Page 64 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 64
Vo!.4No.5 NOVEMBER 17, 2005, Page Phenomenal Season Ends With Tough Loss merit, and we were going to ECAC PLAYOFFS RACHEL BRYANT go to the NCAAs," Coach STAFF WRITER John Plevyak remarked before #1 Game: McDaniel 2, Penn State Behrend 0 First place in the regular the semifinal game. season. Centennial With Saturday's 1-0 loss Conference Player of the Year. #2 Game: McDaniel 1, Grove City 2. Terror Ousted in PK's to conference rival Four All-Conference First ner like it was a comer kick. stated after the game. Player of the Year Scott Gettysburg, the Terror real- Team selections. A season- The referee decided to cal! a Working his way from Morrow as well as the stellar ized.all but one of their goals. high 12 shutouts. penalty kick and end the game almost dead last to first place performance of four first team Despite the loss, the For the McDaniel men's in double overtime. All us sen- in the conference over a four- all-conference selections team is still proud of itself and soccer team, this truly was a iors got screwed. We put in year span, head coach John Thomas Kane, Todd Knepper, its accomplishments and looks phenomenal season and for four years of work for what Plevyak assembled a team Andy Wu, and Morrow, the toward the future with hope. the seniors, an inspiring four we did this season, to where that would not go down with- Terror established itself as a Though the team will gradu- years. we were today. To get it taken out a fight. fierce competitor. ate ten seniors, repeat AlI- That phenomenal sea- away like that..." "I've been there [coach- With such an impres- Conference player and 2003 son made the team's loss in Many others shared tng] twelve years. In the first sive array of accomplish- Player of the Year Thomas double overtime to Long's sentiments as a dumb- five years, we didn't have a merits, the team has certainly Kane is hopeful about its Gettysburg last week all the founded Terror team shuffled chance," Plevyak said. "By the made its fans, coaches, and future. "I think the coaches are more heartbreaking. off the field and as crestfallen middle of the' season, it was itself proud. Assistant Coach doing their job recruiting well. A controversial hand fans stood in silence, stunned over. [...J We've given up a Ryan Defibaugh expressed his [... ] It's ganna be a tough task ball called against McDaniel that the season had come to an total of six the league pride in the team and in how for them next season. I feel midfielder Pete Gaitens led to end. games in the past two years, well the freshmen and seniors like they're up to it, and I a direct penalty kick for Defenseless against a dis- that's how far we've come." gelled together. think they'll keep this tradi- Gettysburg in the Terror goal puteble call, All-Conference What's more, Plevyak "The seniors did a great tion going that we started, that box with six minutes remain- selection Andy Wu comment- recorded his 100th win this job of getting everyone Dbaugh started 7 years ago. I ing in the second overtime. ed, "sometimes you get season, and going into the involved and the freshmen think the soccer tradition will Gettysburg midfielder Garrett unlucky," and fellow AU- semifinal game, his team had' stepped up real quickly. [I'm stay around here. But it'll def- Bruno fired the ball into the Conference teammate Todd relinquished only two goals in proud of] the effort they put in initely be a tough task." lower right corner of the net Knepper backed that senti- confe.rence play, a feat no every day in practice and Kane also conveyed past a diving Andy Wu to end ment, "It happens. It's a other team in the conference every game day. They put in his pride in the team: "I'm just the game and the Terror's sea- human mistake." could claim. an extreme amount of work." so proud of all my teammates Once the call was made, This season, fans After last season's [... J. I'm proud of coach. We "We all feel it was obvi- there was little the Terror watched with excitement as heartrenching1-0 loss to wanted to do that for coach, ously not a hand ball. The def- could do but watch in aston- the Terror battled its way into Hopkins in the championship we wanted to win for coach. inition of a hand ball is you ishment as their season came first place in the Centennial game, the Terror were hungry He's a father figure to every play the ball with intent to hit to a close. "Basically r just feel Conference, beating out con- for the title, and in a late sum- one of us. And it's just disap- the ball with your hand," ·like the guys were cheated. r ference rivals Gettysburg and mer team trip to Denmark and pointing to let him down, to explained senior forward mean they put in so much Johns Hopkins and finishing Sweden, the team planned out let all these fans down who Dave Long. "He did not move work, so much effort all sum- the regular season with a their goals for the season. came out But I'm proudest of his hand in any way. The ball mer and aU season. Let the remarkable 7-1-2 conference "On the field in Sweden, my teammates, and I'm proud hit into his hand and went out game decide, don't let the ref- record. we said we were going to win of what we did in the regular of bounds. The sideline official eree decide." Assistant Coach With a solid back line led the regular season champs, we season this year." saw it and pointed to the cor- Ryan Defibaugh ("Dbaugh") by Centennial Conference were going to host the tau rna- Tale of Two Halves for McDaniel Football winning record coming into But that would mean nothing secunve losses to Gettysburg, bone of the team, and if the RYAN CHELL the season finale at Hopkins. in the game, as Hopkins was Dickinson, Randolph-Macon, offense and this defense can STAFF WRITER If people believe the able to gather enough for two and F&M. But, the Green- continue to help each other Another football sea- saying, "Save the best for scoring drives while McDaniel Terror were only blown out in out, the team will be guaran- son has come to a close. It is last", they certainly were right only scored on a field goal and the Randolph-Macon game. teed success in the win col- now time to start planning for here. Hopkins, who already on a safety that sailed in the Two of the other games umn next year. next year by recruiting new clinched an NCAA bid to the end zone past the Hopkins (Gettysburg and Dickinson) After every season- players, replacing graduated playoffs and who looked to be punter. The loss brought were decided by a field goat, comes a time to say farewell to seniors, weightlifting and running away in the McDaniel's season to a close, and the F&M game was decid- the. seniors who have played watching film. And we all Centennial Conference, actu- with the Green Terror having ed by a touchdown. Things their hearts out for the team know that the Green Terror ally had to win this game or a .500 record of 5-5 may have gone differently, but for four years. It is also the football team will be ready to share the conference crown This season was a tale those things happen. The time to replace those players pad up and hit the gridiron with the winner of the of two halves for McDanieL It Green Terror then finished and for underclassmen to step next September when another Gettysburg/F&M game. seems so long ago when the their season with the win . up and fill in that position. football season kicks off. Hopkins came into McDaniel Green Terror were 4-0 after a against Muhlenberg and the The Green Terror will The 2005 season came looking vulnerable after two win against Ursinus on loss Saturday at Johns be losing leading rusher to a close with the Green straight losses (after going October 1st. They were Hopkins. Broderick Maybenk and four Terror experiencing a loss and undefeated) at Ursinus and nationally ranked, and even This season may have receivers in Jamie Unger, Jon a win. Two weeks ago, on Hampden-Sydney. McDaniel though a few of the games been a disappointment on the Green, Eric Featherston, and November 5th, the Green hoped to capitalize on this and were dose, they knew the for- scoreboard, but the team had tight end Matt McDermott. Terror were able to end their play spoiler to Hopkins. mula for winning them its successes and they have a The defense will be taking a four game losing streak with a Each team played The season seemed to lot to build on next season. big hit with the loss of MLB 13-6 win against Muhlenberg, sloppy, with five turnovers, fall apart from there. With The offense averaged 21 Ron Ringgold, LB Jay Scott, who were suffering from a ten sacks and a lack of offen- injuries to key players like points and 287 yards a game. sack-leader Chase Noll, and lack of offense and an inability sive production. Each team running back Broderick The Terror were a force on the Joe Giusti. Many other role to beat McDaniel, who was could not move the ball very Maybank and going through a ground and in the air, averag- players will be missed as well. riding a 10 game winning well; McDaniel actually out- quarterback carousel, the ing 130 yards rushing a game streak against Muhlenberg. gained Hopkins in total yards, Green Terror matched their and 150 yards a game passing. The win brought up hopes of a 238 to 217, in a losing effort. winning streak with four con- The defense was the rea! back-
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