Page 38 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 38
OCTOBER 13,'2005 - Page 10 COMMENTARY For the Money, Glar Should Offer More becomes steak. Steak back into oPINION denee hall. ITthis student uses plan. If we were not forced to KEN BUERGER meatballs. It's McDaniel's exactly all 175 meals, it will buy a meal plan, we could buy STAFF WRITER own theory of evolution. How Although the cafeteria tries to average out to be seven dol- all of our books for our entire It is 12:30, Monday do 1know this? The taste is the provide variety, the food ulti- lars every time their card is stay here at McDaniel with afternoon at McDaniel key. It all tastes the same. The mately comes from the same swiped. Let's compare to this that money. This brings me to College. In other words, it's food at McDaniel rivals source. No matter how much to yet another con Ference my next point, why are people rush hour, a mad scramble for Britney Spears' fashion sense they try, the quality of food rival, Muhlenberg College that do not even go to this Englar dining hall. My stom- in tastelessness. Tn other will stay the same and no new where the average card swipe school paying less for food ach is threatening to devour words, food at McDaniel is ideas and resources are used is also seven dollars. than the people that are my kidneys if Idon't eat soon horrible and is not worth the in the making of said food. However, the options at already pumping in over 1 take my place in line at 12:31 price of the meal plan. Therefore, our campus needs Muhlenberg are much more $26,000 per year in tuition? realizing I've come too late. Based on how help from the outside world. extensive. Their everyday Shouldn't it be the other way The bookstore on my right, the much we pay for the meal Today's college foods feature some of our spe- around? pub on my left, and a long plan.. the quality of food campuses feature restaurants cials, such as Mexican food Now, please don't get me wait ahead of me. should be much higher than it such as Chick-Fil-A, Taco Belt and steak In addition, there wrong, there are various An hour later l'm on the is. The cafeteria is perpetually KFC and Subway. In fact, are seven other restaurants on nights throughout the year verge of passing out. My stuck in the 19th century, according to their website, our campus, including a grille, where the food is very tolera- stomach has long since fin- refusing to branch out into conference rival Johns deli, pizza parlor and a mini ble. The steak and lobster tshed with the kidneys and is modern day campus delicacy. Hopkins features five differ- grocery store. Clearly, night was a success, the wraps moving on to my pancreas The variety of edible food (we ent dining options including McDaniel is far behind our are very well made and the and gall bladder. The only aren't talking about the hock- two cafs. Another rival, peers in dining options based meatball subs are downright thing keeping me alive is the ey puck hamburgers here) is Franklin & Marshall also has on the price. tasty. Cooking for over a thou- almost heavenly hymns of sorely lacking. Our home five options including a Lastly, and perhaps most sand people every single day Cecilia, the card-swiper lady. needs more options. Our Mexican restaurant and a shocking, is the fact that stu- is a feat in itself. The cafeteria My insides are grumbling so home needs a better food serv- Quiznos. We have the pub, dents are forced to pay more does the best it can with the loudly, Ican barely hear her as ice. yes, but the menu stays the than they have to for their resources it has. (I really hope she swipes my card and says, Day after day, week same throughout the year. The food. As aforementioned, the they don't put arsenic in my "Here you go sweetie." J take after week, the food remains matter of the fact is that our average swipe is seven dollars food now.) Unfortunately, the one step. into CLAR, and more consistent than Cal campus is sorely lacking in per visit. However, the prices standards for campus dining that's when it hits me. That Ripken Jr. One can choose options and lackluster when set for guests are much lower. are on the rise and our school smell. The smell of six-year- from the burnt pizza, overly compared to the average coI- Prices for the guests are as fol- is being left behind. old gym socks and garlic. My salted grilled cheese, or soggy lege campus, especially con- lows: Breakfast-$3.15, Lunch- All in all, our cafeteria is stomach immediately shuts sandwich. Every day, there is ' sidermg how much we pay for $6.00, Dinner-$8.50. Averaging in serious need of repair. After up and shrinks to the size of a a daily "special." For example, tuition and meal plans. out all three meals over a J75 being here for only a month it dime. Clearly, it wanted food. there are turkey fajitas (which Based on the average meal meal period yields an average is very apparent to me that the Real food. I've come to the tasted a lot like beef) the rock plan for a student, we should of $5.83 per swipe, or a total of quality of food does not match wrong place. hard chicken breast, and the be seeing a higher quality $1,029.58. Overall, guests pay the price that we pay for it. The cafeteria workers terlyaki pork available for meal in front of us. According less than we do, $195.41 per Adding insult to injury is the might as well be alchemists. your dining pleasure. Even as to the McDaniel dining service semester to be exact. That's fact that comparable schools They melt down the previous Iwrite this, Iam digesting the website, an upperclassman is $390.83 per year, or $1,563.33 in our conference boast dining day's entree, shaping it into very first green crab cake I required to buy a 175 meal over a four year span, all for options that dwarf ours drasti- meatballs The meatballs have ever seen, let alone eaten. plan at $1,225 per semester if the exact same food you cally. Iwant more bang for my evolve into chicken. Chicken (This is Maryland, right?) they live in a traditional resi- already buy with the meal buck. 1. want food. + + + + YOUR NEW CAR AS SHOWN 817,3BOt! 'EPAESlIWIEDMl'G fOR2005 ccroUASIIODR 1&124 Sf'EED pjf]O. AClUAlMlI£AG£ MAY'HIRY."M!IP fOR 200651'00 IIODR 1&12 EXC1UDNGTAX,lAGSAND lICINSE Illi. DfAlERSElSFNoIlllllCE
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