Page 39 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 39
SPORTS OcrOBER 13, 2005 - Page 11 Fifth Year Seniors Return With Success years of full-time enrollment. sian to play football this Everything was positive that better player this season. PAT O'TOOLE The way it normally works is STAFF WRITER semester was not an easy one. he chose to do that." Lee's late decision to that a year of eligibility is used He had to come back to stu- Lee's season thus far play caused him to miss off- Being a student-ath- up when an athlete plays his dent-teach either way, and has been very lucrative. He is season training, and he is very lete is inarguably one of the or her first game, but there are over the summer he came to a tied for second on the team grateful to the other players most trying experiences a per- exceptions to that system. If conclusion that led him to-sign with 31 tackles from his free for looking past that and still son can go through. Finding an injury occurs in the first on for one more year as a safety position. accepting him as a teammate. that perfect balance of doing half of the season and the ath- Terror. Lee said that having "I felt a little awkward school work, having a social lete has played in no more "I decided to come the same defensive coordina- at first," he said. "The guys life, and playing a sport is than one-third of the team's back because it would have tor in Coach Brad Fordyce and really welcomed me with something that not everyone games, he or she can petition been one of the biggest mis- being comfortable with the open arms. I'm loving every is cut out for. the Centennial Conference for takes of my life if I hadn't," he defensive schemes and the minute of being with these For fifth-year senior a medical hardship waiver said. "Playing collegiate players around him have all guys." Andy Lee, however, there is (often referred to as a medical sports is such a great opportu- been factors in making him a an even more difficult set of redshlrt) that allows for one nity. If 1 hadn't come back, I roles to fill this semester: more year of eligibility. In would have regretted it." teacher-athlete. The standout order to use that extra year, Lee knew that playing football player is student- the student must be enrolled football while teaching was teaching at Northwest Middle full-time at the institution. going to. be tough, and he in Taneytown as the last step "There's always a few acknowledges that it has on his path to becoming a [students with medical hard- required taking time away physical education teacher. ship waivers] a year," Smith from other aspects of his life. The experience, said. "We have them in multi- "I'm managing," he though strenuous, is one that ple sports." said. "I figure if I can do this, Lee enjoys greatly. A common rnisper- when Iactually do start teach- "T kind of teach foot- ception is that students come ing it should be a breeze." ball and then I go play it," he back for a fifth year solely for Tim Keating, head said. the purpose of playing their coach of the football team, Lee's opportunity to sparr At a private institution understood that it was going play football in his fifth year where being enrolled is a to be hard for Lee to come was facilitated by an injury he major financial obligation, back for a fifth year. When sustained in his sophomore doing so would simply be Keating learned of Lee's deci- year - a broken ankle only impractical. sion, he knew that it was three games into the season. "I think it's an added going to be a good thing for According to Jamie benefit to play the sport," the team. Smith, McDaniel's Athletic Smith said. "It's not my sense "You can't beat expe- Director, college students are that they're doing it just to rience," Keating said. "He's eligible to play sports for four come back to play." still young; he's still talented years within their first five In Lee's case, the deci- and strong. That was good. Sports Roundup: Soccer is Solid Cross Country and Field Hockey MEREDITH ADAMS for the whole 90 minutes of the game and not just in the STAFF WRITER beginning. TODD KNEPPER Field HOCkey: After a entering the postseason. As the season con- "Things have really STAFF WRITER 5 game skid with only 1 victo- Women's Soccer: ry, the girls seem to be back on With a 1-2-1 Conference tinues, the Women's Soccer started coming together for Cross Country: The track heading into a e-game record, The Women's Soccer team continues to progress us since the beginning of the Green Terror Men's and Centennial Conference gaunt- team understands the tmpor- with a current record of 5-5- season," comments junior Women's teams finished over- let. The momentum was born tance of walking away victori- 1. Their proudest moment so defender Meagan Mattson. all among the top half of the with a notable double over- ous from games in which they far this season has been their "We were shaky at first but competition recently (Oct 1) at time loss to the nation's sec- are favored to win. 6 'whole win against Cetrysburg. now we have great team the Dickinson Invitational in and best team (Ursinus) and a league games remain for the "Beating Cetrysburg was a chemistry and everyone is Carlisle, PA. This event not 5-2 wailing of Dickinson. As ladies to fight there way back big deal to us," explains sen- stepping up and playing only featured an 8k Men's and Freshmen Goalkeeper Erika up to the top, it's surely possi- ior captain Tara Healy. with a lot of heart." 6k Women's run, but also fea- Wawzyanick continues to nes- ble. Keeper, Michelle Mullen "They were conference Senior goalie tured a short course run meas- tle into the collegiate nets, the looks to add to her 3 previous champs last year and we Michelle MuJlen concludes, uring 4 kilometers. The Terror frontline hopes to con- shutouts as Tara Healy and haven't won against them "Our overall goal for the sea- team's best personal finish tinue to outscore the others. Sarah Wallace tally away on the past 18 times we've son of course is still to win came from Senior Paul Hugus Dani Unflat, Caitlin Potter, goal. You can check out the played them." the conference, but right who clocked in at 12:54.7. The and recently added attacking Terror try to edge there way to While the girls feel now it's more important to squad looks to catch their sec- sensation Colleen Nugent the top on the 15th and 19th of. that they have greatly focus on winning each indi- ond wind down the final help the Terror post nearly 4 this month here on campus. improved when it comes to vidual game and making stretch of the season heading goals each game. This kind of finding each other on the sure our level of play peaks into Nationals. production will be necessary field. they agree that they going into the playoffs." need to start playing intensly Cross Country Team Runs Towards Victory As a team consisting During their only home meet optimistic. Dickinson and Muhlenberg." LAURA HUTTON mainly of freshmen, one of the year, they came in sec- "Things are looking Some members of the STAFF WRlTER might easily discount them ond place, which is the highest really good for us, Their are a team made time in their ardu- The Cross Country and their ability; however, they have been at this meet in lot of really good teams in our ous schedules to show their team knows how to get the job they are holding their ground six years. conference that we mayor compassion for the victims of done and have fun in the and going strong during this .. At the Dickinson may not finish ahead of, but Katrina. They participated in process. Cheering each other impressive season. Freshmen Invitational on October I, the either way we'll run fast and a Katrina Relief run in on as the run grueling prac- Cody Crutchley, presents this men finished 9th of 29 and the have fun too," she said. Walkersville. tices up and down the hills on initial opinion held by many: women finished 16th of 34, a With important meets in Kelly recalls her experi- the golf course is just part of "This season so far has strong showing. So, "this sea- the future, Cody demonstrates ence in her senior year of cross the game. . impressed a lot of us because son has started out pretty well confidence in the ability of the country, "for me personally, Their performance m with a team that is freshman and we all are now ready to team. this is my best year yet for meets has demonstrated that heavy a lot of speculation was dig into cross country and "We have good expec- cross country. I'm finding they are a force to be .reckoned probably (made) as to how we starting honing our abilities as tations for the rest of the sea- more and more that this is a with; especially SIl1C~ the would size up." a team", says Cady. son since everyday we are all very mental sport and that "men's team is ranked III the On September 2 at their With about one month becoming stronger, we hope to this year my thinking has Mideast Region Coaches' P~ll first meet, The Baltimore remaining for competition, the do well at pre-nationals com- changed so that r no longer for the first time in school his- Invitational at Oregon Ridge team looks to what they ing up and place well in think that I cannot run any tory. We've been as high as Park, Green Terror XC tied for expect as the season comes to Conference and regionals faster, you can always run 13th", Coach Renner adds. first with Johns Hopkins. a close. Senior Kelly Gruber is against competition such as faster, you just have to try."
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