Page 54 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 54
NOVEMBER 17, 2005 - Page 2 NEWS Multiple Campus Office Locations to Move G E 5 Officers' Training Corps Thompson and the Dean's House. Safety's current space Seidel DA~~w:~RMAN (ROTC), Campus Safety and Cottage had vacancies, pro- • The Dean's Cottage will be said that the school ts yet to --------- . Student Health Services. viding an opportunity for the the new home for Human make any commitments, and As a cool autumn rain feU According to information movement of other offices, Resources. that possibilities are being upon McDaniel College, provided by Dr. Ethan Seidel, including some that had been These moves will leave explored. Maureen Meloche, adminis- vice president for administra- previously confined to over- more empty spaces: • The move of the ROTC from' trative assistant for the office tion and finance, the buildings crowded spaces. Forlines House, 149 the second floor of Gill Center of Administration and changing occupancies are A summary of the current Pennsylvania Ave. {the former will allow the exercise science Finance, carried two large Porlines House, Winslow and upcoming relocations: location of Human Resources} and intercollegiate athletics framed pictures out of Center, Smith House,· Thompson Hall will house and the newly purchased 175 departments to expand their Forlines House, placed them Thompson Hall, Gill Center, Administration and Finance, Pennsylvania Ave. will be ren- office space. in the trunk of her gray two houses on Pennsylvania Common Ground on the HHl, ovated and converted to stu- Autumn rains will shift into Chrysler Sebring, and drove a Avenue, Rouzer Hall and the the Interpreters' Forum and dent housing for the fall of winter snowfall, and as the short distance across campus, Dean's Cottage located near the Ira and Mary Zepp Center 2006. seasons continue to change, so across Main Street to Main Street. for Nonviolence and Peace • The construction in Rouzer too will the locations of many Thompson Hall. When Academic Hall Education. occurring over the next two offices at McDaniel College, In the wake of this semes- opened, it became home to the • Winslow Center will have summers raises the possibility new and improved homes to ter's opening of Academic School of Graduate and Campus Safety, the McDaniel that decentralized laundry which campus employees, like Hall, Meloche and numerous Professional Studies, Student College Call Center, the ROTC facilities will be installed on Meloche, will haul their other campus employees are Academic Support Services, and Student Health Services. each floor. If McDaniel follows belongings and creature com- moving to new headquarters, and the departments of educa- Despite the transfer of Student through with this idea, it will forts. a domino effect that will see tion and psychology. Health Services to Winslow, open up a plethora of room on the relocation of various Consequently, their former personal and career counsel- the residence hall's ground offices, including the Reserve quarters at Winslow, ing will remain in Smith floor, including Campus Underground Pledging Continues for Phi Alphs (j01ll "Underground=on pagel) that will be dealt with in But this is not what she sus- class of 1979 member, Beth "There needs to be some "Campus safety has docu- future months and years. pects is happening. Rose said Fulton. punishment to the sorority for mented two reports about The Gamma Beta Chi (the that on two accounts she has "J was very disappointed the actions of last year... [but] questionable activities that the "Betes"), another group sus- seen students wearing the Phi in hearing about the hazing the school needs to take some college is looking into." said pended for hazing Spring Alpha Mu letters on a shirt that took place last semester," responsibility if no adult Amanda Rose, assistant direc- 2005, is probably also accept- that were not members before. said Fulton. "It's unfortunate supervision was provided to tor of college activities. ing pledges, Rose speculates. On the Phi Alpha Mu's pro- that a few girls had to ruin an the organization." Not only is this not "But their activity has not file on the Facebook website, institution at WMC/McDaniel Rose said that the college is allowed, but also Rose said been as blatant [as the Phi the description of the group that has been around for so looking into these allegations, these pledge activities are Alpha Mu's]." explains that even though long." and plans to create a task force jeopardizing the Phi Alpha "We want the Phi Alph's to they were suspended from Fulton was not surprised along with the alumni to get Mu's chances of ever return- corne back, but if they won't campus, they are "still the that the sorority was taking this situation under control. ing back on campus as a rec- return positively they are risk- best." The website also pledges, knowing about the Rose also said that liability ognized Greek organization. ing their chances of ever com- includes the statement that success of the Preachers frater- issues, as well as the time The Phi Alpha Mu's are not ing back on campus," said "good things grow under- nity over the years, which her commitment linked to being a the only Greek group that is Rose. ground." husband was president of in campus advisor, hinders fac- either suspended or unap- Rose hopes that by sus- One Phi Alph mentioned 1978. ulty! staff participation. proved by the college yet still pending the group for a' peri- that they are trying to keep a However, she does offer a "It's frustrating that they sponsoring activities and od of three years, the current low profile due to the suspen- solution that stems from her [Phi Alphs] are doing this," accepting new members members will graduate, and sion last year, adding that she own experience as a Phi Alph: said Rose, "but the college underground. much of the group's activity could not talk about any pps- "When J was in school, there wants them to come back as a "The administration is not will be lost in the memories of sibility of pledging. was a faculty advisor for each positive group." naive that there is other the students. This way the Phi Severa! Phi Alpha Mu club on campus doesn't underground activity," said Alpha Mu's can reform and alumni have agreed with the sound like this group had that Rose. "It is a growing concern begin again. college's concern, including benefit," she said. Lighter Side of The Blotter: Bizarre Blanche tary highlights SOllie of the On October 27th, a safe to say some rascal placed Life says we can't have pets, ANDY wu unique coile.) student found a dead possum it there. . but I bet it doesn't say any- STAFFWRlTER In last issue's column, I in the third floor hallway. I'm I say why stop at pos- thing about dead animals! (Editor's Note: at a exposed Blanche's propensity no possum expert, but it sums? I'd love to shake the If you miss your glance, the blotter doesn't reveal for attracting crime. This seems to me that unless pos- hand of the person w~o smug- puppy, go outside and shoot a some of the inane reports to which week, my exposition has been sums are innately attracted to gles a dead stag or gaggle of squirrel or bunny. There's no officers respond. Wu's commell- reinforced. the smell of beer and urine, it's geese into Blanche. Residence difference between petting a live dog and a dead rodent. It's all fur. Another incident, while incredibly unexciting caught my' attention. J really pitied the offender. Just after midnight on November 2nd, a non-student was caught harassing his ex girlfriend. POor fellow was obviously overcome with jeal- ousy. And why shouldn't he be? iarde artments He's back home or at some other school while his high school sweetheart spends all her time fantasizing about the dashing members of the men's soccer team. That's just how it works. People move on to bigger and better things. I'd like to extend an apology to this poor sap and all other jealousy-stricken boyfriends. But it's just not Our fault.
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