Page 41 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 41
Westminster, MD Vol. 4 No.4 Find a photo collage on page 8 and review of the game one page 12 Homecoming Thrills On The Hill INSIDE beat in Dance Dance people realized just how silly week, students also found out ALYSE HOLLOMON Revolution on Wednesday, see they looked." who won Homecoming Court FEATURES EDITOR who could be the most daring Each event had a for their class. For the fresh- The hill was a sea of in Double Dare Challenge on great turnout and it looked man class, the winners were Thursday, and to sing your like students had a lot of fun Tyson Barrett and Daruelle Green cobwebs, green heart out in Karaoke on Friday celebrating Spirit Week. Gagliargi. For the sophomore oozing banners, and green night. "I've been planning class, the winners were Nick and gold balloons were just "lt was fun watching homecoming week since over Tully and Gail Beverage. For some of the festive decora- people do different activities, the summer and to see it be the junior class, the winners tions students saw Monday like virtual Pac Man," said such a success - it's an amaz- were Jason Fratto and Nicole morning to start off the Terror- junior Psychology major ing thing," said Inverso. Carter. Homecoming King Blanche 211 offers a Jillian Hoffman. "I don't think At the end of the (see "Homecoming" on page 2) ! ,,~:,- big screen and drink- fying week of Homecoming. This year's ing decor. See the Homecoming was unique story on Page 5 because it fell on the same so weekend as Halloween, .i.:./ '.. students were able to celebrate these two special occasions together. "We ran out of prizes - downstairs, so I guess Spirit Week is going great!" said jun- ior Psychology major Ellen lnverso who is the Student Government Vice President -~~~ and the main organizer of the Homecoming festivities this McDaniel Dance year. After many meetings Company welcomes and much planning, Inverso determined male and the other members of dancer. Stretch with Student Government planned him on Page 5. out an exciting Spirit Week. This week included a movie night on Monday night, a chance to win a couple of bucks in a money machine on Tuesday, dance to your own The Crab Guys enjoy the Homecoming Parade in Main Street on Saturday, October 28. Humor Lands Hill Alum at CNN "Trust me: From the Hill to journalists a renewed sense of found a voice they lost," and LAURA HUTTON CNN's Anchor Desk," Roberts professional-self ask hard were able to not only report on STAFF WRJTER discussed his career and expe- questions and demand the difficult situation at hand, On Thursday, October 27, riences in journalism, includ- answers for the people who but to also question leaders Thomas Roberts, a 1994 grad- ing the time he spent in New use journalists as their voice." about the way emergency sit- uate of Western Maryland Orleans covering Hurricane Covering Katrina and Rita uations were being handled. Roberts compared watch- Unique Jan-Term College and a primetime news Katrina. He said he hoped to proved to be the "most per- ing the hurricane reports on sonal and most professionally fore CNN Headline anchor course enables stu- News, returned to the Hill to "address how CNN has cov- compelling" time in his career, TV to looking through "the dents to walk the give a speech at McDaniel ered a story like Hurricane Roberts explained. eye of a needle, you get the walk and hear the Lounge. Katrina and Rita. How this He and many journalists destruction, you get the visu- talk. Story on Page 6. During his speech entitled story may have given many covering the tragedies "re- (see "Roberts" 011 pnge4) Byrd Recounts Frightening Assault, Recovery and hooded sweatshirts, around me and the big black SHELLY HORN "Byrd noticed a group of nine males, walking up the driveway guy started dancing around STAFF WRITER. wearing dark clothing and hooded sweatshirts, between Smith House and me like a boxer. Then he hit From 2002 to 2004, walking up the driveway between Smith House Whiteford. me with. a one-two punch McDaniel Department of and Whiteford." "I could see them right in the face," Byrd contin- "J pushed him off and ued. Campus Safety (DoCS) statis- coming toward me in the got in one good punch, but tics report a total of three on- a.m. and 5 a.m.. three male He had completed two per- moonlight - four black guys, campus assaults, reflecting an McDaniel College students formances of "Quake" at the two Hispanic guys, and the then the others started throw- unusually safe campus locat- were physically assaulted on McDaniel Theater and had rest were white - I was pretty blows from behind me - ed in a county that also boasts campus by non-students. attended a cast party after the sure they weren't students," one hit my nose, another hit said Byrd. my cheekbone." "At that point I low crime statisticS. One of the students, last performance ended. "1 was trying to get However, early in the freshman Joe Byrd, a Political Shortly after walking walked faster." morning on Sunday, October Science major and theater a fellow cast member, Kasey Unfortunately, it was away - then they picked me up by my arms and threw me. 9, 200S, these three-year statis- minor, was assaulted on the Decker. back to her dorm, not fast enough. I would have landed 011 my Byrd noticed a group of nine "The group cornered tics were matched in a matter sidewalks in front of Smith males, wearing dark clothing me by forming a horseshoe face (see "Assault" 011 page 3) of a few hours. Between 2 House shortly before 4 a.m.
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