Page 60 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 60
NOVEMBER 17, 2005 - Page 8 COMMENTARY McDaniel Squirrels ... Harmless or Hazardous? By Alyse Hollomon, Features Editor They're everywhere you look; behind Hill, running around Blanche, up in a tree, right by your feet! You guessed it - it's another squirrel! If you haven't noticed McDaniel's campus is quite full of squirrels, they seem to be everywhere you look. However, they are not everyone's favorite pet. In fact, you either. .. Love 'Em or Hate 'Em Some student's love seeing the many squirrels scurry around earn- Hissing, in the way, always making noise, and they are every- pus. When there's this many squirrels, sometimes all you can do is just deal where! Some students don't find this McDaniel characteristic to be so with them. cute. Sometimes, students find these fun, adorable squirrels to be pret- "J don't mind the squirrels, they don't bother me at all," said soph- ty annoying. omore Wade Downey an Exercise Science and Physical Education major. "They are everywhere and r can't stand them!" said sophomore "Sometimes you will be walking to class and they wi.ll run in front of you Georgena Kafes an Art History major. "They like dart out at you." and kind of startle you, but other than that, r have no complaints about These students feel as though squirrels get in the way. It seems them. as though they are scared of them. Maybe its because most places don't Other students express their love for have this unusual of an amount of squirrels like McDaniel has. them. This is what junior Biology "I think the squirrels here are major Pat Linz and junior Chemislry weird," said freshman Laura Weaver. major Diana Burke decided to do when "They are all over the place and I can they created a Pacebook group called chase them around and they don't "Squirrel Lovers Anonymous." even move! It seems like there are so "Pat and I started the many more squirrels here!" Pacebook club because we love the "I seriously thought one squirrels on campus," said Burke. hissed at me the other day," said soph- "They do the funniest things and pro- omore Paige Willoughby a Social vide so much entertainment as you Work major. walk to and from class." Learning to like these squir- "I never expected it to be as rels is an option for these students popular as it is," said Linz. "Some who can't stand these annoying ani- campuses even have squirrel fishing mals. They could walk around the where they bait string with two squirrels, ignore them, or not tease peanuts and catch the squirrels similar them or throw things at them. These to fishing." animals really are harmless when left So far no extreme measure like alone. They just like to scurry about that have been expressed to show on their own and for some reason they squirrel love but who knows what is enjoy wondering around this campus. next. If you're crazy about squirrels, "If everyone just took a make sure you join the club! minute or two to watch the squirrels, The face group "Squirrel Lovers AnonymouS" uses this photo on its profile they'd love them too," said Burke. + + + + =YOURNEW CAR A88H0WII 17,380" 8 '!PAESTIMIIIDMI'G FCIl2005 ro
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