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NOVEMBER 17,2005-Page6 CENTER SPREAD CENTER SPREAD NOVEMBER 17, 2005 - Page 7 Anna Mayr Belts Out Great Music COLLEEN LEARY Senior's Book Project Breathes STAFF WRITER From trying out for American Idol in New York Life Into Abandoned Carroll Towns City to impersonating a gorilla for a singing telegram company, freshman Anna Mayr' 5 pas- KASEY ASHCROFT Ditto hopes to preserve the it may actually be. a visible them appear more distressed. sion for music has taken her places. STAFF WRITER images of an old Carroll break in the earth leading Finally, he reprinted the Mayr began singing when she was three years County town in a series of right to its center. In 1962, a images on glossy paper. Ditto old. "When] was Iittle.T always had to be the cen- You're driving along Route 81 handmade books for his sen- trash fire rapidly grew and collected all his images and and you look out your win- ter of attention," explains Mayr. dow at a sign that says tor art project. After several engulfed the mines beneath decided to put them into a book that he bound himself, the small town. After taking weeks and countless hours, "I first sang at my aunt's wedding and as I got "Centralia" in east central the first book of what Ditto dozens and dozens of pictures something he always wanted older people started to hire me for weddings and Pennsylvania. You've never to try. He created the cover other events. I've sung at different churches heard of it, but you decide to and every page in order to throughout the Baltimore area and am now work- take a short seven-mile detour Ditto took the pllotos, developed highlight the majesty of crum- on your journey. As you pull bling buildings and a fading ing for an entertainment company performing off the road you see smoke ris- them, created collages and ultimate- small town. singing telegrams." ing from underneath cracks in ly sewed the book's binding by Ditto's work provides the Mayr enjoys singing many different types of the road, you notice a college- hand. He created the cover and opportunity to step out of our. music including country; contemporary Christian, aged man with a digital cam- every page in order to I.ighlight the individual realities and into unique the pop, gospel, and show tunes. Some of her favorite era taking photographs of the majesty of crumbling buildings and Centralia. history of devastation that surrounds artists and inspirations are Celion Dian, Martina the two of you. The young the glory that remains in a fading , Ditto's advice for anyone Mcbride, Jessica Simpson, and Mariah Carey. man's name is William with difficulty finding the Music is a form of expression for this talented Kenneth Ditto, a senior at small town, time to really throw him or young artist. "I'm a terrible speaker. Ican't speak McDaniel College. herself into an expressive Ditto, who goes by his mid- project is to take a course that in front of people, but when] sing I feel like ] can dle name "Kenny," has been envisions as a four-part senes of this uruque City, Ditto allows artistic movement. He is complete. He hopes that th.e decided that Centralia would just be myself," says Mayr. "I like to sing songs] fascinated with abandoned as people look through the be the perfect inspiration for feels that it is much easier for can relate to. If you feel what you are singing buildings and locations for collection of black and white his Advanced Studio Art class. people to make time when it is comes from the heart more people will be able to many years. images of the strange mysteri- He printed his pictures in a requirement to share their "I can't help but think of the see that." significance that they (aban- ous town of Centralia, the black and white and used dif- creativity with others. Ditto's book provides not only the ferent techniques to further images will offer a different Mayr is currently working on her own CD and doned places) once had to the message to each person. "destroy" the images. For people of Centralia, but socie- in the future hopes to participate in musical the- people that occupied them," Centralia, PA, much like its example, he placed tape over ty with images that help to ater. Graphic by Partrick Bonaduce he explains. name hints, appears as though parts of the photos to make document the historical signif- Tattoos, a Unique and Ancient Art, Tell All Clayton Rosa Moves Art from Walls to Page icance of the town. Currently Susan has two tat- Asia and the Pacific islands history of the art of tattooing: CORI SIMPSON toos, with the hope of getting belong to it come from all poetry entitled The in every aspect imagi- ates Rosa's hard work in his STAFF WRITER still predominantly do tattoo- "It is believed that tattooing as classes, genders, professions, SHELLY HORN Rose That Grew from nable, ~ love being studies as well as his artistic more. ing consistent with their histo- we know it today was started and races ...We are all differ- STAFF WRITER Erik Hott, a senior at "My parents are what many ries like tribal based tattooing in the Fijian or Samoan Islands ent, but share one unifying Dominican. Latinos expression. McDaniel College, has nine would call the classic 'tattoo with mostly black organic about 2000 years ago but there bond that calls to us from a1l Outwardly, freshman are prideful people, "He is an extremely tattoos. All of his tattoos have parents,' both my mother and inks ... style and equipment is evidence of tattooing 3000+ over the world _ the love of Clayton Rosa is a quiet which can sometimes thoughtful and engaged stu- a story behind them. father have multiple tattoos," derived from the passing of years before that." body art" explains Susan. thinker. But his means of self- become unbearable, dent," stated Armstrong. Armstrong's class includes "My half sleeve is my she explains. knowledge from one genera- Curious as to how the Susan's personal philoso- expression' - drawing, music, but I try to add that projects which allow for ere- passion of me being and poetry - speak volumes largest tattoo, based on Little Vinnie, from the local tion to another." trends change over the years, phy on tattoos is this: "In this and reveal talent beyond his Dominican into my ative expression in which William Blake's illustration shop Little Vinnies Tattoos Vinnie also shared some of Vinnie provided an explana- lifetime you only get one can- years that promise a distinct passion for poetry and Rosa can shine. from his 'Marriage of Heaven located at 2025 Suffolk Road the tion for changing patterns, vas, and that comes in the future. music." "He has written some blues and Hell.' I love Blake," Erik in Finksburg, is a talented and "Just like all forms of art, tat- form of your body. Why walk Rosa, a Boston-raised "It revolves around lyrics for one project, and a explains, "The illustration very experienced tattoo artist. too styles are constantly around all of your life with a Dominican, started writing my life, it is my life," connected poetry/visual art relates to the struggle in my "I have tattooed in 32 coun- changing although we are in a blank one when you could ~~e:;li~~:Y:ai;e~:~:~~~; ~:,~id':~~CieF:u::h~:,:; ~;~:Ct~,::i:,::~[":p:;~:~:,~~~:~:ng ,ea~~m~:~~~ life." tries on five continents. In my time when many styles of tat- make it beautiful?" -t Erik's most expensive tattoo travels 1 have seen many tooing are beginning to blend Though it's common for is a half sleeve (located on his styles and techniques from together." some people with tattoos to pre-dates his memory. soled me. I'd throw in some body and everybody can work on these projects." Hip-Hop; "It's like I came out of my undeniably see Rosa looks forward to the upper arm). "I was tattooed modern tattooing with "Through education and have regrets about their per- mother's womb holding a Rakim, Tupac, just anything Poet; Dominican. pursuit of his studies at once a month, for 4-5 hours, machines to hand poked tat- legislation the industry has manency, nine tattoos later, pencil," stated Rosa. "I've good and embrace my strug- While many freshman McDaniel as well as perfecting over a one year span, to allow toos in the bush of the south taken a giant step to further Erik sys that he has none: been drawing for as long as I gles through their words," check the "undecided" major his artistic crafts for the future. each section to heal." pacific islands," he explains. advance our knowledge and "Even though I don't particu- can remember. When [ was This connection to Hip-Hop revealed Rosa. 1/And it got to box, Rosa is a double major - "Simply anything imagine- Including tip, the tattoo cost "The Americas, Europe and the publics awareness of the larly care for the ones I got younger, you'd always c~tch music is deep-rooted and per- a point, where I began to Sociology/English - and a ble with words is what 1want Erik about $2500. westem Asia practice mostly importance of safety in this when I was younger, it's still me drawing. It was like air to sonal. embrace my struggle through double minor - African- to delve myself into," said McDaniel freshman Susan American traditional, realistic unique and ancient art form." who I was then, and the tat- me, just that essential." "When I was younger and my words." American studies and Rosa. "Because everyone has Rutledge also has great and fantasy styles of tattoos," "The tattoo world has its toos that I get now show how With no formal instruction more unaware, and more con- His family background and Spanish, demonstrating his a voice, but if you don't know respect for the art of tattoos. Vinnie continues. "South east own culture, and those who I've changed." in writing poetry or drawing, fused, 1 was sheltered within ~~~~v:~r!~a~~ :~~~i:su:e~~ thirst for knowledge of pea- how to articulate that VOice, Rosa credits Hip-Hop music myself. I was never close to "I was born and raised in pte, language, and words. who';.]illhliaSvteen'a·"voice," Rosa and lithe streets" as his teach- my family, and I usually don't Rosa's Freshman Seminar ~ ers. get too close with anyone Bost~n,. bu~, my b.lood boils professor, Dr. Robin added. "It's just a matter of "I was directly influenced because of my experiences; ?offill11Can, exp~~med Rosa. Armstrong of McDaniel's time tilt I am heard." Several McDaniel by Tupac Shakur's book of however, in those times of It affects my writing and art Music Department, appreci- friends recently 'Elements & Principles, Memories & Meanings' journeyed to Tattooed Angel on cashed in on the opportunity fizzled. the recent show was his most Pearson says. He feels that the Route 27 to pierce TODD KNEPPER to witness the power of The Rice Gallery mature work: "I try to get in successfulness of expression various body STAFF WRITER expression. show was composed of 17 the studio everyday for six or comes individually. It takes Pearson began at the For a moment or two, parts, including it was quite easy to get lost College of St. Rose in Albany, large-scale oil paintings, the more hours. The more I work relentless work ethic, self- 70"x120". the more I understand belief, and thick skin to make my largest measuring the nose, the eye- and forget that out that sec- NY followed by attending Pearson favors the medium of ideas." it as an artist. brow, the tongue, ond-story window was still graduate school at Maryland oil due to its' texture, color Pearson's favorite Professor Pearson and the naveL the student stomping ground. Institute College of Art and qualities, and versatility. The moments as a teacher come encourages all students: "If Left, Tattoo Bob Art Professor Steve the Hoffburger School of paintings were created under when a student reciprocates you like the first course you He then admits to "I really Painting. pierces freshman Pearson's painting install- falling into teaching. Before restriction of a limited color his passion for art: a student take, take another. There's no palette based on color chips reason to not try." enjoy watching ment, "Elements Kristin Lamb's Principles, titled Memories & heading to The Hill two years taken by the spring '05 Color become energetic and excited The Art Club contin- nose. Right, Elise Meanings" transformed the & back, Pearson taught at Iowa Theory class. for what they are creating." ues to hold open meetings on K1atte shows off McDaniel College Rice State University for three There is a direct corre- "It is extremely' Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. in her pierced Gallery into a modern marvel years. Teaching .became more lation between Pearson's important to be creative and the studio. tongue. from October tj-November realistic as the slightly unreal- work ethic and student expec- expressive, and to not give 11,2005. istic graduate school illusions tattons. into the misconceptions of 1 hope everyone of becoming a famous artist He acknowledges that what expression has to be,"
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