Page 66 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 66
DECEMBER 8, 2005 - Page 2 NEWS Hill Elevator Repaired, After Long Delay (from "Repairs on Page tact with the various academic Affairs, said that this is "an campus as accessible as possi- before Thanksgiving break. 1) departments in Hill Hall to unacceptable [and] unneces- ble," Brinegar said, especially, In the meantime, Reiff Brenton, director of move classes to the first floor. sary situation. However, in for those students who are offers his advice for students the Physical Plant. Brenton He said that if anyone needs a order to redress this type of confined to wheelchairs. with disabilities having trou- said that they ordered the class moved, that they were to difficulty, the student needs to Meanwhile, Brenton ble accessing facilities. Reiff part, and are waiting for that have called the physical plant. be an effective self-advocate." said that the elevator is at the said to contact "Student part to come in. But until "We would have them Brinegar said that he mercy of the part coming in, Academic Support Services, then, I "in order for [the eleva- move the class to a more does not have any trouble get- and they are taking the correct Kevin Selby, Director, ksel- tor] to be safe, we have to take accessible location." Brenton ting around campus to his safety precautions in this situ-, ext. 2504 ... it out of service." said that this is the first time in other classes, it is only when ation. "We can't operate the or contact me directly.i.ext. Brenton said that in ten years that the elevator in services like the elevator isout elevator safely without that 2279 ... We will immediately· order to accommodate those Hill has failed. of service that he has trouble. part," he said, explaining that notify the Physical Plant and students with disabilities, the Henry Reiff, the "My hope is that they the part should be coming in find out how long the repair physical plant has been in con- Associate Dean of Academic continue to work to make the either Monday or Tuesday will take." . McDaniel Brings Many Leaders to Model ED (from "Leaders" 011 page 1) lot of time and effort to repre- who was elected vice-chair- nity to be involved in behind- lation in the past, guided by Silverman said many serit not only Hungary, but man of the Socialist Party, said the-scenes negotiation that political science professor students don't know a lot McDaniel College," Silverman he got to know the students in directly affected policy," Christianna Leahy. about the European Union, said. "We did an amazing job the delegation and talk about Pertuslo said. "It got to be an Staff writer Lindsay Graham which is why the simulation and r think more people important issues with stu- adrenaline rush sometimes." conducted interviews for this project is important. should be aware of this." dents from other schools. McDaniel students article. "The delegation put a Senior Brent Pertusio, "It gave me opportu- have participated in the simu- R.V.M., BC, and Other Clubs Vie for Attention (from "Clubs" on Page 1) Activities Amanda Rose. ities on campus and encour- those groups listed specifical- "and this has made the issue a events that occurred last "They do none of the commu- ages students to join them ly in the letter and other very important one. The col- semester that led to Gamma nity service that actual Greek while advising parents to dis- groups that seem to embody lege will make a policy change Beta Chi and Phi Alpha Mu organizations do and they courage involvement in unrec- only the social aspects of and enforce it." getting their charter suspend- provide nothing positive to ognized Greek groups. Greek life. Though it is not clear ed, the school is attempting to the College. And the things It lists Chi Delta "They are all the same which policy change will be analyze how to deal with and they do could reatly hurt Upsilon, Gamma Beta Chi, Phi to me," said Rose, "and they made, Rose is drawing inspi- possibly eradicate these someone" Alpha Mu and Delta Phi have a negative effect on stu- ration from the policies imple- groups in order to prevent Rose is also writing Alpha as unrecognized dent involvement on cam- mented at Plattsburgh State problems from occurring in and planning to send out a let- groups and then follows by pus." University of New York after a the future. The school is espe- ter to parents of incoming saying "McDaniel College is Currently, the school student died there from water cially concerned about hazing freshmen and' transfer stu- taking measures to end the and Rose are attempting to intoxication during hazing to that goes on in these groups dents at the beginning of their operation of such unrecog- implement changes in policy join an unrecognized Greek and the effects that could have first and second semesters at nized groups." that would make any involve- group in 2003. on members of an unregulated McDanie.l outlining the policy While the letter does ment in an unrecognized "I want to make sure and unrecognized group. of how students join a recog- not mention other sorts of organization punishable, pos- it never gets to that point "I feel like these are nized Greek organization. groups that have become pop- sibly by suspension. here," said Rose. just drinking clubs," said The letter lists the rec- ular in the fall semester, Rose "This issue has really Assistant Director of College ognized fraternities and soror- draws no distinction between exploded this fall," said Rose, Lighter Side: True Hero Fights With Referee Following our contro- subconsciously hoped the Dr. King and Gandhi. He's a steps. Referees are filthy peo- ANDYWU versial 1-0 loss to Gettysburg, crazy guy would get a few champion of right and a pie and deserve nothing less STAFF WRlTER a drunken non-student took punches in. defender of truth. than smiting from the right- (Editor's Note: at a exception to the game decid- Unfortunately, he was Should he be pun- Safety should This ~cident glance, the blotter doesn't reveal ing penalty kick call. subdued the by Campus narrowly ished for his actions? The law be labeled not a crime, but yes. But it was also says and referee some of tile inane reports to whicll Expressing his disagreement, escaped imminent bodily against the law to help free divine intervention. The he ran onto the field and start- officers respond. WII'S commen- ed threatening the ref. harm. slaves and allow women to demonic official deserved tary iligh/ights some of tile Still in dismay, Despite the knowl- vote. worse. Such saintly acts unique calls.) T edge that the fan did not dis- This man sacrificed I chose to write about found it hilarious that the offi- should be recognized and I this issue's feature because I cia! nearly crapped his pants play good sportsmanship, he's himself for the McDaniel soc- feel privileged to have wit- was 10 feet aw~y lying on the and ran away like a little girl. I a hero in my book. He fought cer team. He is our Jesus. And nessed human selflessness at ground when it happened. know it's inappropriate, but I for what he believed just like I pray more follow in his foot- its best. C.. IlIIPUS :SaIe~ub1otte-r Occurred from Date Subcategory Ivee Outdoors Bulldlna Name Incident Status 11118120053:30 p.m. theft from buildines 2 McDaniel Hail report complete lliJ 8105 9:23 p.m. alcohol possession under 21 2 Rouzer Hall closed bv poe 11119/059:34 a.m. drug violation oossession Rouzer Hall endina court outcome 11/20105 12:03 a.m. assault hands/feet President's House ending: court outcome 1U20/05 2:27 a.m. drug violation possession Garden Apartments ending court outcome 11/20/05 12:24 a.m. assault hands/feet McDaniel HaJJ closed bv poe 11130105 11:20 a.m. robbery strong ann Carroll House Lot ooen Campus Crime Alert On 11/30/05 at about mately 6 feet tat! with a bald after he was asked to open his at 410-857-2202, or Det. Andy 3. If you are followed and 11:58 p.m. a student reported head and a dean shaven face. bookbag and give the suspects Hundtermark of WPD at 410- there are no safe areas close that approximately forty min- This suspect wore a black his "stuff". The suspects then 848-4646. by, use utes earlier (about 11:20 p.m.) jacked with white FUBU let- fled on foot on West Main Campus community members your ce!l phone to call for he was walking between tering on the chest and baggy Street toward MD Route 31. are advised: help. Carroll Hall and Thompson blue jeans. The second sus- The area was searched after 1. Avoid walking alone, ESPE- 4. When getting dose to your Hall when he was approached pect was described as an the victim made the report CIALLY in poorly lit or infre- home or auto, have your keys from behind and forced to the Hispanic male, approximately with no results. quently traveled areas. If you ready. ground. When the victim 5'7", who was also clean This matter is being need an escort, contact DoCS a. If you are being fol- looked up, he saw two indi- shaven. This second susPhect jOind'lYhinvweStigtat.edtb y pDoole,.C~;t eXk~!~· the locations of lowed, approach your auto from across the parking aisle viduals. wore a plain gray sweats irt, an tees rruns er or street and look under and The first was blue jeans, and a black knit (WPD). Anyone with any emergency phones (marked around the car prior to described as a black male, in cap (beanie cap style). information is urged to con- by blue lights) around cam- his early twenties, approxi- The victim resisted tact Sgt. Josh Bronson of DoCS pus. approaching.
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