Page 42 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 42
NOVEMBER 3, 2005 ' Page 2 NEWS Rouzer Construction to Begin Next Summer DAVID P GREISMAN Although installing the safety will be upgraded with Impact on room use. amount of time for the renova- STAFFWRITER lounges caused "a modest the installation of a building- According to Seidel, the Hans to be completed, school reduction in the building pop- wide sprinkler system. division of the construction - officials were looking at losses The first of a two-part plan ulation," Seidel notes that the SeideJ anticipates that with into two separate projects that of up to 90 beds. to renovate, modernize and ensuing work should not the exception of the tower, the do not rely on each other - "We're trying to confirm the improve the generally poor inconvenience the hall's resl- construction will be complet- minimized the disruption and certainty that this is the way it perception of Rouzer Hall will dents, nor will it create a long- ed before the Fall 2006 semes- inconveniencing of student will be done," cautions Seidel, take place in the summer of term change in Rouzer's ter begins. While tower work life. Had the work been "but we're fairly confident 2006, with the completion of capacity. may continue into the fall, planned otherwise as a contin- that [the construction] will the second scheduled to wrap The first phase will com- Seidel says that it should not uous effort, so as to lessen the happen this way." up prior to the opening of the mence following next spring's disrupt the building's resi- Fall 2007 semester. graduation, the construction dents. To prevent students According to Dr. Ethan of a four story "entry tower" from being distracted by any Seidel, vice president for in front of Rouzer's existing noise, the bedrooms on the administration and finance, entrance, conceptually upper three levels on either the plan "involves pretty designed largely of windows. side of the tower may not be extensive renovation to The tower would effectively used, a loss of approximately Rouzer Hall, including some eliminate the current over- twelve beds for the fall semes- additions to the building, as hang, as well as expand the ter only. well as refurbishing the exist- size of the first-floor lobby and Summer 2007 will see the ing [interior]." the lounges on the second, mechanical and electrical The precursor to the third and fourth floors. phases of construction, work upcoming renovations Along with the summer's that will take place mostly in involved the construction of visible exterior work, the the rooms themselves. student lounges during the school has planned aesthetic The school will upgrade summer of 2005, said Seidel, a renovations inside, including Rouzer's electrical and heat- staff member of the McDaniel spruced up stairwells with ing systems, installing air con- College Trustee Committee on new wall coverings, and new ditlorung for the whole build- Buildings and Grounds, flooring throughout the build- tng, laying pipes and upgrad- Lounges were built on each ing. And as has been done ing the electrical service to the floor, resulting in a loss of six- with other recent major resi- entire Rouzer/Decker com- teen beds. dence hall- projects, Rouzer's plex. There is no expected Plans for renovated Rouzer Homecoming Festivities Enjoyable for All (from "Homecoming=on Page 1) those alumni who Iwas fortu- "I think all the groups The floats made their This carefree atmos- and Queen for the senior class nate to know while they were were really creative with their way into the packed stadium, phere carried long into the were Stewart Johnson and students here and they are floats," said sophomore where the Hill was covered in night with current students Angie Fiore. proud to introduce me to their Sociology major Caroline themed Greek letters or letters celebrating Homecoming and Saturday was the day spouses and newborns." Gannon. "They made their representing other organiza- Halloween at various parties. students, alumni, and faculty The day started off floats fun and interesting to tions on campus. The smell of The football team still went alike had been waiting for all early with alumni and faculty look at." grilling filled the air. out and had a good time too. week. arriving hours before the In the end, the Dance Unfortunately, with "Sometimes you learn "Homecoming is game to claim acIose parking Team won first place with all of this excitement; the more from failure, especially absolutely special!" said Joyce spot and to get ready for the their mix of a "terror-tying" Green Terror football team Homecoming night when you Muiler, Associate Vice parade, while students in var- float and routine, while the couldn't pull out a learn how important good President of Communications ious groups and organizations Isisters of Phi Sigma Sigma Homecoming victory. Even friends, good music, and good and Marketing. "It's awesome prepared their floats for the won second place with their without the win, the Hill was drinks can be after an over- to see alumni come back to the parade. The parade brought "terror-fytng" football themed filled with people laughing, time loss," said sophomore Hill and fill Bair Stadium, plus out some Westminster natives float. The Black Student Union reminiscing, eating and drink- History major Joe Barndt. more students join in too. J and McDaniel students and won third place with another ing, and just having a good always look forward to seeing their families. "terror-fying" themed float. time. Lighter Side of The Blotter: Bizarre Blanche officers respond. WI/'S cOlllmen- evil genius or a flat out psy- and placed a silver putty sub- this Crime, probably Asian. So ANDYWU tary highlights some of the cho. Surprisingly, in this case, stance on the steps handrail look out Asian honor stu- STAFF WRITER unique calls.) I've got to suggest the latter. leading to the mechanical dents, I'm on to you. (Editor's Note: at a When campus safety On October 5, an room. Mike Webster and the Aside from the malicious glance, the blotter doesn't reveal can't even explain a crime, unknown per:son shut off an rest of campus safety were disposition of my brethren on someo!the inane reports to which you have yourself either an air conditioning run off hose baffled. campus, T learned that No could Blanche is an absolutely determine a motive wretched place to live. or intent for the sit- On the 22nd of October, a uation. pair of former middle school Personally, I bullies found their way into think we have our- the hallways of Blanche. They selves a sadistic knocked on doors and pushed Mac G y v e r whoever answered to the wannabe. floor, only to walk away and Unsatisfied bask in their impressive abili- with petty vandal- ty to shove women to the ism, this villainous ground. mastermind con- That same night, two stu- structed a scenario dents were caught urinating in which he could on the wall. Add the vagrant arrogantly flaunt from New York found sleep- his superior intel- ing in a hallway of the build- lect. Who knows ing, and we have three good what he was plan- reasons to avoid Blanche in rung. I certainly the room lottery. lack the capacity to You've got wife-beating comprehend his bullies wandering around, wicked plot. crazy homeless men napping The point is, everywhere, and people piss- he's probably an ing all over the place. I'd honor student and rather live in Rouzer. considering the mechanical and sci- entific nature of
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