or the simulation,. which to civil r from other schools to hammer oiitics and how it is different cd thcmsclvc<; proft.'s",on~IJ>· and levcJ<;' of involvement Included a mectlllg WIth t~"() out a resolution related American politicS, Fratto throughout the Simulation when it come to immigration, of ,the , .11.Llngana~ liberties. rom and served as excellent repre- human rights, asylum ... " '>aid Ambassador s polL heal ildvl~ After much deJibera- said. The students won five sentatives of the college/' said Silverman, who played the sors at the 'Iungilrian :igO;e'et~,e"d5hp,daes,~t~;~::;I~I~~~of seven individual awards Michael, who is al"o an role of a Minister of Foreign Em(S~;1~Cedd~~?~,~ipnggt~'2')D.C " ad'iunct lecturer for political Affairs. unanimously. given out to the approximate.
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