Page 57 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
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FEATURES NOVEMBER 17, 2005- Page 5 Happy Helpers Feed, Baltimore's Homeless the eighth branch for the state any compensation, save the McDaniel College is spread- affinity, Chanan Debvuk, at CHANAN DELrvuK of Maryland, located at mere satisfaction of knowing ing the goodness of this organ- (410)-751-8010 or via email at ARTDIRECTOR McDaniel College. you're helping others. ization through the newly If any Peanut butter and jelly, Happy Helpers is a way to !fnot for Amber and Bobby, added Happy Helpers affinity local organizations or church- bananas, and cookies. To some let someone less fortunate Happy Helpers may have group this year. Nine students es currently serve the a childhood lunch memory, to know that they have not been never come into existence. came together to help collect Westminster area homeless hundreds of Balitmore City forgotten, a way to try and put Even at the lender age of necessities not only for the and are in need of any help or homeless, the meal for the day. an end to hunger, and a way to three, Amber had a vision to greater Baltimore homeless, would like Happy Helpers to Happy Helpers for the put another person's well- help others and to solve world but for hurricane victims as contribute in any way, it Homeless is a non-profit being before your own hunger - such a large dream well. Even the food services would be a great honor for the organization started 13 years To be considered a true for a small girl. Though world on campus have joined the group to do so, especially dur- ago by Amber Coffman with Happy Helpers branch, five hunger is one issue that may fight to end hunger by donee- ing the weekend. the help of her mother, Bobby. things must take place: show never be resolved, Amber has ing their time and products to Love, first quality items, all Amber, now 24, has spread the the people you serve love, use managed to facilitate Life for the organization on trips to weather, aU volunteers, and story of Happy Helpers across only quality items, provide many homeless people. Her Baltimore. the involvement of youth- the nation, leading to at least the necessities in any and all story is one of triumph, one The group is open to any five ways to create, keep, and one branch in each state and weather (even snow), young that shows how no dream is and all interested and willing add to an organization that several countries. people must be involved in unattainable, and echoes how to volunteer. All questions, was built on a dream and Westminster has joined the the volunteer-aspect, and any good deeds can easily spread comments, and concerns can meant to last a lifetime. Happy Helpers chain and and all who participate must among a vast number of peo- be addressed to the group now runs what is considered do so by volunteering-not by pie. manager and president of the Happy Tails: Students Find Homes for Animals The Carroll County ers, the Affinity Group with a 'good feeling, which society you can contact ALYSSA GAGEN Humane Society is an all-vol- Program is an efficient way to made the other group mem- Affinity housing or the Carroll STAFF WRITER unteer group that runs a pro- receive boarding with all of bers excited to work their County Humane Society. Both "When you walk in gram in which animals are your friends. Students who shifts. will tell you how to help these and look at their wet little given temporary homes until put together an Affinily If you are interested in animals and find them a new noses, you can't help but want they find a nice loving home. Croup get to live together in a helping out at the humane home! to take one home with you," But who can consider this spacious suite, which is a says sophomore Whitney community work when it's so major motivation for complet- Hines, who is the President of much fun? ing their community work. Got a nice crib or hot the Humane Helpers Affinity "I know it sounds cliche, Last Saturday, Hines Group at McDanieL but once you deal with those and her friend Lindsey Each Friday, members of animals you really care about Harden spent two hours calm- ride? Wanna see it in Hines' affinity group journey them. I spent all two hours ing shaken cats and talking to the Carroll County Humane convincing people to adopt a with anxious couples strolling the Free Press? Give society. pet," says Hines. in on a whim. "We usually socialize with The girls got to put on their And seeing those animals the animals, and talk to people salesman hats and endorse the leave for a nice home really Beth a call at x8352 who are interested in adopting purchase of a new cat or dog. did affect the students. The them," explains Hines. Besides the joy of helping oth- girls traveled back to campus @] ~ @] If You Feel Down, ~ ~ Pick This Up ~ a e'tedlt~? ~ "Do not let anyone treat you as ';:?IoU/t M '7 4i9«- up? if you are unimportant because ~ ~ you are young, Instead, be an example to the believers with ~ AS A STUDENT OR FACULTY ~ your words, your actions, your MEMBER OF MCDANiEl COLLEGE, love, your faith, and your pure ~ JOiNING IS AS EASY AS A $5.00 ~ life," ... 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