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cmen TCffjJr SPORTS Vol. 4 No.4 NOVEMBER 3, 2005, Page 12 Blocked Kick, TerrorLose in Overtime last four games. point. F&M. McDaniel to .500, also cost the RYAN CHELL STAFF WRITER McDaniel, still with- But McDaniel did not The offensive replace- Green Terror a chance at the out offensive stars Brad Baer, want that to happen; they ments, Parker and Gibson, Centennial Conference McDaniel returned Tom Wenrich, and running wanted the losing streak to were very effective for the Championship, McDaniel is home on Saturday to play back Broderick Maybank, end that day. Twice, the Green injured McDaniel starters. now 4-4 overall, and 1-3 in the their Homecoming game stayed in a stalemate with Terror intercepted Diplomat Gibson completed- 41% of his conference with two games against the Franklin and F&M for most of the game. quarterback Kyle Turner on passes for 100 yards and com- still to go. They also lost a big Marshall Diplomats. When Even without Maybank at the f-yard line; a one-handed piled 58 yards on the ground, opportunity to catch Johns the Green Terror last played running back, McDaniel was interception by Ron Ringgold showing that he is a threat on Hopkins who lost to Ursinus here at McDaniel three weeks able to depend on junior run- and another by safety Drew the ground and in the air. on the same day. Hopefully, ago, they were 4-0 and na tion- ning back Meikos Parker, who Abbamonte. With 7:17 left in Meikos Parker reached the McDaniel will be able to sal- ally ranked, corning off a win was Centennial Offensive the game, rushes by Meikos century mark on the ground vage their broken season against Ursin us. Since then, Player of the Week earlier this Parker and quarterback Brett on just seventeen carries. The when they go on the road this with three consecutive losses season for his efforts in Gibson set up an 18-yd run by defense had its two intercep- Saturday to face conference on the road, the Green Terror McDaniel's victory against freshman Joe Taylor. The tions and had three sacks. But rival Muhlenberg followed by were hoping that the home Catholic. Parker, who scored missed extra point was finally McDaniel's hard work did not the season finale when they crowd, the familiar atmos- on a 21-yard run at 13:14 in the forgotten when McDaniel con- show up on the scoreboard at host Hopkins here at phere, and facing a team with first quarter, was essential on verted a two-point conver- the end of the game. McDaniel. a 2-5 record would help them McE>aniel's opening drive, sion; McDaniel now had a The loss, which brings end their losing streak. which spanned 55 yards on seven point lead to protect in But things, most four plays. The extra point order to come alit with a win. notably, the ball--on a field was blocked, but McDaniel's The Diplomats goal and an extra point- offense looked comfortable responded with a scoring would not go McDaniel's way enough to overcome that lost drive of their own. as the Green Terror fell in point. Quarterback Kyle Turner hit overtime to the Diplomats, 17- But after F&M scored Rob Donofrio for a 26-yard 14. In the first overtime, on on a one-yard touchdown run' score with 5:04 left i.n the 4th McDaniel's possession, by quarterback Kyle Turner quarter. Because of McDaniel kicker Jay with twenty-four seconds left McDaniel's two-point conver- Leonard's field goal was in the first quarter, it looked as sion, the game was tied at 14. blocked by F&M defender if that blocked extra point was McDaniel held the ball last in Barry Lovett on an attempt to going to have a critical impact regulation, but let the clock tie the game and send it to the on the game. It would remain run out to induce overtime. In next round of overtime. It was in the minds of many players overtime, F&M drove to the the second time that the and fans as the scoreboard McDaniel one-yard line, but Diplomats blocked a kick in remained the same for most of after a six yard loss on 3rd the game, with the first com- the game. Some thought that down, they were satisfied ing on an extra point after McDaniel, who is used to the with the field goal. Mclxaniel McDaniel's first touchdown. close games this season, was tried to match that drive, but McDaniel, after a 4-0 start, going to continue their losing their kick to tie the game was now is at .500 after losing their streak by losing by a single blocked to seal the win for Swimmers Deeply Committed to the Sport cell phone's alarm function. ~5~~g~~~ER There is no Iversonian disease And Despite winning multi- the training, a favorite activity robber-proof aluminum and pie events last ~eason, ~ony for ~ost members, is one of glass door behind her, the in Molly's vocabulary. remains modest In her abilities the perks of swimming. whole house shudders from "I hate swimming!" Practice is important. as a swimmer. "It's a week where you train her might. Molly Bolek, junior distance The workout routine for the The team will compete in all day and it really hurts your On her way to the bathroom swimmer for McDaniel, might swim team is one of the most five meets before the Franklin body," said Bolek. she yells, "I love swimming! not wear floppy footwear to vigorous found at McDanieL & Marshall Invitational which One of the outcomes of the It's seriously the best sport the Harlow Pool (sandals are At a practice two weeks ago, takes place in Bolek's home- trip is to unify the team. ever created." She slams the her preference), but she has a members of the team swam town of Lancaster, PA. Since Though often viewed as an door into the wall. "Why do I flip-flopping attitude towards over 6.5 miles, a mind-bog- learning to swim when she individual sport, camaraderie always do that?" swimming. gling distance for most stu- was five, Bolek and her sister is a key to overall success. Her roommate, Erin Wilson, "It's seriously one of the . dents who do most of their had always been on teams "We hope to have a very has learned to cope with dumbest sports every creat- swimming sitting on the while growing up in the unified group of girts with Bolek's frequent mood ed," says Bolek, as she leaves beach in Ocean City. Hempfield School District. common goals-," said Bolek, swings. her house on PA Avenue. Following that feat, the team Not swimming had never "a supportive unit to push "I've learned to accept that She embarks fifteen min- ran up and down the hill that been an option for her, and each other to do our best." when she comes in saying utes early to make a two- is steeper than Liberty Ski upon arriving at McDaniel For all her quirks and un- how much she hates swim- minute walk to the often-over- slopes a number of times. Bolek was certain she would commonalities, Molly is an ming," explained Wilson, "it looked 7 a.m. practice. A tes- "No one has been severely swim for the team. In her athlete through and through. translates into how much she tament to her undoubtedly injured yet," said Bolek, "so third year of competition, she In an effort to get ahead, she really loves it." type-a personality, Molly that's a plus." is certainly comfortable with often went to the pool three The first home meet is on keeps her alarm dock set ten With only five returning the grueling schedule of prac- times a day at the beginning of Saturday, November 5th, minutes fast. swimmers, senior Cassie tices and meets, and with the fall semester. She also has against Swarthmore. The "It's confusing because I Allen, freshman Calle being a leader. typical athlete oriented expec- team encourages all students have to set the alarm on that Celinski, senior Brooke During the winter break, tations for the year. to come out and cheer until clock five minutes earlier than Bennett, and junior Molly many swim teams from "Our goal is to have a win- they cough out their green- the other one to stay on time." -Ruane are expected to carry around the country make the ning season," said Bolek. tinged vocal cords. Indeed, she is known to set the team in the breaststroke, trip to Florida to train. Molly comes back from three alarms, including her distance, and sprinting events. McDaniel is no different, and practice at 8:45. Slamming the
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