Page 56 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 56
NOVEMBER 17, 2005 - Page 4 FEATURES Ongoing Battle: Neat Vs. Messy Roommates JANE LIBERT hard to match students with somewhat randomly. This is contracts are available if the both roommates to find other STAFF WRlTER the most compatible room- seen on the Alpha Sigma Phi students wish to set mutual people who may be more mate every time. Residence fIoorofANW. rules for the room such as how compatible with their A room divided. One Assistant, Cori Simpson, Sophomore Mark often it is cleaned, etc," lifestyles." side: neat and tidy, everything explains, "As a freshman it is Winkelstein and Junior Keith describes RA Cori Simpson. As Keith Greenway in its place. The other side: hard to assume exactly what Greenway were placed She elaborates, "lt is one thing puts it, he is not bothered by a scattered with various books, your roommate's habits will together amongst their broth- to create and sign, the contract, messy roommate "as long as clothing, and papers; com- be." ers in their ANW suite. but it is another thing to my personal space is clean plete disarray. Freshmen Salmi Though they share similari- always abide by the rules that and organized." This is the This is the image of a Jayamuni and Jensen Toperzer ties, ,their organizational one set." case for many McDaniel odd mismatched dorm room. With found themselves in this habits are very different. It If a roommate con- couples. For those in this situ- one occupant who stresses predicament in the early was uncertain, initially how tract will not suffice, there is ation, as long as individuals organization, and another stages of their cohabitation in this would affect their atti- another alternative. "There are respect their roommate's who is'less concerned with the Whitefo1d Hall. Luckily for tudes toward each other .. "I two roommate swap periods space and belongings, a prob- upkeep of their surroundings, them, their opposite habits was pretty sure when I was scheduled for a year. If the lem does not have to arise. If it "odd couples" at McDaniel have not had a negative being messy and he was being roommates cannot come to an does however, Residence Life College are not in short sup- impact-on their relationship as neat that it was going to be a agreement on living terms, can be of great assistance. ply. roommates. Salini, the neater problem, but he didn't care then this procedure allows for So how do these com- of the two explains, "We don't and we get along well," -_...... plete opposites get paired up? fight, she keeps it on her side." explains Mark. This issue does Residence life provides the It seems that their differences not seem to bother Keith answer. are observed in a positive light either. "Living with a messy Upon beginning one's in the eyes of messier room- roommate is not that bad," he first year at McDaniel College, mate, Jensen. "If we were both continues, "I just try to keep every incoming freshman fills messy, it'd be horrible. We're my space organized, and all is out a survey which aids cool though, we get along well." Residence Life in finding a fine." As wonderful as it is suitable roommate. Every stu- Many upperclassmen that these two pairs happento dent is asked a variety of avoid this issue in selecting get along despite their differ- questions about individual their own roommates: people ences, not all students deal preferences in living situa- who they have had time to get with the issue in this way. tions and matched according to know personally. However, When it is a problem, resi- to those which are rated as this is not always the case. dence life has several solu- most important. These sur- Fraternity and Sorority hous- tions. veys work to a degree, but it is ing can sometimes be divided "Optional roommate BSU Step Show: Did You See Them 1,2 Step? CHANAN DEUVUK iar with either the historically art and something unique to sorority gladly accepted their bit harsh on the loud-crowd ART DIRECTOR African-American Greek your organization and present 1st place $1,000 prize with when representing their organizations "Divine Nine," it to others. Though this years ease. The only true competi- Greeks. Though she would The third annual or with stepping as a form of show did not host all of the tion of the night was between ask for a "woo" shout-out and step show hosted by the Black expression, and missed the "Divine Nine" teams, it the fraternities, whose shows at times ended up with a Student Union was amazing. show-shame on you. This' was offered a sma II preview of were equally impressive. In "boo" back, she still held her It isn't very often that other probably the best, cheap, and what each organization is typ- the end, the Morgan State own 'til the end. college campuses visit easiest way to do both at the ically known for, in step-form, Alpha Phi Alpha's took the So, next year, do not McDaniel. And when Greek same time, an-the-while with a performance by the cash defeating the Iota Phi let the uniqueness of Greek organizations from other cam- receiving priceless entertain- S.E.E. organization. Theta Fraternity, Inc. from step-expression pass you by, puses decide to step onto the ment. Sadly, several of the Howard University. and support our very own Hill, it's no wonder the Stepping is a form of teams had to dropout for per- Other acts included Black Student Union. turnout was so great. expression; a way to collec- sonal reasons on the very day the local Boys and Girls club For those unfamil- tively, rhythmically create' an of the show, but the Zeta dancers and an Me who was a What is the best part of Thanksgiving? Compiled by Emily Biondo "Pumpkin pie and "My favorite part Cool Whip and get- of Thanksgiving is ting it twice because I go to both grand- getting to go parents' houses and home and not do get to see all my any work." family." Valerie Moore, '06 Kim Spears, '07 Chris Reed, '08 "My favorite part is "Just having all my "A home-cooked being around people relatives in one area, gigantic meal-I love who love me uncon- joking and laughing it. And the huge ditionally, and also and stuffing our fat family-wide game of give me lots of faces." Scattergories with food." relatives and ali." Beth Meade, '07 Vicki Levanduski, '08
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