Page 45 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 45
FEATURES NOVEMBER 3, 2005- Page 5 SC~D?21F~!~2~!~!!~yhen a 65 inch TV Calls STAFFWRITER ture to enjoy such an enor- . Lang contends that moue TV. It is an equally enor- this room is unquestionably Don't like class? Sick mous sectional couch that eats the best on campus. "I know of all these professors assign- up about a third of the room. we have the best room on ing work? How are students You have to climb over it to campus, and you know it supposed to play video games reach the beds and refrigera- too." and watch TV all day? tor. If the quality of a From the looks of The room is lavishly room is measured by the their room, Nick Hall and and brilliantly decorated with amount of work forgotten Tony Lang just don't worry porn star posters, black lights, about, this room is without a about having "responsibility" and a tree. "I think the tree doubt the best at McDaniel. So or "a work ethic." After ali, adds a homey feeling," Hall if you're interested in not there's no need to write explains, "I love the tree." being interested in school, papers when you can watch Also adding a homey head over to Blanche, but be movies on a massive 65 inch feeling, Nick and Tony's pet wary of Jazz. television. bear Jazz guards over the 211 Blanche also roommates ferociously yet Blanche 211 displays their impressive collection of drinking items. ANOVWlJ An Ode to the Ballerino What do you Company President Rachel lilt just means my legs can't EMILY BIONDO Johnston, Trzcinski may not go as high as theirs," Trzcinski think about STAFF WRITER be on the same level as the said 50 ballet shoes. 25 dancers. R&B artist, but he is certainly Johnston agrees-her eval- diversity on 12 routines. 8 counts per making progress. uation of Trzcinski's abilities measure. 2 practices a week. "He's getting more of the lies in one key factor which campus? Incredible amounts of chore- steps," said Johnston upon definitively sets him apart ography to learn. reviewing his first practice. "I from the rest of the Company: One male dancer. could tell that he had never his attitude. Freshman Greg Trzcinski, danced before, but l could "He's definitely one of the Compiled by Chanan Delivuk the sale keeper of testosterone already see improvement." most enthusiastic ones ... he in this year's McDaniel That first practice was jazz, may not be the best, but he's College Dance Company, and Trzcinski knew he would walked into the first meeting run into some trouble before Dance Company "Honestly, I dent' really among a veritable sea of girls. the horn was up. The routines Information feel there is a lot of "I want to dance," said were a new experience, but The McDaniel Dance Trzcinski. "And [then] I overall, he feels his perform- Company meets two hours diversity on campus. I whipped out the little pam- ance was satisfactory. a week in two to three ses- havent't met people of phlet that said 'no experience "I actually remember a lot sions. President and cho- different backgrounds, necessary," A first time of it, except for the jumping reographer Rachel especially middle dancer, Trzcinski was lured by around part of it," Trzcinski Johnston encourages any- Eastern/European, like the chance at securing sweeter states. Along with this 'jump- One to join, as new mem- moves. ing part' came another hard- bers are still welcomed. myself." "[I'm here] so I can look ship that sets Trzcinski apart Christina Theoharis, '06 At each practice, mem- good at dances-impress peo- once more from the girls of the bers learn new genres of pie," he said. "Well, I want to company: difficulty stretch- dance and new routines, learn to dance, not just hop ing. all of which will culminate around." His motivation "I'm not really into performances for vari- comes from seeing the mod- flexible ... and when you have ous McDaniel events as "[Diversity] I think it's ern movers and shakers, most to do two things like with well as a dance recital on here, but I don't think noticeably a certain hip-hop- arms and feet, it just doesn't April 1st in Alumni Hall per with a smooth voice and happen," he said, shaking his open to on and off-campus there is as much as even smoother moves. head. However, Trzcinski attendance. people think there is-- "Ever seen Usher dance? does not consider this obstacle Information Rachel more segregation than It's so sick," Trzcinski said. to be fatal to any dancing Johnston at Ext. 8031. diversity--more of a mix According to Dance career, least of all his own. is needed, even among V::u FeetDown,P"kTh:1 Cricket Carter, pub night shift males and females." supervisor ~ V ':'~:ccess is loving life and "Diversity on campus to me is OK, but I feel it could be more diverse as daring to live it." far as minorities and ~ Maya Angelou international students." Wayne Mack, '06 Success is indeed loving your life. It doesn't matter if you turn out to be wealthy and being the envy of all your-friends, if you don't enjoy what you're doing, you're wast- "I theink we just need ing your natural talents. more diversity, ..rnore clubs and interaction -Torreka Jordan among students." Got a nice crib or hot ride? Wanna see it in the Free Press? Give Beth a call at x8352 Kaha Hashi, '06
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