Page 43 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 43
NEWS NOVEMBER 3, 2005 -Page 3 Clubroom Policy Change Affects ID Use you're shakin' your groove [in response to an Off-campus Alexander says, "Why not Arpineh Mehrabi believes JENNI EVANS COMMENTARY EDITOR thing with your friends. person causing trouble during take IDs at the door? It's "that it's a really good idea However, in lieu of the a clubroom], but the decision worked out [for the BSUj so because Idon't want to risk [a] An integral part of social recent campus attacks the col- to transfer the policy to all far. We [had] to do; clubroom being shut down life here at McDaniel College, lege's relaxed policy concern- parties is new." in its 0\"111 time, [the policies] because of outsiders ruining clubrooms provide all the ing the attendees of said club- Why specifically is the pol- may lighten up again." things. A clubroom isn't some- basic necessities for weekend rooms is being revised to icy being revised? A pertinent But what if someone out- thing that just happens; every- fun: dancing, drinking and a include a more strict regula- reason is to prevent those out- side the COllege- not a guest thing is planned carefully, so if chance to "get low." Yes, these tion: before you enter a club- side the college from disrupt- of a student - does manage it's shut down early it's a clubrooms - held most often room, you must, as Director of ing student affairs, as previ- admittance into a clubroom waste. Overall, [the new pro- by the campus' sororities and Campus Safety Michael ously mentioned in the BSU's and causes trouble? Would the cedure] provides better securi- fraternities, as well as the Webster puts it, "surrender group sponsoring the club- ty for the students." Black Student Union (BSU) - your photo 10" to be held for In lieu of the incident con- room be held accountable? Only time wiJI tell if this are the perfect opportunity for the duration of your stay. cerning the off-campus trou- "As long as they have all of new implementation to the students to socialize after a It's important to note that blemaker, a meeting was held their ducks in order, then no," college's clubroom policy will hectic week. this revision is not an entirely with Michael Webster, Alexander says. "If there is a be successful. As Amanda Until recently, checking new idea. Head of College Mitchell Alexander, Dean responsible person acting as Rose states, 'It's a safety meas- McDaniel 1D cards at the door Activities Mitchell Alexander Elizabeth Towle, Dean Philip the. door monitor or 'gate ure - that's the best way to put of clubrooms was a very points out that the idea of Sayre and several BSU officers keeper,' then the group would it." lenient practice. You flashed checking IDs at the door origi- in attendance. be ok." your ID for a millisecond, and nated about two years ago: The agreement on the So what do students thi.nk the next thing you know, "The idea began with the BSU of action? As of this new procedure? Senior Three Assaults On Students Shock Campus ("Assault" from page 1) was shock, then fear," she be necessary," stated Webster. on weekends. gery on his nose and is still at but I turned in mid-air said." And when I found out "We're trying to keep as many A detective was home recovering from his and landed on my elbow the details, that he was hurt at people out of the office as we assigned to Joe Byrd's case on injuries. He hopes to return to instead. At that point, I rolled 4 a.m. and J was called by the can and out on patrol." Wednesday, October 12th and McDaniel in the coming away from the group and hospital at 5:30, then I was Between the hours the an arrest was made on Friday, weeks. started sprinting toward pissed. He's a minor and J assaults took place, 2 a.m. and October 14th. The 15-year old His mother, Betty Campus Safety." should have been notified 5 a.m., there would ordinarily juvenile male was identified Carrico, applauds the efforts Byrd arrived at sooner." be seven officers on duty. through a photo lineup and is ofthe Westminster City Police. Campus Safety around 4 a.rn. After x-rays and a According to Webster, on the currently (as of press time) "I am very pleased suffering from a bloody nose catscan, doctors informed morning of the assaults, there being detained by the with the work the detective is and pain in his elbow. Byrd and his mother of his were five officers on duty, as Department of Juvenile doing," she said. "He is very Campus Safety immediately injuries: a broken radial head two officers recently resigned. Justice. He is charged with kind, very respectful, and dispatched officers to search (elbow), broken nose, frac- "The COllege has also one count of 2nd degree compassionate. I know that for the individuals responsible tured sinus cavity, and frac- contracted the Westminster assault. they're doing everything they for the attack. A foot chase tured orbital socket. Carrico's City Police to help patrol the No other information can to get these people." produced one suspect, who frustration was compounded campus as well as have a fixed was able to be obtained The other two assault was identified by Byrd as one when she found that no one post on Pennsylvania Avenue regarding suspects or charges victims, Tim Clare and an of the attackers. Campus from the college stayed with to help deter this type of as the investigation is ongo- unnamed male student, were Safety issued the male an alco- her son while waiting for her event," said Webster. ing. unavailable for comment as of hoI citation and released him. to arrive at the hospital. This initial contract On Tuesday, October press time. The Westminster City Police "I was not happy that with the City Police is tempo- 18th, Joe Byrd underwent sur- were notified immediately of no one from the school stayed rary, and ends October 31, each attack, which is Campus with him," she stated. "They 2005. In addition to the Safety policy. got him to admitting and left increased police presence, A Campus Safety offi- him." Major Dean Brewer of the cer took Byrd to the Carroll Director of Campus Westminster City Police sug~ Westminster Gas Prices County Hospital Emergency Safety Mike Webster has gested yet another precaution room. He was checked in at already responded to some of to McDaniel Administration. 5:20 a.m. His mother, Betty the problems encountered that "There was some 12.80 Carrico, who lives two hours morning, by implementing indication that these individu- $2.70 away in Calvert County, was new policies regarding officer als had attended a party on $2.60 notified of the assault and her patrol schedules as well as campus," stated Brewer. "We $2.50 son's condition by an ER paperwork. In the past regu- suggested that the college $2.40 employee. Iar patrol consisted of two offi- review their rules and guide- $2.30 "The admissions per- cers in a vehicle randomly lines pertaining to off-campus $2.20 son at the hospital called me at patrolling campus, one officer individuals attending par- $2.10 around 5:30 because they picking up service calls, and ties." $2.00 needed permission to treat the rest of the officers on foot. According to Brewer, Wawa Hess Sheetz Shell Joe," recalled Carrico. "When "Now, no more than the increased police presence your phone rings at 5:30 .a.m., one uniformed officer is to be on campus takes place by Jill Stone Prices Compiled you know something's in the office at one time doing between the key hours of the Graphic by Emily Biondo wrong." office work, writing reports, morning: 11p.m. - 2a.m. dur- "The first thing 1 felt or whatever paperwork may ing the week and until 4 a.m. .:Jackets) Ba9s) 5weats~ifs, Scat"ves Cll'\d Mot"el J\Lf~~D 410.848.4370 296.. M(tin 5trcd· Wc,;hnil<\s+ct",,NU)· [110.871.9590 IS UbettyStreet www.yc .....ot"I~..Dl'\i"'nt ... <>m HOlm: Moll-Sat ,()..S, ~ ~M~,,~n,~_S~,~,I~,'~O=~~.~O~p~"~n~La=I~"~O~,,~T~h~"~~_d=o~y~s___ Tlturs '0-8, SUn I-S
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