Page 61 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 61
COMMENTARY NOVEMBER 17, 2005 - Page 9 Budapest Bea · From Europe to the Hill Budapest "campus" is actual- son there. Where else do you bars. Seriously, people, you SARAH WOLF Iy just one building. Yes, you have that? No jealousy need- have to go there. Even if it is STAFF WRITER read correctly: ONE BUILD~ ed. Great, eh? just for the sake of cheap Do you remember ING! This is actually kind of Then you know, beers, being able to drink in me? Sarah, the crazy German? nice because get this, are you besides this fabulous one- public- Imean, you only need Welt it is that time again. I am all Iistenlng ...T mean reading? building campus there is of to be sixteen years old to supposed to tell you a little Good. Everybody and I mean course the city itself: drink, and the bars are just so story of being an international EVERYBODY knows each BUDAPEST. It is one of the much fun. Then there are student at this campus. other over there. There are not most beautiful and stunning other hotspots Icould tell you However,' I warned a lot of students. The amount cities I have ever seen. Trust right now, but I think that you I might mix it up to con- of students is the amount of me, T have been around. There would be censored because it fuse you all a bit. T know this is you. I couldn't have students of all your classes is just so much history there has to do with .... Ah, see, they only the second article, but done ... oh, J am sorry. T am combined. Yes, roughly one and the architecture is breath- are doing it already. You hey, best time is when "they" getting ahead of myself a little hundred students. It's great. taking. The opera building, know, 1have to respect people least expect it, right? bit here. Anyhow.. Wow, So, American kids, if the castle- Iactually wanted to who may get offended when r Therefore, 1 thought I would that was emotional. you go over there which I move in there but they would- say dirty things. However, if tell you a bit about the So, first of ali, the absolutely encourage you to n't Jet me. Something about you want more information Budapest campus. I spent two Budapest campus is not really do you will know the entire private property and under about Budapest and the fabu- years there and yes, I can con- a campus in the sense you school within pretty much monument protection and it is lous campus, please feel free fidently say that I know the would understand it under two days. Isn't that great? used as a museum or some- to contact city- but also thanks to my "normal circumstances;" but Where else can you say that? I thing ... blah, blah, blah .. .I did- sew002® Hungarian friends. I would you know, what is normal? I mean, literally, everybody on n't really understand it. Until next time, like to thank my Hungarian don't really like that term. "campus" knows you- every- Besides the architec- happy thanksgiving, every- friends. Mom and Dad, thank However, the so-called body is the most popular per- ture and history, there are one. Smoochies to you all. Conference Lifts Spirits Got news? JENNA LAYMAN guilty for things I fail at. But, found. I get so stressed out and Fall Conference is an annu- STAFF WRITER God is working in spite of 'II TVCFretreat where students Call 8eth at x8352 "It's not about me." how I feel my life is going. are invited to "explore what Jesus is all about." The week- Not everyone who came After the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (fVCF) was convinced of God's reali- end is planned around ses- Fall Conference at Hashewe, ty, but it was a chance for peo- slons of worship and a this was at the front of my pie to see what they thought, keynote speaker, among activ- mind. I felt like weights were One person was amazed that ities, small discussion groups literally lifted from my shoul- she actually felt God's pres- with fellow McDaniel stu- ders ence, an idea that had seemed dents and seminars on such We live in a world that con- FREE PRESS STAFF stantly tells us whoto be.Jhat so unlikely before. . topics as dating, friendship, and societal images. At the retreat, J got lost in we're not good enough. the woods, danced, had deep Winter Conference is a slm- Speaker Michael Koh said that conversations and fell like ilar retreat coming up in Co-Editors-in-Chief there is a God above all that part of a family. Members of February. Beth McLane '07 Writers who can give us an identity IVCF want to create that For more information Rob Goeke '07 Katie Martin '06 over all of our faults and the atmosphere on campus. I about the upcoming Winter Pat O'Toole '07 Art Director Cori Simpson '08 lies we've believed about our- hope students will check us Conference or Inter Varsity Fellowship, Chanan Delivuk '08 Meredith Adams '07 selves. I am not responsible for out, and. even come to the in Christian jenna Layman please at contact Conference Winter Ken Buerger '09 making the world turn., x8381. Features Editor Ryan Chel1 '09 February and find the relief I Alyse Hollomon '08 Shelly Hom '06 AndyWu'OS News Editor Colleen Leary '06 Jill Stone '06 Laura Hutton '09 David P. Greisman '07 ' Commentary Editor Sarah Black '07 [eni Evans '08 Jen Harrington '07 Kelsey Lindholm '09 Sports Editor Emily Biondo '09 Mike Habegger '08 Taylor Hebden '08 Melanie Chupein '09 Page Design Jane Libert '08 David P. Greisman '07 Beth McLane '07 Advertising Managers Pat O'Toole '07 Emily Funk '07 Rachel Bryant '06 Photography/I1lustrations Patrick Bonaduce '08 Copy Editor Sarah Black '07 TeriHamer Indira Gonzales '07 Emily Biondo '09 The Tweeker Katie Martin '06 The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of The McDaniel FreePress staff, the faculty,or the administrators of McDanielCollege. The paper welcomes free-lancesent the f~:pepress@mcrlanieledu. The editors reserve the right to edit for clarity, length, and libel and to publish as space permits. Please include a name and phone number for verification. Names will be withheld only by the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. The McDaniel Free Press does not discriminate based on age, race, Wanna write an advice column? Got a thing for sports writing? Do religion, gender, !i€xualorientation, .nationalorigin, condition of handicap, or mantal status. you have what it takes to layout pages? 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