Page 67 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 67
NEWS DECEMBER 8, 2005 -Page 3 Cash, Money, Financial Woes? Help Is Available need based scholarships and detailed explanation of each COLLEEN LEARY 1031tsdo 110t consider a stu- grant, scholarship, and loan STAFF WRlTER dent's ability to pay for col- can be found on the McDaniel Approximately 85% of all lege when evaluating eligibili- College website. McDaniel students receive ty, rather a student's previous There are also organizations some type of financial aid. academic history including like Helping Hands, which Loans, grants, and scholar- high school GPA and SAT provides students with money ships have made possible a scores, involvement 111 for textbooks. Many alumni top-notch education to many extracurricular activities, or donate money personally to students that may otherwise willingness to serve in the mil- help fund an individual stu- be unable to attend college. itary are factors dent's education. There is the But where does this money assessed. lesser-known FAW been that Rouzer displays some festive decorations. This year a come from, how are loans, These types of awards offers monetary aid to stu- number of McDaniel buildings have been decorated for grants, and scholarships include: McDaniel Academic dent's in emergency financial the holiday season. determined, and what will Scholarships, McDaniel situations at a mere one per- financial assistance now mean Transfer Scholarships, Carroll cent interest rate. for your future? * County Scholarships, Eagle Money shouldn't stop you The money available to stu- Scout/Gold Award, Junior from receiving the kind of dents comes directly from the Achievement Scholarship, education you deserve. Don't endawment- how much varying Maryland State be afraid to ask for more money the school has alto- Scholarships, Army and ALr financial assistance at any gether. Each year a budget is force ROTC Scholarships, and given time in your COllege created for financial aid. What the Family Tuition Reduction career. this means is that there is Grant. So, the money is out there, always a set amount of money Need Based grants and but what about paying it available for financial aid, loans are determined by a stu- back? When acquiring loans it however this amount does not dent's financial need such as is easy to forget that they will always increase when tuition their family income. These eventually need to be paid costs rise. include: McDaniel College back. It is important that stu- Increased tuition is often Grants, Maryland State dent's realize repayment for used to pay the college's bills, Grants, Federal Pell Grants, many loans begins five to nine thus extra money isn't added Federal Supplemental months after graduation. to the financial aid budget Education Opportunity Interest rates are also impor- because funds are needed Grants, Federal Perkins Loans, tant when determining what elsewhere. This can often and Federal Stafford Loans. loan will work best for you. cause problems for students Other ways of providing "Statistics and information because they are forced to monetary assistance include a regarding various types of come up with extra money number of private scholar- loans came from the McDaniel with noextra financial help. ships and loans, as well as the College website. Financial aid is divided into Federal Work-Study Program two categories: Non-need Co-Ed Rouzer Based and Need Ba",ed. Non_ and various opportunities for A employment. and Whiteford (from "Co-ed" all page 1) "A larger number of first-year pnsed to learn that they will male students may follow the be housed by gender, and example of first-year women while their parents may view and get more involved in cam- it as a positive, the students pus activities and leadership would prefer to have a co-ed roles," she said. option." Sayre said that the college Whiteford and Rouzer has held discussions with the Halls, the two dormitories All College Council and the currently used to house a Student Government majority of first-year students, Assembly in order to obtain will drop their single-sex sta- student thoughts, "good dis- tus and be arranged to allow cussions" that produced both men and women to "enthusiastic support for the reside within. idea of going co-ed, with some Philip Sayre, vice president reservations." and dean of student affairs, These mixed feelings are noted that the gender arrange- reflected in the opinions of ment is dependent on the loca- McDaniel College- students, HOltSof bathrooms, speculat- who desire the notion of being ing that Whiteford would treated like adults and less have men on one level and like boarding school denizens, women on another, in alter- while balancing the aesthetic nating fashion. The division of and dynamic qualities of liv- Rouzer's floors into sides, ing in close proximity to the however, would allow men opposite sex. and women to live on oppos- "1 would think it would be ing ends of the building, with good for the Rouzer boys," their sections connected by said freshman Mary Beth student lounges. Bounds, "because they would- "Having people mixed n't be so wild and rambunc- together will be a real benefit tious. But I think it would be a and more like the real world," greater challenge to the clean- Sayre said. "If college is to pre- ing staff. I don't think girls pare you for the real world, would really appreciate it." let's do it." Freshman Samuel Snider- Housing men and women Held concurs: "I'm all for it, together, explained O'Connell, but I can't imagine why any could carry an additional ben- girls would want to live with a efit in increased retention bunch of guys." numbers for male students.
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