Page 48 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 48
NOVllMBER 3, ZOO5- Page 8 COMMENTARY Tough Crowd at Pub Collage Created by C. Delivuk; Photos by Kenny Ditto and Indira Gonzalez Comedy Central's "Premium DAVID P. GREISMAN Blend" and VHl's "I Love the STAFF WRITER 80's." If Romont Harris and Desperate to right the ship, Alexandra McHale faced bad lead act Romont Harris nights for comedians, it was jumped on stage, called stu- 4~~? the audience at the Pub at dents into the empty seats up McDaniel College that made it front and attempted to inject ~-M1~e¢? a tough night for comedy. hype and energy into the Despite her being voted show. "Female Entertainer of the 'Harris, a Philadelphian AS A STUDENT OR F.ACULTY Year" by the nation's college comic who looks like Carlton students for' two straight from "The Fresh Prince of Bel years, a majority of Alexandra Air" and has opened for such MEMBER OF MCDANIEL COLlEGE, , McHale's forty-minute open- big names as Martin Lawrence JOIN!NG IS AS EASY AS A $5.00 ing act saw the audience pay- and Chris Rock, was loud, .. Free on-line banking ing little attention, distracted boisterous and crude, all in a by conversation and ringing successful effort to get respect DEFOSITTO A ARST ANANOAL cell phones. McHale soldiered and, just as importantly, * Free checking wrth interest and no minimum balance - Free checks through a routine spotlighted laughter. feU SAVINGS ACCOUNT. FIND included with direct deposit by self-deprecating humor Much of Harris's routine and topical observations, but could be described as X-Rated, 0tJT \AMY B8NG A MEMBER OF A .. Visa- ATM/Debit Cards about a half hour in, the talka- constituted mostly of simulat- tive audience proved to be too ed sex acts involving the CREDIT UNION IS COOt.! *Great rates 00 auto loans aodVjsa~ much of a strain, causing the microphone or its stand that credit cards comedian to curse and ask a cannot otherwise be depicted table to shut up. in a college newspaper. * Access CNer 30.000 surcharge-free After attempting to garner The raunchiness and its Allpoiot""ATMs nationwide laughter with commentary on source's vivaciousness suc- subjects such as the perils of cessfully combated any obsta- being Irish and needing sun- des confronting the night's screen, the inanity of serving comedians. sizes, and the consequences of Harris admitted to his recreational bovine tipping propensity for base, sexual ("and that's why we have mad humor, but as he prepares cow disease"), McHale con- himself to appear on the new tented herself to involving the season of BET's "ComicYiew," half-filled Pub with audience he can know that he has interaction. passed one of the greatest tests McHale rushed offstage that comedians face: going to once her set was complete, off battle with a tough crowd and to continue a career full of col- winning. lege bookings and appear- ances on television shows like
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