Page 55 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 55
NEWS NOVEMBER 17, 2005 -Page 3 New Greek Council in Store for Campus (frolll "Greek" on timents. organizations on campus. groups and wearing Greek Jet- ty that a Greek open house Pagel) "When we talked to girls at Rose disagrees. ters. These groups devalue will be held before formal additionally, the service soror- the first 'meet the sisters' "The process of Joining what being Greek really rush begins in the spring as a ity Gamma Sigma Sigma wel- night, they kept saying how the service organizations are means." way for students to meet comed a 21 member pjsdge they had heard so many good different then Greeks," said IFC will hold hi-week- members of each organiza- class things from their friends who Rose, "and maybe some peo- ly meetings with delegates non The standards doc- Alpha Phi Omega (APO), a were a Gamma Sig." ple are deterred from rushing from each fraternity. One of its co-ed service fraternity, Currently, Rose and because of the different rules focuses will be to promote the ument will also make clear recently inducted 23 new College Activities is taking a and regulations." positive parts of joining frater- what fraternities and sorori- members as well. more macro-approach to pro- The campaign to nities. ties cannot do and what APO President Katie Saris moting fraternities, on cam- recruit new members is not, in "Hopefully we will requirements they need to and senior Katie Hickey, one pus, but a more micro, word Rose's eyes, a service Greek have more unity and less con- meet to keep the chapter of the Membership vice presi- of mouth approach will help versus social Greek conflict flicts between different frats," healthy. dents for Gamma Sigma recruitment as well. but an underground "drink- said Gaudenzi. "[The standards Sigma noted that one of the "It's always tougher to get ing club" versus social Greek If IFe has the effect document] will make a single reasons why each organiza- guys to come out than girls," conflict. Rose wants it to have. then the set of rules clear," said Inter- tion welcomed in a pledge said Inter-Greek Council Vice Recently, various way fraternities operate will Greek Council President Jason class of more then 20 this President and Sigma 'Phi underground organizations shift very soon. Fratto. "It will help out semester was because of posi- Epsilon President Justin have formed across campus "Within a year we will because things won't be tive word of mouth from cur- Gaudenzi, "So any promotion and they appear to embody all see some changes," said Rose, looked at solely on a case by rent members to their friends. for fraternities is good promo- of the fun, party stereotypes of "and hopefully see things case basis." "A lot of our members have tion." Greek life. grow as time goes on. We will "We are trying to spread the positive aspects of On one level, it may "These sort of unoffi- point out all the positive explore what is keeping APO to their friends," said appear that the two Greek cial drinking clubs are the aspects of Greek life here and recruitment so low," said Saris, "and this is what made a service organizations, which biggest threat to Greek life on debunk ali the negative Rose. "But fraternities wjll be lot of people want to get both welcomed in large campus," said Rose. "There is stereotypes that have devel- promoting themselves more in involved. pledge classes, may pose com- nothing proud or respectful oped." the near future." Hickey echoed similar sen- petition to the other Greek about forming underground There is a possibili- ~!,~!,~o,,2e~~ii~n~o~ad!~e~~~~c~ec~~r!~i~~~~~~~ng~?murouth school, be themselves," said Gill added with a smile, tors as the program progress- organization, all Field'" of "They're [westminster's] junior Amy Ford, leader of the "They're at the point where es, a feeling that is not one- Wings mentors receive credits primary sense of students is West Middle School group. boys don't have cooties any- sided. and pay. marching up and down Lessons vary from more, and they're appealing. "It helps you form this rela- "It's always worth asking, Pennsylvania Avenue school to school, but the topics They're developing crushes." tionship with your students," 'Could we get internship cred- Wednesday to Saturday night overlap. These themes range The subject of boys high- said junior co-leader Amy if?" said Associate Dean of drunk," said Reiff. from peer-pressure to self- lights another point of the pro- Holland of the program's ben- Academic Affairs Henry Reiff. "1think having students out esteem to the ever-popular, gram-the mentors are not efits. Of McDaniel's Service there in the community absolute center of a pre-teen only role models, but confi- "They brighten my day, so Learning programs and changes the perspective of girl's life: boys. dents. I love doing it." advantages, Reiff said, lilt who McDaniel students are." "They love to talk about "They depend on US for Not only does Field of becomes a win-win situation." boys. Boys boys boys ... they advice in the simplest sense- Wings yield that good feeling Reiff also acknowledges its Jove boys," said Ford, laugh- we can be that older sister," effectiveness in breaking ing. said Ford. The men tees feel of McDaniel in the Miss Md Pageant (from "Pageant" all page 1) through exercise, diet, careful heart of the competition: the selection of clothing, and fol- morning is spent practicing a lowing (as any athlete would choreographed dance, the do) the advice of her coach. afternoon and evening are Sch~artz's coach is a former spent in front of an audience Miss Maryland judge who for the performance of the evaluated the competition the dance routine, and for the first year Schwartz competed. swimsuit and evening gown Will Schwartz vie for the competition. The third and crown again next year? As a final day can be seen as the Business and Economics most nerve wrecking, as the major, she wants to see where one hundred contestants are her career takes her first, but narrowed first to a groll p of she's not completely ruling it fifteen, and then to the final out: "If it all works out, I top five in front of all audience would do it again. It's a big of family and friends. commitment; it's an invest- Schwartz is quick to add ment of time and money" she that the challenge begins long added. For Lindsey Schwartz, before the actual competition. the track may change, but the Most girls begin to 'prepare thrill of competition remains three months in advance the same.
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